My 1st double digit run!


My 1st half marathon is on Labor Day, and today was my 1st scheduled 10 miler. I've never, ever, ever done a double digit run, and I've only done 8 miles maybe twice.

It was scheduled for yesterday, but I had to work, so I tried it in the afternoon. It didn't feel too warm when I first went out yesterday, but not far into it, it was hot hot hot!! I made it a little more than 3 miles yesterday and called it a day. It wasn't going to happen. I'm def a morning runner, when it's not quite so warm. The fact that I hate Summer doesn't help, either. Figured I'd try it again today. After all, tomorrow is another day :p

Rolled out of bed this morning, ate, coffee, and was ready to go. I ran the whole thing!!! It really wasn't that bad. Had a couple of big hills, but rerouted my original route to take out 2 puke worthy ones. I run those 2 for extra endurance and conditioning, not because I like them. So I figured if I wanted to make it all the way thru, I'd drop those out. The last half mile was the longest half mile I've ever run, though. It didn't want to end:p I finished up my 10 miles at about 1:47 by my watch. I normally run about a 10 min mile (yeah, slow, I know) so that wasn't too far off for the increase in mileage.

Big confidence booster the 13.1 coming up. Now I KNOW I can do it.

I think I'm going to sit on my tush the rest of the day, though. I'm all done. And I'm starving. Watch out kitchen! Just polished off some oatmeal, banana, and almond milk. Will give that a minute to register with my body, and I should be all good.

Eek!!! Excited! Had to share!

Nan :D:p:):):):):)
that is what i want to do too. and dont even worry about the slow mile. i'm like that too. lazy sprinters(my dh lol not making fun of cathe sprinters) dont even want to run more than 1 mile. u go girl! someday i'll run 10 miles too.
OMG! I was starving when I got back from my 8 mile run this morning! Of course, I was soaking wet and dripping all over, too! Had to strip, dry off and get my shower before I could eat! Those long runs really make you hungry!

Congrats Nan! An awesome accomplishment!
Great job! I have done 5.25 outside tops but someday I am hoping to hit 10 miles too! I love summer, but not really for running outside! I am an evening runner & I can say that it just doesn't quite get cool enough to make a difference for me yet. Once it's dipping into the 60s, it'll start to get perfect! When I run in the morning, I go straight from bed & I have 2 problems, my nose runs like crazy & I am parched mid-run! Darn work, messing up my schedule ;)
Way to go Nan!! I have been a distance runner for awhile and love the longer mile training! Seems like you did well calling the run off early with the heat and waiting a day. Never worry about thinking you are too still completed your first double digit run!! Woo Hoo!! IA a great confidence booster for your upcoming HM. Good luck and let us know how it goes!..:)
Congrats! That's awesome! 10 minute miles aren't slow in my book; I'm the queen of the 12-minute mile so you leave me in the dust!!! :D And you'll rock the 1/2 marathon coming up. Woo!
WOO-HOO, Nan! You're all ready to kick some asphalt in your HM. Good luck, and yes, please do share your race report with us!
WTG Nan!!:D That's one heckuva deserve some extra eats.;)
Best of luck with that HM and, like Cathy said, keep us posted on that. You should be proud of that time.....there's not many people I know that can run for 1:47 stand up and be proud!!!!!

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