Monday daily- check-in 7/02/2005


Hi good morning. Today is CTX upper body in my rotation. I have received today kickbox underground of Guillermo Gómez and quick fix cardio kicks with Janis Saffell. They are not the hardcore dvd but I can post what I think about these new workouts. :) :) :) . I hope that everybody who is going to receive the hardcore dvd will post what they think. It is going to be a sweet torture to me.Andrea, Conni, Sherry , Marketa and me, still without an update of CK sales. :( :(

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi, Mariangeles! Have fun with your new workouts. I will be tortured, too, for a bit, since I still haven't gotten my shipping notification. I am secretly (whispering) wishing that mine don't come till mid or late next week. I will have my wrist brace off mid-week next week, so I can't lift until then.

Today I am taking a rest day. I MAY get a run in on the treadmill tonight, but not sure. Younger son was sick during the game last night so I was up late with him.

Have an awesome day and great workouts!

Hi Mariángeles and rest of ladies;

I have forgotten this daily check-in because my obsession for HC update in

So thank you Mariángeles for post it.

I did this morning PS Legs and Abs. But my mind was in HC DVDs all the time,so this morning I didn't enjoy my workout. :(

But I have good news from that my High Step is in the way,so I'm waiting receive it on Friday.

Mariángeles,I am glad to hear about the DVDs you have received. :) Enjoy them.

I'm waiting for Aila's post with Imax3 comments :D

Have a nice day,

Marketa Preisler :D :7
Morning Everyone,

I didn't w/o all weekend, unless you count vacuuming and moving furniture exercising. }( I was a cleaning diva this weekend. Got all the dust bunnies that where hiding behind furniture in our bedroom.

Today I will be doing BC, and waiting for my shipping confirmation. I didn't order as early as some of you did. :( I will be waiting with baited breath for the reviews.

Mariangeles, let me know how the Cardio Kicks DVD is. I have that one down on my wish list.

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Hi ladies,
May I join your daily check-in? Do you all just post what exercise you did that day? Or do you post food eaten and everything too?
It's a continuing process.....
Hi Christi23,

You are more than welcome to join in. I believe this thread is mainly exercise, and there is/was a Healthy Eating thread somewhere.

This morning for me was Pyramind Lower Body. Boy did my cheeks (not my happy face:) ) get a w/o.

Feel free to post your w/o, we would love to hear it:) :) :) .


Don't feel bad I know how you feel, although I don't live outside the US., I will be waiting just as long as you maybe b/c I ordered at the VERY LAST MINUTE. So enjoy your new dvds and let us know the details.

Have a good day.

Today I'll be doing ME followed by All Step. I have a confession to make. I've lost 46 lbs. but am now stuck. Granted my eating is not great, but I really want to make an effort to clean it up. If I need to lose an additional 55 lbs. what would you all suggest I do? More cardio, more interval workouts (High Step Adv), or more Muscle building workouts. I was thinking more cardio, or interval....
It's a continuing process.....
Good morning ladies! Excited about Hardcore....I should get mine today!!!:+ So maybe Kickmax or Lowmax this afternoon.

I am running 5 miles and doing some Chest, Back and Shoulders today.

And even though it was a good game...I am a bit blue that the Eagles didn't win..x(

Mariangeles, how come you already received your Kickbox Underground and I am still waiting on mine?!!? That just isn't fair now is it?! I hope mine comes today. So far I have done PUB and CTX chest work and I will do cardio later.:D
Christi welcome....we generally just post exercise....but adding diet would not be a bad idea:) .

Today is a gym circuit: treadmill with total body weight work. I'll do three ciruits of 12 reps w/ treadmill. Should take about 45 to 60 minutes:)

Have a great day!!
Morning all! Well today for the first time I did SB in it entirity!!! I received my SB/SJP DVD this weekend. Boy, when you're not used to doing the Step Challenge at the end it really kick you in the behind. But I made it through. Tonight I am going to do Biceps and Triceps from CTX. I am going to Vegas on the 18th and so I want to kick my workouts up a notch until then.
I can't wait to do SJP! It looks pretty incredible. I'm a little nervous, I must say.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Good Morning Everyone...

This morning was CTX Kickbox - cardio only - and S&H Back & Bi's tonight....

And of course waiting for that shipping notification. It sounds like they made good progress over the weekend - So hopefully my mid-July order is part of that! :)

Have a great day!
Howdy, All!
Today was Timesaver #3&4. I am so excited about everyone getting their HC. I have not even ordered mine yet. I am a procrastinater.(spelling?) It is one of my issuses I am working on. Please let me know how they are!
Good morning! Soooooo glad it's Monday and *not* a rest day! I definitely feel 1000 times better when I exercise in the morning, than when I "rest". It seems to keep the nausea at bay for a time, and give me some actual mental energy. This morning I did IMAX2, modified, and BS/BF stability ball abs add-on. Fun workout!

DH brought me back a souvenir from Vegas last week - a bug! It gradually crept up on me all last week, then I developed a sore throat on Fri/Sat, which has become slight chest and sinus congestion. Since it's only slight congestion I find that exercising and a hot shower do wonders for clearing the nasal passages.

Mariángeles - include me in that list of people waiting for CK Sales! I'm quite surprised that they haven't even got their shipping notice yet.

Gayle - how old is your son that was sick?

Marketa - I got my high step as a Christmas present, 2 years ago, and it has become one of my favourite workout toys. It really makes Legs & Glutes a lot of fun!

Christie - welcome to the check in! You've got quite a workout planned for today! Every time I've seen Cathe suggest a weight loss rotation, it has been heavy on the cardio, but certainly incorporates weight training. She has specifically put together a few weight-loss rotations, and you can find them under the "Rotations" forum. Specifically, look for her January 2004 rotation, and her current January & February 2005 rotations. Even if you aren't able to follow the rotations, you get a good idea of what a weight-loss rotation looks like. They generally include lots of intense cardio, and a focus on leg work (big muscles burn more calories). Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!! That's great work!!!!!!

Laurie Mac - Clean-up Max was your workout this weekend, hey?
:D That can take a lot out of you! Just ask my DH - I had him moving furniture up and down the stairs all day on Saturday. He was tired on Sunday.

Carole - have fun with your new workouts!! I'm sooo curious about the music and the premixes. Let us know the details, if you have some time!

Have a great day everyone,
hey everyone!

welcome Christie!!:D we tend to gab about alot around here, but we do manage to devote at least one sentence to exercise.:+

i am doing SJP today. not too thrilled about it, but that's to bad because i am way behind. no slacking with a stupid ailment today!!!

hope all of you about to bust a gut over HC are relieved soon. you all soundlike your in a torture chamber! it won't be much longer....:)

Good Morning! I have no clue what I will do today. I am supposed to get MIS/Power Hour/Body Max in the mail, so I can tell ya it will be one of those and BC cardio. The weather here is awful again - super snowy and icy x( x(

Cannot wait for spring!! I cannot wait to here all your reviews on HC! I ordered Kick Max, but that is it for now ;-)

Have a great day everyone!
Hello everyone,

It's a pretty late check-in for me. But my son no.1 had a little accident with his bicycle :( Not too worry, he's OK but hurt his leg bad enough for me to decide no running today. We'll have to see how it is tomorrow. Maybe I'll let him run on Wednesday. But it was too late for me to go running. Dinner calls:(

Did do BM this morning and 30min. on the elliptical. Maybe I'll do L&G after dinner?

Cannot wait to hear everyone's reviews about HC. Won't get mine until at least 10 days from now (CK Sales).

Have a great day,

Good Morning! Can I join your check in? This morning I did the lower body portion of MIS and the step portion or Body Max. I also did abs from power hour. I ordered my Hard Core DVD's on July 4th but have not received any delivery date from UPS. I tried to track my order but it does not work with my phone number! I read a post about IMAX 3 and it sounds TOUGH!! I am getting more and more scared!
Hello everyone.

Today will be ctx power circuit since I didn't have a chance to do it yesterday.:( Tomorrow I will try a Body Blast work out for the first time! L & G (premix) here I come! :7

I figure I won't be getting the 2 Hardcores I ordered until I'm about ready to deliver my baby since I didn't order them until just days before the presale ended!!! lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
HEy everybody,

I worked out tons this weekend:) Sat. was legs and glutes + KPC cardio and earlier in the morning did a 45 min. run
Sunday was IMAX 1 and abs. Good thing I worked out alot cause I ate alot, ribs, baked beans and tator tots oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yummy!!!

Today is Muscle Endurance and a CTX cardio...I am loosley following Cathe's August Rotation till I get hardcore. HAve a great day.

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