Moves for your new workouts..


Hi cathe,

please dont take this the wrong way but I was wondering if we will be seeing any new or different moves in the new blast workouts?.
Cathe I dont want to appear disrespectful, but my mother always told me to speak my mind and I hope that you take my comment in the spirit that it is given.

By the way the intensity series is a blast!! ( excuse the pun)

luv hotchick:)
Hi Hotchick! Glad that you are enjoying the Intensity Series. As for the Blast Series.....while there are those staple moves that will always appear (either for all out function or fun), there will definitely be many new moves featured in the Blast Series:)

That sounds GREAT! I have always enjoy your 'trademark' moves. I like that I can pick up any of your tapes (even new ones without previewing) and be able to do the workout. I have workouts that you almost have to do it regularly so that you are not lost if you happen to neglect it for a month or two... of course those are not in my collection now. I only do Cathe cardio and strength now! Keep my collection simple and top-notch...

I, for one, would like the new tapes to be "carpet ready". I find that lots of the cardio moves are done so quickly that moving on carpet is difficult. Maybe a few dry runs on a carpet while creating the choreography would help...
Cathe - your new workouts sound amazing - I'm ready to pre-order dvd -
One question - will the stability ball abs have alternatives if you don't have a ball - like you did in the intensity series?


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