mouse during workout!!!


I'm on the treadmill this am in my basement...running along when I see in the distance a mouse run across the room and then about 30 sec later run back...I freaked...ran up to get my DH still sleeping, he came down and mouse was gone, checked everywhere could not see him. My DH stayed a bit so I could finish ruuning but then went back to bed. I did my p90x weights...I have know idea how... completely freaked. so tomorrow I have plyo and I was going to run a bit but I have no clue how I'm going to get myself down there...we put a live trap but I'm really freaked out about it...and I don't want to miss a workout. What should I do?!?!

I've had this experience..... you just have to get up and do your workout and try not to think about it! Remember "he's more afraid of you than you are of him"!

He won't hurt you! Don't let him keep you from your workout! Now that you saw him can be calmer if you see him again and maybe see where he went (and came from!).
well. i guess that is one way to get your heartrate up. :p
no reason to think he should disturb your workouts, though, so just keep up the good work.
That happened to me, too!

I was doing a Cathe step video and noticed in the mirror that something was running across the floor behind me! It was a mouse, scampering around the room!

As if my heart rate wasn't high enough already!

We never did find it. I only hope it didn't die in the house somewhere... :eek:
Not that I'm for harming any animal - but you WILL have a heavy weight in your hand to defend yourself :rolleyes:

I would squirm too - but your tougher than that!! Good luck!

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