Michigan Get Together

Directions to Bennigans

94West to State Street turn right. Bennigans will be on the left hand side.

94East to State Street turn left. Bennigans will be on the left hand side

See everyone there. Hopefully it won't be too busy. If anyone is coming from Jackson/Chelsea area and would like to car pool, please let me know. There is a car pool area in Chelsea we can meet at.

OK, handy hint, everyone where a brown shade of lipstick, then no one will ever guess you have eaten Death By Chocolate :eek: and }> !!!

Anna :)

I will look forward to meeting everybody there!!

If you want, I can call Bennigans after we get a firm head count and see if they will arrange a table for us or maybe even give us a separate room.

What do you think??


That would be great. Thanks for thinking of that.

So far I think the count is


Haven't seen anyone else yet.

Hi Ladies:

I may not be able to make it if we stick to this time. Saturdays are family days and my kids both start swimming and soccer classes that day! I can't be both lunching with the Cathe ladies and taxi driving kids around Ann Arbor at the same time!!!!!

Any chance we could move this to same time on the Sunday? Or meet for an early dinner on the Saturday?

Sorry to be a pain. If no-one else can make the other times, then go ahead without me and have choc cake for me!!!

Oh, I can not make it that day!!!! I am a Premier Jeweler and I have a show that day. Maybe next time, maybe we can try again in 6 months??
Lori S.
I can meet at a later time on that Saturday, but already have that Sunday booked.

I can't do later and Sunday is already booked.

Do we want to plan it on another weekend or get people together that can make it and plan another get together a couple months later?

Go with getting together with those that can for now, have some fun in miserable january weather, and let's plan another for a couple months later at a different time and day to suit all. How does that sound?

It looks like there will be 5 of us that can go on Saturday the 15th.. If everybody that can still come is game, I am too.

Let's plan another time maybe in the spring that gives us all enough lead time to get it on the calendar, so that everybody can go.

What do you all think?


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