Muscle Max - my new Favorite!


I think I may have mentioned this before, but Muscle Max is definitely my new total body favorite. I love the exercises, I love the pace, I love the stretch, I love the outfits, I love the crew, and I love the music! (Now that's some love!) :) :) Everything about this workout clicks for me and I love that too!!! :) :)

Jo :+ :+ :+
Glad to hear that you love this workout. I ordered it a couple days ago. Looking forward to it.

Would you believe I haven't done it yet?!? Seems I'm stuck in a Gym Style rotation and I'm loving it. I'll have to give MM a try tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder!

I LOVE Muscle Max, too. The chest work is my favorite, with those flyes where you turn your hands to face you as you go up. Great burn! I also love how Cathe plays with the counts during push-ups. I'm grunting and groaning by the end.:)

I really like this one as well. The pace it takes is good. I am using it with GS. Great workout.
Diane Sue
I did it for the first time yesterday and I loved it too! I also use it together with GS. Mari
I did it for the first time last Wednesday and I have to say I love it! My arms are still burning. I think it was the dynaband part of the workout that did it. It takes alot to make me sore, I haven't felt this sore since I started working out 12 years ago! OUCH!
This is my second favorite HC workout (HSC being my absolute fav). I've done it THREE times this week. I too love the pace, music, outfits, etc. I love all the newer moves in this workout than from the Intensity series, like bb pull overs and db plies.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Yes I really like this one too!!:D The time seems to just FLY by!!
I love the way those bands work the muslces!!

I was just wondering yesterday when I was doing MM when Cathe started the scissor jacks the music sounds kinda weird like white noise. Did any of you happen to notice on yours???

I'm doing this one today and have to say I can't wait. My schedule is making me wait until later this evening, but I'm soooo looking forward to it!
Hai Jo,

It,s my favorite too,and that band!!!! oh my god,
but only I think that the band is to short or I am to tall
wen I did the shoulders I couldn,t get my arm straight up,
(or maybe I am a wimp)but I liked it very much.

Finally did this one today! I really, really love it. I couldn't coomplete alll the static lunges on one side because of my healing knee but did all the rest.

I'm in love with those plie squats that switch hands!


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