Minutes of cardio in Cardio & Weights


Today I did the cardio part of Cardio & Weights.

I was wondering how many minutes of cardio this is.

Can someone help plse?:)
I think the Step-Only premix on that dvd is 30 minutes long - maybe 35. Can't fully remember. I consider it a solid half-hour of cardio. Fun, hey?

I believe that it is about half an hour, and you can take it on to something else to make a longer cardio segment.
Thanks for all the replies. I really like this step workout. Fun.

I like to track down how many minutes of cardio I do during the week.

So I'll put down 30 min.
I tack on the circuit portion of the CTX series, I find it evens out the workout with the legs & gives me an additional 18 or 20 minutes

I do the same thing with Cardio & Weights...use it in addition to another workout the same day. C&W has never been a favorite with me. I find it to be a bit boring so I'll do it first and then add on another workout. C&W collects alot of dust on my shelf. Something about that workout has just never clicked with me.

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