Middle age...

Oh just wait until the bi-focals! I already have one near and one farsighted eye, so I had to get bi-focals. I was depressed for a week!

We won't even discuss the forgetfulness!!

I have a feelin' when I get out of this MEAN O PAUSE stage, that I am might be one of those grumpy ole women!!!
Wow, I am 47 and don't have any of this....and don't hate me, but my hair is still dark and I don't have to color it!
Lucky you!! :) I saw my first strands of grey hair in my early 30s. Now I'm 38 and have serious streaks going on! My hair color doesn't do the job completely either. I'm grey-free for about 2 weeks after coloring ~ then it fades.

Ellie... :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ladies should pick up Outsmarting The Midlife Fat Cell. Since you guys are Catheites, it won't tell you anything new regarding diet and exercise, but it might make you feel better about the inevitable changes. I know I felt a lot better after reading it.
Oh just wait until the bi-focals! I already have one near and one farsighted eye, so I had to get bi-focals. I was depressed for a week!
I hear you.
I've had bifocals for three years now, but I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to get the kind with visible lines (why purposely do something that screams "I'm getting old!" when nature is doing enough of that already?). Paying more for no-line BF's is definitely worth it to me.
netsnotes16 "Oh just wait until the bi-focals! I already have one near and one farsighted eye, so I had to get bi-focals. I was depressed for a week!"

I have the same type of eyes. I thought I was the only one with one near and one farsighted eye. I always had astigmatism in my farsighted one. I got out of having to use reading glasses until I was 53. Now at 55 it's all going to hell in a handbag. I have the line less bi focal in my nearsighted eye and my farsighted eye is so thick that side always kinda hurts. Do your lens cost a fortune? Mine do.
I went to get surgery because I was spending about $1000 on glasses with frames (only every 10 years or so. I reuse the frames but the replacement lens are about $800 )and the Dr. said my eyes are too dry for lasic. That was another middle age blow.

My 11 year old DS pointed out to my DH and me that we can now eat off of the senior menu. Ouch! For those of you in your 40's, I found the 40's to be a great vibrant age. I felt great in my 40's and I could read the menu in a dark restaurant. Now I have to bring a small flashlight.
Another middle age gripe I have to add to the list is my always straight teeth are now starting to turn and cross over. I don't have insurance for braces and I just had to spend a small fortune on new glasses because I lost my old ones. Whats with the teeth thing!

What other surprises lie ahead?
I am 51 and am noticing a lot of new things. I am really having to modify a lot of my workouts......I can't believe it...I never thought I would have to modify! When it comes to doing the IMAX's, I do them without a step (how's that for modifying), and I limit my workouts to no more than an hour. I really am not into super hardcore workouts anymore....meaning I lift "somewhat heavy," but I'm not looking to lift heavier. My goal is to continuing working out 5 days a week for as long as I possibly can. I am sooooo emotional, and feel like I can't multitask as much as I used to. I obssess over the stupidest things. I've been making Thanskgiving dinner for about 100 years and for some reason this year, you would think I never did it before. I've been debating for days over what kinds of potatoes to make as though the future of the world depended on this one decision. Oh and did I mention that I can't bear the thought of going out "late," by which I mean past 9:00. I love to be home in bed by that time.....am not even looking forward to all the holiday party obligations that my husband's business requires. Can't stand the idle chit chat and pretending to be charming!!!! I've really turned into a scrooge. Oh, and this is the biggest thing....I worry about my grown children (22 and 25 constantly) with this lousy economy and what might be in store.
Paula, I do think having grown children is hard. I worry what will be there for them and how hard these times are for someone just starting out. Luckily they are young and don't need a lot.

Oh and see, talk about fate....I have a grey hair, last time I brag about anything.
You know what though? 3 people I know have cancer now. One is in her 40's with middle school kids...and she won't survive....

I keep coming back to that as I ruminate all the fussy things that get to me...the recession, bills, my fading looks, not having money for college for my kids, my aging mom.....

I don't have cancer today, kids are home safe and healthy,hubby is alive and well, mom is vigorous....no one can say it'll be that way tomorrow, so I force myself to keep perspective.....I really have no problems.
I hear the weight gain can be lost after menopause, I' m holding on to that thought. I also notice I rend to get headaches right before my period. Gald to hear I'm not alone in this. :) Kay
I am just taking it "one wrinkle at a time". I have a new one on my forehead now so I am thinking I need not to forget the sunscreen all the time..and maybe long bangs in the summer? I am proud though that I can still wear any bikini, and wear it better then most in their 20's. I don't think an age limit should be determined when you stop wearing a bikini as there are many people at different ages...some obese and some not that just would not look good in a bikini. Diane Sue is 56 years old and still sporting around in bikini's. I am sure she will not mind me commenting so. :p;) She looks damn good too. Nothing is slowing her down either. She works out like a powerhorse! I greatly admire her.
Yeah I have seen the workouts Diane Sue does, its amazing she can do hours and hours of workouts like that, I couldn't have done that even in my twenties, and I am a former competitive bodybuilder and am no slouch myself, but after years of pounding myself into the ground had a hip replacement..I am only 42. I guess everyone's body is different, but I am finding that while I would love to workout 3 hours a day, life and my creaky joints kinda get in the way. :)
I recently had a spinal and hip xray at the chiropractor. The last one they did was 5 years ago. I am happy to report that the xrays are identical, could have been taken the same day. No degeneration at all. I think that degeneration is more heriditary than how much pounding you give yourself. Luckily I picked good parents. :)
Right there with you all

I am 46 and have been suffering from night sweats for 3 years now. They are always worse 1 to 2 days before my period. (I guess that's one way to keep track of when my period will start).I completely had a mid life crisis this last Spring and started crying one day and literally couldn't stop for 5 days. I started on anti depressants and now after several months I feel human again. I think what also makes this hard, at least for me, is that my kids are getting older. My baby started college this Fall and it really threw me. I have been a stay at home Mom for years and I felt like I had lost my job. I have since found out that they always still need their moms and the relationship changes, but it is even better!!! My son has become one of my best friends:).

The weight does really try to creep up on you so I have to work extra hard to keep it off.
Now I am spotting like crazy so i have to go in for a biopsy next week. I am really hoping it is just wacky hormones.
Middle Age

Ya know.... I was fine with all this middle age stuff.... until yesterday. :confused: My doc has decided to put me on Actonel.... a drug used to treat osteo-penia/porosis! :eek: A healthy lifestyle does not guarantee that we will be free from all that may ail us.... even though I wanted so much to believe this. :(

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