MMA Boxing - Abs-a-screaming!

Cosmo Mom

Hi - I did MMA Boxing yesterday which I've done before. However, this time, when we do the sit-ups, I used what Cathe used - the 10 lbs. (I usually use the 8's.) What a difference. Everytime I moved last night and especially today, I can so feel my abs!!

It feels good to know I worked 'em that hard. Try it!
I'm going to have to try that section again. I've been doing the heavy bag bonus instead of the ab work to get a longer cardio workout. I'll try it as is and use heavy wts for abs next time.
Thanks for the reminder!
I tried this yesterday (again) because of this thread. It is tough. She uses weights. thanks for the reminder about this one. I even did some of the bag work even though I don't have a bag. It was good too.

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