Music for Shock Cardio Step??


Hi - I haven't been in the forum for quite awhile so forgive me if I'm asking a question that has already been addressed. Actually, it probably has but I just missed it and don't know where to look for it. And... nobody has answered my question elsewhere... What kind of music are you planning on using for these workouts? I'm one that loved the music in Rhythmic Step, Step Blast, and so forth. Thanks!
You love the music in Rhythmic Step???????????????
Oh dear God... I wrote to Cathe and suggested she gave this task to DJ Brian to paste new music over her existing wonderful workout because I sometimes wish I could exercise in mute - that's how I HATE this music!!! Especially in the second combo when this woman starts vocalizing..... it's like a knife is scaping in my brain!
But Cathe only thanked me for "my honest feedback" :(
I like the music in Rhythmic Step too. though I think I like Step Blast's music better.

Some of the music in the older workouts (mid to late 90s) drives me nuts, though.

Like you said, to each her own!
My favorite music is in IMAX 3. Gotta love the 80s new wave remixes!!!!! I'm a huge 80s girl.

But I do also love Rhythmic Step & Step Blast's music as well :D

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