Multiple Dog Owners...Look Here!

I have four dogs, and I'd have more, but I'm afraid I'd have to get a new husband. No problem whatsoever. We have a fenced area where they can play together. They get along . . . well enough. There's the occasional squabble, but it's no big deal. Nobody draws blood or anything. They're just arguing about who's in charge, but everybody really knows it's Ani, our ten-year-old, arthritic, four-pound Maltese, who keeps them all in line quite well in the end.

We did make one concession. We have wood floors and throw rugs rather than wall-to-wall carpet. There can be quite a few accidents with this many dogs and we don't want the house to smell "doggy." Also, all of our dogs are small, and non of them shed (allergies).

On the plus side, I sleep warm (they all sleep in the bed), I wake up every morning to mucho love and kisses. I don't need t.v. or video games, but there's always something interesting to watch. Everybody's soooo happy when I snap the lid on my coffee cup in the morning and we go to my office to read the paper. And I never come home to an empty house.

Get another dog. More to love. :D

Thanks Cynthia! When we first got Lola (the all black one), she had been a stray and easily let herself get out of control when playing (not fighting, but just didn't know how to calm down from rough playing). When we were at school/work, she stayed in a kennel to avoid problems. She didn't have to do that too long, but for a while we used a baby gate to separate them sometimes...not because they weren't getting along, but because their play was really rough and they needed a time out. LOL They've both mellowed out some (they're 3 and 2) but still get kicked outside when they're rough housing all over the house. I've also found the TWO of them playing in our single person shower stall in the downstairs bathroom...all you see from them is a tail sticking out. They're the goofiest dogs.

BTW, I like that our local shelter requires you to bring any other pets (dogs/cats) you have to the shelter to see that they get along before you are allowed to take them home. It reduces returns that way. They have a double dog run where you put your dog in one, the shelter dog in the other (they're connected on the long side). If it looks promising then they will put them together in the same run to play together.
I had five dogs, until one recently passed away. They are one of the biggest joys and loves in my life! Every one of them is different, not just in breed, but in personalities, and they are so much fun. One is a mellow golden retriever, one is a hyper little Cairn terrier, another is a Papillion, and not to be left out the Rottweiler-German Shepherd. I stopped at the shelter to make a donation the other night, and my husband was surprised I didn't come home with another. We also have two cats, but it is the dogs I'm crazy about. A couple of years ago for our 25th anniversary, I wrote a list of the 25 things I love most about my hub, and I think putting up with my dogs was number 4. He was surprised I didn't just write 25 things I love about them. Seriously, he was never a pet person before, and now he is completely besotted also.
A big thing to consider is whether or not you have the time. Best of luck with your decision.
I love having two!! I would add another but worry it would upset the perfect pair I have now. :)
My girl boxer was our first. I'm bragging, but she has wonderful manners. We decided to add a baby brother and it just so happens she mothered him. She sort of guided him when he was doing something wrong. It's funny, she would get my attention if he was up to no good (like digging up a newly planted bush in the backyard:eek:). She was a little snitch! LOL
They have their little spats here and there, but they love each other.
This is their first picture together.

OMG,your boxers are gorgeous! My DH wants a boxer one day...

We have two dogs,one stays inside and one i can't really help with anything. Good Luck, and Good for you for adopting!
Jill & Cynthia - Great pictures!! :):):)

I used to have a two dog household, a Boston Terrier (female) and Boxer (male). Chelsea (Boston) immediately took on a "mothering" attitude toward Gunther (Boxer) when we got him as a puppy, much like Cynthia's dogs did.

IMO, as long as the dogs get along, a two dog household is very, very doable. In some ways they can be less work because they play with each other and tire each other out. The only "negative" is that you double your food/vet costs, but stuff like that is negligible to me. :)

Good luck with your decision!! :):)
BTW, I like that our local shelter requires you to bring any other pets (dogs/cats) you have to the shelter to see that they get along before you are allowed to take them home. It reduces returns that way. They have a double dog run where you put your dog in one, the shelter dog in the other (they're connected on the long side). If it looks promising then they will put them together in the same run to play together.

Jill - That is very cool! I wish more shelters could something similar.
You guys are so wonderful! Thank you so much for all the great input!

I loved the idea of bringing her into the house on a "test run" but unfortunately the rescue is about 3 hours from us (one way) and they only come in to town to do the adoption fairs. So yes, we're making a 6 hour round trip tomorrow because their next adoption fair is a weekend when we're going to be out of town. Cuz we're not crazy or anything. :eek:

Apart from worrying about whether the two dogs will mesh and whether we'd be able to handle two dogs...I think hubby's biggest concern...and really, mine the cat issue.

One of our cats is a male who has never really gotten over the fact that we brought the first dog home 3 years ago. He's a crotchety, opinionated guy but we love him to pieces and we don't want him to be utterly miserable. Plus, the foster mom doesn't know all that much about how our potential dog is around cats. It would be really terrible to get her home and then find out that she lives to eat kitties. But as long as she didn't actually want feline hors d'oeuvres, I'm pretty sure we could work with her. I also wonder if the fact that Ranger is a male has anything to do with our boy cat not getting along with him. Do you think those kinds of things cross species lines?

I guess the first step is just to take this trip tomorrow and then go from there. We wouldn't be bringing her home tomorrow anyway, because of the trip I mentioned above. (I'd like to bring her home and get her settled in for awhile before we uproot her and take her on any trips.) So we'll have a little time to think it over.

Thanks again, you guys! What a very generous, supportive group this is!
As you can see by ^^^^there are many variables for whether adding another doggie is good for you or not. I have two young German Shepherds and an elderly Husky. I have never regretted adding any of my furry babies to the existing family. I go with the pack theory; I think it is almost cruel to not have a buddy. Here's a pix of my babies, since we are sharing!



Awww, Jake is a cutie! He looks so confident and happy! I hope he enjoys his new companion. Post pictures when you can!!!

Melissa, I know I've told you this before, but it is worth repeating. You have some gorgeous fur kids! I love fur baby pictures:D:D:D:D
I've never met a cat who couldn't handle a dog...they will learn to co-exist....I have 4 adopted dawgs and Max, cat of mystery and intrigue....who WASHES the dogs!
Well, we just got back from our visit. Oh my gosh! She's even sweeter and cuter than I remember! She wants so much to please and to be loved. It breaks my heart to think of the horrible situation she was in before she was rescued. I do NOT know how people can be so heartless.

She thought Ranger was AWESOME. He was much more reserved with her but he was out of his element and on her "turf." He gave her a couple of little warning growls when she got too "in his face" and she immediately backed off. They did some exploring together and I think it would definitely work!

The foster mom went and got one of her barn cats to see how Angel would react to it. She was interested and wanted to sniff it but she did not show any signs of aggression or kitty eating tendencies. So I feel like we could work with her. And she's so sensitive and eager to please, I don't think it would be difficult at all.

So now...I'm just waiting for the word from hubby. This was more my idea than his, and I told him that I would let him have the final say. He definitely seemed almost as besotted with her as I we'll see!

Thanks again everyone! And I'll let you know what happens.

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