My Amy Bento's workouts are here

RE: Need opinion...

>That being said - when I tried to do kb extreme - I couldn't
>get past the firt combo. I know I will have to give it
>another try. But I must say when she did the left jab and
>then went right into a right hook (back hand) it completely
>threw me off. I really couldn't get past that.

I knew immediately when I previewed the workout that I'd have to change any of the 'jab-back hook' combos to make it acceptable to me (it's pretty obvious Amy didn't have any input from someone who knows martial arts or boxing). Did you see my post above with modifications (12 of them! maybe more that I forgot to write down, or couldn't read after the fact!)? I found that by doing them, I made the workout work for me, and it ended up being a good workout.

That 'front jab, rear hook' is also a move where I can imagine some people who aren't up on actual good kickbox form could end up hurting themselves.

I think a 'workout that could have been really good, but fails' often frustrates me more than a 'workout that is crap from beginning to end." The latter just goes on my 'get rid of' pile with no afterthought (unless someone asks for opinions on it), but the former make me wish it had been done 'my way'!
RE: Need opinion...


I have to say, if I hadn't read your post showing the modifications you came up with, I think this one may have gone in my dust collector pile. God knows I have tons of those. I am not as creative as you, and modifying would not have come too easily for me. Especially as much modification as I feel this workout would need to make it effective for me. I know a lot of people get annoyed when they hear anything negative about Amy, but I don't think any one is saying anything personal against Amy. In fact, we like her enough to want to make her workouts fit for us.

I am looking forward to trying this workout again using some of your modifications and also including a couple I came up with as I was previewing it again yesterday. Definitely a stronger speedbag, lol, and maybe doing a jump front-kick where Amy does a jump side kick. At least now I have some ideas to work with.

Thanks Kathryn.

RE: Need opinion...

Kathryn & Iris - I guess you ladies are not big fans of Turbo Jam either then? I just like to have fun. It doesn't have to be perfect martial arts form for me to do so.

Lora (who loves Turbo Jam and it gets my HR up higher than any other Kickboxing!)
RE: Need opinion...

Hi Lora,

I actually LOVE Turbo Jam. I have every single one she's done and am waiting for the last two to arrive. I can't wait. I don't have a problem at all with T.J. If there is something wrong with Chalene's form, I haven't really noticed. The only thing I modify in her workouts are the back kick. I do mine Tae-bo style, just because it feels better to me. Yes, T.J. workouts are a lot of fun.

RE: Need opinion...

>Kathryn & Iris - I guess you ladies are not big fans of Turbo
>Jam either then? I just like to have fun. It doesn't have to
>be perfect martial arts form for me to do so.

I've seen two of the workouts, and the infomercial, and it doesn't tempt me in the least. (The 'dancy' part of it turns me off more than the form).
RE: Need opinion...

>Kathryn & Iris - I guess you ladies are not big fans of Turbo
>Jam either then? I just like to have fun. It doesn't have to
>be perfect martial arts form for me to do so.

I've seen two of the workouts, and the infomercial, and it doesn't tempt me in the least. (The 'dancy' part of it turns me off more than the form).

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