Movie theater etiquette


Do you think it's rude to ask people to change seats at the movies, so your party can sit together? My husband and I saw Up in the Air today (pretty good, not great), we knew it would be crowded, we got there early and carefully chose our seats, sat through the previews. It got very crowded and about 3 minutes before the movie started there was one empty seat on my left and one empty seat on my husband's right. THREE times we were asked by latecomers if we would move so they could sit together. The first 2 times I said "No, we like these seats, we've been here for half an hour, maybe you two could sit apart?" The third time a teenage girl started arguing with me and finally to avoid a scene I just moved to my left, but now I wish I had held my ground.

It really annoys me. I did not want to sit next to the guy I ended up sitting next to because he had mondo mounds of smelly hot dogs etc that he was gobbling up and he was quite large and spilled out of his seat. I just feel like, we got there early, it will not kill the latecomers to sit apart, if they wanted their pick of seats they could have come early, and it's rude to ask people to move. My husband agrees with me but I'm wondering what everyone else thinks.
Sorry, but I don't think it's rude, unless the people are so late that the movie has already started.
We always sit on the end so that we can't move. Plus if my DH has to use the restroom he doesn't disturb anyone else. On the other hand before the movie starts we always have to let people through.

I do know that a lot of people nowadays wait about 10 - 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the movie to avoid the previews. I am one of those nervous people that has to be 10 minutes early to be "on time" so we always get the seat we want.
I can't imagine asking someone to move and if it was only one seat on either side, I wouldn't have moved if asked. I have a large area of "personal space" and don't like sitting next to people that closely.

I must agree with Kathryn. As long as the movie hasn't started, if I'm asked politely if I would be willing to move over one or even a couple of seats, I would. Why, you might ask? Because, I would want to sit with my DH at the theater too! Just because the person the next seat down isn't to your liking, it's only common courtesy to move.

I believe a good deed done is a good deed earned. It may not pay back right away, but someone else will do something nice for me at some point when I need it!
Okay, you might flame me for this, but if you're concerned with "personal space" you don't need to be in a public theater or anywhere else public that may be crowded on any given day. Movie theaters are going to be crowded for popular movies or first showings and you can't expect or demand "personal space" in those instances!

I think that's just a little ridiculous!

I can't imagine asking someone to move and if it was only one seat on either side, I wouldn't have moved if asked. I have a large area of "personal space" and don't like sitting next to people that closely.

Okay, you might flame me for this, but if you're concerned with "personal space" you don't need to be in a public theater or anywhere else public that may be crowded on any given day. Movie theaters are going to be crowded for popular movies or first showings and you can't expect or demand "personal space" in those instances!

I think that's just a little ridiculous!

I don't know that it is ridiculous but no flames from me Tricia:)! I understand I can't always have what I want when it comes to personal space. Shopping at a crowded store is bad. Standing in the checkout line and someone comes up to stand right behind me is the worst!

This is why I sit in the aisle at the movie theatre. I can't be asked to move:p! And BTW, I VERY seldom go to a movie on opening night. The exception are the Harry Potter films. Knowing those will be crowded, I take off a half-day from work and go to a noon showing when it will be less crowded.

I think you're right. The movie (well, the previews) start at the posted time. If your booty isn't in a seat by then, that is not my problem and I shouldn't have to move because you can't get out of the house on time. DH and I are normally early for movies, because we want seats in the middle. Middle top to bottom and middle side to side. I got there in enough time to get the seat I wanted. Not my problem you had to stand in line for a ginormous tankard of Coke and a barrel of popcorn, so now you can't sit together.

I can't stand when people are coming in after the previews have started. I want to see the previews and I can't if your big ol' noggin is blocking the screen while you search for a seat.

I bet it happens to them over and over and over, and they never learn to leave the house 5 mins earlier. You can't fix stupid.

They should do it like live theatre and close the doors after the show starts. Assigned seats would be nice, too. We do have 1 or 2 theatres in the area w/ assigned seating, I've never been to them though.

I have to admit I feel your pain when you talk about standing in line at grocery stores and, well, really, any type of line in any store! Why do people have to climb right on top of you where you can feel their breath on the back of your head? I try moving up a bit, and they just move right up with me! One day, I'll be brave enough to ask why it's so necessary!

I'm like you about movies, the only ones I go for openings are the Star Trek movies! Yes, I am a serious Trekkie! :) And proud of it! :D

I won't say I don't get annoyed. I do. People talking through the whole movie bothers me, an empty theater where someone has to come in and sit down right in front of me makes me mad, so I'm not without my issues! ;) We mainly do matinees too when we do go to the theater. Mostly though, we use Netflix! Most movies I can wait for, especially these days when there's not too much out there that's worth movie theater prices - and the hassles!

So, I retract the "ridiculous" and insert, what, "silly?" LOL!

Thanks Carrie!

I don't know that it is ridiculous but no flames from me Tricia:)! I understand I can't always have what I want when it comes to personal space. Shopping at a crowded store is bad. Standing in the checkout line and someone comes up to stand right behind me is the worst!

This is why I sit in the aisle at the movie theatre. I can't be asked to move:p! And BTW, I VERY seldom go to a movie on opening night. The exception are the Harry Potter films. Knowing those will be crowded, I take off a half-day from work and go to a noon showing when it will be less crowded.

Hello Ladies!

As long as we're talking movie theater pet peeves, can we talk about three other types of uber annoying movie-goers?

a) The people who decide to sit right behind you after you've been in your seats half an hour and then talk throughout the entire movie

b) The guy who sits behind you and decides to tap your seat with his size 11 foot throughout the entire movie, despite that fact that you turn around several times to give him the "Are you freakin' kidding me, dude?!?" face

or c) And the new wave of annoying movie watchers...the ones who think turning off their phones DOES NOT mean they can't text message throughout the movie. Hey...every time you flip open that phone with it's accompanying floodlight and decide to text, you are taking away from my $12 movie experience. Thank you.

I would love to hear stories you've had with people like this...and if you've said anything about it with success. Do you think the offenders get that we're annoyed and just don't care? Because my face should say it all. But how do you ask grown people to kindly shut their pie holes/turn off their phones/and keep their tootsies off your seat?

:) Elizabeth
OMG Elizabeth!

Do I have one for you! :eek:

Okay, it's been many years ago, but here it is:

Mind you, I'm an even-tempered, quiet, non-confrontational person. I usually just keep quiet rather than start anything or cause a scene.

I had had an awfully stressful and horrible day. It started right away, continued through work, and by the time I got home, I was exhausted, aggravated and I'm sure my blood pressure was sky high! We had planned to go see Malice (that's how long ago it was!) and we got to the movie early, but it was still slammed! We got decent seats together and sat down. I was soooo looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the film. This was one of those psychological thrillers that you really had to pay attention to.

Well, lo and behold, this group of teenagers are sitting behind us and they're talking, laughing, cutting up and they just won't stop! It wasn't like we could move to other seats either. There weren't any! I turned around a couple of times and just gave them that "look." Well, I had had enough!

My switch just flipped and I turned around and at the top of my lungs just screamed at them, "Why don't you just shut the F**K UP!" Then, I turned back around and snuggled down for the rest of the movie! My partner at the time slunk down in his seat.

Wouldn't you know, you could have heard a pin drop in there for the rest of the movie! It must have been the crazed look in my eyes that said, "I've had the worst day and you are going to get it if you push me any further!" LOL! I had NEVER done anything like that before nor since!

Sometimes I remember that incident and wonder how I managed to not get beat up or shot! :eek:

Hello Ladies!

I would love to hear stories you've had with people like this...and if you've said anything about it with success. Do you think the offenders get that we're annoyed and just don't care? Because my face should say it all. But how do you ask grown people to kindly shut their pie holes/turn off their phones/and keep their tootsies off your seat?

:) Elizabeth
I don't think it's rude for people to ask politely and I don't think it's rude for you to say no. I would normally move down one seat to accommodate the request, unless it meant sitting next to someone like you described, in that situation I'd have said no. Were there annoying people on both sides of you? If not I'd have told the girl I'd move the other way but not towards the hotdog eater, I'm sure she'd have figured out why. Once when we went to the movies with another couple we asked two guys who had left a 'heterosexual gap' to move down one seat, there were literally only four seats left in the theater, the three next to them and the one between them. They refused. I guess they thought one of the women would sit between them. Well dh sat on one side of them and our 200lb friend with a football player build sat between them. The look on their faces was more entertaining than the movie!
I would have agreed to move over one seat but I would have moved away from the hotdog eater and let the newcombers sit next to him. I wouldn't have a problem moving if asked. DH and I always sit in the same place at the movies. The last two seats in a row so he can get to the bathroom without disturbing anyone. It's almost as rude to sit leaving one seat on the side of you (if you are leaving only one seat on the end of the row) because you know you are stopping someone from being able to sit with their partner. If it was in the middle of a row then I definitely wouldn't have a problem moving over. I would hope someone would do it for me without being ugly. even dropped the f-bomb. You were like Michael Douglas in that movie Falling Down. Remember that one...a fast food restaurant refuses to serve him breakfast a few minutes before what the sign advertises..and he opens fire with a assault rifle!

I WISH I could say just the right thing in these situations...but I usually just end up stewing the whole 2 hours.

I am so impressed that you said what you felt at exactly the moment you said it...way to be genuine!

:) Elizabeth
This is why I only go to matinees, or night movies at our theater that has assigned seating--it's fabulous!
I don't know that it is ridiculous but no flames from me Tricia:)! I understand I can't always have what I want when it comes to personal space. Shopping at a crowded store is bad. Standing in the checkout line and someone comes up to stand right behind me is the worst!

This is why I sit in the aisle at the movie theatre. I can't be asked to move:p! And BTW, I VERY seldom go to a movie on opening night. The exception are the Harry Potter films. Knowing those will be crowded, I take off a half-day from work and go to a noon showing when it will be less crowded.


I feel the same way as you, Carrie. I went Christmas shopping on Sundays at 8 in the morning this year to avoid the crowds and I loved it. I will do all my holiday shopping this way from now on. It was so much more relaxing and I felt I could take my time and enjoy my "alone" time as well, lol.

If someone is up my butt on line, I get uncomfortable as well. I especially hate it when I am paying by debit card and the person is right behind me. I actually get a tad obnoxious as I type in my code. I make a big show of how I am hiding my entry to let the person know I think they might be so close for a reason, lol (part paranoia, part obnoxiousness).

As for movies, I always take the aisle. I don't mind getting up or moving my legs to let people by during the previews. I'd rather have the aisle and not have to worry about moving over or sitting next to a stranger.

What I can't stand is people who are clearly sick who go to movies...:mad: When we went to see the Michael Jackson movie, about 15 minutes into the movie I noticed that the woman and her young son next to me were ill. They were constantly coughing, blowing their noses, etc, and the little boy leaned into his mom the whole time and I could tell he was just miserable... And all the while I'm trying to face the opposite direction and trying not to breathe in their germs.... I whipped out the Purel immediately upon leaving! (Ok, so I'm a germ-a-phobe...:)) If I had noticed prior to the movie starting that they were sick, I would have grabbed my friend and changed seats, if possible. Grrr....

I also can't stand the getting-too-close people in line at the store, or the people who let their kids crowd right on top of you at the grocery store. This happened to me the other day with a mother and her 8-yr-old... the entire time I was in line, then while I'm getting the food out of the cart, while I'm paying.... I kept inching away and he kept getting right on top of me... I finally made a huge leap away from him and his mother finally got the message and told him to knock it off... Maybe i'm just getting old and crotchety... Give me my space!!!!!
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I don't know that it is ridiculous but no flames from me Tricia:)! I understand I can't always have what I want when it comes to personal space. Shopping at a crowded store is bad. Standing in the checkout line and someone comes up to stand right behind me is the worst!

This is why I sit in the aisle at the movie theatre. I can't be asked to move:p! And BTW, I VERY seldom go to a movie on opening night. The exception are the Harry Potter films. Knowing those will be crowded, I take off a half-day from work and go to a noon showing when it will be less crowded.


I'm a matinee girl myself, I need alot of personal space and will often go when things are the least crowded, we actually tried to go see Avatar at the Imax last week and they were so crowded people were parking on the grass(and this is a huge multiplex) needless to say I went shopping instead :)
We always sit at the end of a row. We went to a movie last night and the people were so rude, I will not being going back to a movie again. It was awful.

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