Most attractive men in hollywood...

My top 3 (yes, there is a list) are (order changes depending on my mood): George C., Matthew M. and Paul Walker. Last one might be a little young for me, but if men can do it, why can't we?
Orlando Bloom (didn't say it had to be an age-appropriate choice!)
Johnny Depp (when he's not looking skeezy (and if he bathes!)
Ditto on Brad Pitt (who seems attractive on the inside as well)
Patrick Stewart
Scott Bakula
Ok my 2 favorites are Vin Diesel and The Rock-I wont miss any movies they are in!!! Guess I like bald men!!

OOOHHHH, Lisa, I forgot about Duane Johnson!!!! Thanks for reminding me! I just LOVE his smile!!! (and all those mus-kels.....YUM!)
Promise you won't laugh.........Robert Redford. I've always had something for him....still do! He gets better with age.
>Johnny Depp

I LOOOVE Johnny Depp in Pirates but that's it...I just like anyone when they can portray a good "bad boy" image!}( }( }(
Dermott Mulroney,

Jonny Depp,

Clive Owen,

Hugh Laurie,

Patrick Dempsey,

I could go on and on... they are the stuff of fantasies!

Amy and Meaghan I am totally with ya both!! Amy Duane does have a beautiful smile doesnt he!!!!:p
Okay--(I'm a little short of breath just remembering this)--

Just for kicks, hubby and I watched a truly terrible (but mildly entertaining) movie from the 80's: Earth Girls are Easy. We got it from the library. And I didn't know Jeff Goldblum was in this movie, so I was nicely surprised. Anyway. I liked him already, but he didn't even do his quirky strangely-attractive oddball thing in EGAE. He was just simply hot. Hot, hot, hot. That's all he was there for. Just to be hot. And OH HOW HOT he was. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO Hot.

Hot face, hot body. Hot face. Hot lips. Hot...just so hot.

okay, whew, panting.

OH boy. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I felt a little broadsided--was watching this movie with my husband and trying not to spontaneously combust right there, over some actor. Didn't expect it--just wanted to watch a stupid movie and laugh.

Catching my breath now,

A bit retro i know, but Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing....
A teenage crush I never got over...

tan xx
Vin Diesel, although he hasn't been in anything good lately. The Pacifier pretty much ruined it for me. He was HOT in Pitch Black.
I caught Johnny Depp's picture on a magazine cover at the grocery store the other week. I was awe struck. He is better looking at 41 than he ever was at 21. With that said, I'm not love struck or anything. I just admire the male form. Sort of like female eye candy..LOL
Wentworth Miller from Prison Break, Chris Walker from Running Scared, Scott Podsednik from the Chicago White Sox, and of course, Brad Pitt are to me by far some of the greatest looking men! Look them up, you'll see!.:9

Steve Martin
Tom Hanks
Mel Gibson
Brad Pitt ( as he ages..too pretty in his youth imo.)
George Clooney ( ditto on him also.)
Dennis Quaid
A week ago I would've said Mel Gibson. :-(

Matthew McC. hands down, without a doubt. Owen Wilson being a close number two.

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