More Robert Please!


So, not that we can do anything for this series, but for anything in the future, I'd love to see more of Robert! (and a little more Eric, too) My only criticism of the series so far is what seems to be the Greg-cam. Ugh - I want to shout "enough" at the tv.
I'd much rather see a Roger-cam. And why is he stuffed in the corner all the time?

Perhaps we could get a Roger channel on Cathe TV? What? I'm just sayin'!
Boy (so to speak)... I'm really hesitant to write this. I think I qualify as a "lurker," -- only became a member fairly recently but I've visited this forum for a number of years. It's been an invaluable source of information, inspiration and support for me. I've appreciated it very much. I've run across a couple other threads that focused on the male crew staff. I truly, TRULY don't want to offend or anger anyone with my different perspective here. Still, I can't help but wonder how we would feel if a bunch of men started a thread on the women in Cathe's crew (i.e. "So and so's hot but i don't know why --- gets so much camera time, I don't like this and that about her ..." and so on.)

I guess I decided to find my voice and say something here because in one of Cathe's past posts from awhile back she referred to STS as "a labor of love." I believe that and trust she was meticulous and detail-oriented in all phases of the process for creating STS. This includes the hiring process for new crew members as well as filming.

This thread is fairly new, so perhaps my response here is more directed toward an older thread where people actually expressed what semed like actual dislike (or at least annoyance) for a cast member (GREG) because of the way he moved and walked. He was interpreted as cocky or 'strutty' - I'd suggest that this was an interpretation and he might at least possibly also be interpreted as high energy, perky or enthusiastic. I don't know. I've never talked to him. Short of that, I've no reason to dwell in a negative interpretation. I can only imagine Cathe did and has spoken with him and found redeeming qualities to warrant his hiring. I choose to look at him - and all her staff - with a kind eye and to respect her judgement. In lieu of the amazing quality of STS, I think she and her staff deserve that.

One of the things I've so appreciated about Cathe's crew is their diversity in body type and personality. In some of her older DVD's she has had male crew members. Maybe they're there, but I've not run across any threads that criticized or ogled over them. Again, it's a matter of role reversal. I think many women would feel pretty intolerant of men doing just this. In fact, my boyfriend did once diss or criticize lightly, a female in Cathe's crew. It just sounded petty - judgemental - catty.

There's also been some negative feedback concerning the men's lighter weight choices and less than perfect form. It occurs to me that perhaps there lighter poundage is BECAUSE they are working on improving form. That strikes me as a suggestion Cathe herself has made. Go light while you're learning. We're all works in progress. I read a suggestion by someone else that the men may not be used to Cathe's style of training. It actually impresses me that they'd be WILLING to pick up smaller weights. A number of ego's, male in this case, might well have refused to have it on film that their weights looked small in comparison to what the women were opting to lift. That they seemed ok with this; that actually rather impressed me.

Again, I really hope my words here weren't taken as anything more than an alternative way to think about and consider what we say or assume about the men. Again, this is the second thread I've run across that dwelled on this subject in some way. This one seems pretty benign and less harsh than the other one, but it brought again to the surface some of the thoughts I've had in response to our criticism or appraisal ... moreover, our judgement of the male crew. If for me, working out is important physically, it is also an integral part of the body, mind, spirit triad. So attending to our care for how we treat others - even indirectly as commentary here - is part of that. So, I offer my thoughts here out of respect to Cathe and her "labor of love" as well as out of respect for the new crew member(s) in question. They are first and foremost, fellow human beings that might really be hurt by some of the unfounded commentary about them - which is really NOT about them at all - opinion and perception lie within the onlooker and often truly have little to do with the targeted subject.

I favor some of the male crew members as well. Just a matter of taste. Too, I've been guilty of taking a dislike to someone I don't even know. So the things that have bothered me in the past thread and potentially this one, are things I can and have been guilty of myself. But they're things I think may at least be worth considering and taking care in how we approach.
Dear petree n motion
Absolutely brilliantly written !!!! I have remained so quiet on this subject.Thank you for expressing your view so eloquently.
Poetree N Motion,

Well said! I'm glad that you voiced your opinion (& so politely too). It's easy to start gabbing & not realize that the words said (typed) may be taken offensively. And it's very easy to write about the male cast members good looks (I'm guilty!) without thinking of how offensive it would seem if men were posting about Cathe & the girls in that manner. So your post is a timely & friendly reminder to keep that in mind. :)
So, not that we can do anything for this series, but for anything in the future, I'd love to see more of Robert! (and a little more Eric, too) My only criticism of the series so far is what seems to be the Greg-cam. Ugh - I want to shout "enough" at the tv.
I'd much rather see a Roger-cam. And why is he stuffed in the corner all the time?

Perhaps we could get a Roger channel on Cathe TV? What? I'm just sayin'!

Hi - I got a laugh at "Greg-cam" and have to agree with you. I feel I see him way too often and would have liked a little more variety there too. I hate to sound negative in any way about STS because it is so amazing; he just seems to be in there way more than any of the others.
SO well said, poetree!!


Welcome welcome welcome! You're eloquent, thoughtful, and your post is wonderful. So glad you came out of lurkdom to share yourself with us! :)
Dear petree n motion
Absolutely brilliantly written !!!! I have remained so quiet on this subject.Thank you for expressing your view so eloquently.

I couldn't agree more. I was very uncomfortable with that other thread and several times started to post about it but chickened out.:eek:
I don't think the original poster meant any direspect to anyone. I think she was just showing her enthusiasm!

I am really enjoying the addition of the guys in the video. I like to feel I'm working out in a co-ed group.

As far as the men using lighter weights in some of the moves, obviously by the shape they're in, they do know how to lift heavy. My husband is a low-rep, heavy-weight guy and he has done some of the meso-cycle one with me. He also has to use lighter weights than me sometimes because this higher rep endurance work-out is something he is totally not used to. He even has to quit early on leg day day because it does him in. (And he's in excellent shape)

Just feel I need to say thank you for the "welcome" and other kind words. Sorta felt i might be putting my heiney on the line and didn't want to alienate myself within the forum. This, because I feel there are so many cool, intelligent and funny members. I've appreciated so much all I've gained by reading the check in's, as well as your questions, thoughts, insights etc. Also, I really don't think the original post meant any disrespect, either. Again, my comments are probably more traceable to other threads that troubled me. I was really just hoping this one wouldn't take a turn in that direction. Again, your friendliness meant a lot to me -- boatloads. Btw, my name's Lori.
Just feel I need to say thank you for the "welcome" and other kind words. Sorta felt i might be putting my heiney on the line and didn't want to alienate myself within the forum. This, because I feel there are so many cool, intelligent and funny members. I've appreciated so much all I've gained by reading the check in's, as well as your questions, thoughts, insights etc. Also, I really don't think the original post meant any disrespect, either. Again, my comments are probably more traceable to other threads that troubled me. I was really just hoping this one wouldn't take a turn in that direction. Again, your friendliness meant a lot to me -- boatloads. Btw, my name's Lori.

Welcome Lori! I'm glad you decided to come out of lurkdom:) I loved your previous post and couldn't agree with it more. The past threads that you had mentioned bothered me also. I hope to see you around more.:)
No offense taken. I love having the guys in the videos and it also opens up the Cathe world to men who may not be comfortable working out to a video of just women.

I would actually like to see the men more mixed in and in the front row instead of put in the back or in the corner. I think it brings something extra to the workouts. I'm used to working out with guys, so I like to see them there. I love seeing Cedie and Robert egging each other on in Meso 2. And his smile when he laughs, makes me smile. That's a good thing!

I'm not concerned with the amount of weight anyone is lifting, although I do think form matters. The home viewer takes their cue from what they see on screen, so that had better be perfect. So cricitisms of form demonstrated are valid.

I was just having a bit of fun and I am hoping that in the future we see more men in the workouts. I do stick to my position that the camera time should be more equitably distributed among them. That's what the editing process is for.
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Aw heck, they're all hot. If some of you guys don't want them strutting on your TV screen, I'd like to issue a personal invitation to any one of them to come strut around in my LR (OK I confess it's not my first choice of rooms, but it'll do). ;)
All - just wanted to share my thoughts after seeing some really negative posts. It is great to have opinions on new cast members and a new program and to share them in a respectful manner with others also doing the program. However, one thing to remember is the long hours spent filming. It is easier to keep perfect form and your "real" amount of weights when doing one disk one time then resting that body part for a week. When they were filming, don't you remember Cathe's blogs about the hours spent in filming and how long the days were? If I were part of that crew, I seriously may have tried to sneak in some weigts made out of styrofoam.... And - STS, the entire program, was filmed in a month. I've just started Meso Cycle 2 and the thought of doing the whole thing in a month is incredible! Another point on form is that in her blog, Cathe posts pictures of her giving form pointers to all the crew will rehearsing for filiming. Everyone moves their body differently and also trains differently. I don't see the guys as being sloppy or having bad form. For the most part, I'm focused on my own form and trying to get that last rep looking as good as the first one. I agree whole heartedly with poetree-n-motion on the first page in that Cathe is a perfectionist and hand picked all of her crew and did an amazing job, as she does in everything. It makes me feel sad when there was such excitement and anticipation in the forums waiting for STS and now there are people fighting over really trivial things and knocking the performance of some of the cast. I don't see the cast as providing instruction, I see the cast as a participatory group that help motivate me in doing my best pushing through the sticky spots. I get all of my form pointers listening to and watching Cathe, and then focusing on myself. Just my two cents. I'm not trying to pick on anyone or sound naggy and apologize if that is how this sounds. We are doing the highest quality exercise routine ever created. Remember that, enjoy it, and may the DOMS be with you! :)

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