mesomorph Fitness Freak!

Hi Fitness Freak,
I am fairly new to Cathe. I own all DVD's (Just got hooked on the first won and then...well...I just had to have them all). I have worked out since highschool. I am 99% sure my body is mesomorph because I gain muscle definition extremely fast.
My body responds well when I work out and cut down on calories. If I do not work out I gain weight very quickly. Here is what I would like. I have about 30 lbs to lose...Yikes! :eek: Underneath the fat I have a pretty small to medium frame so I really really want to lose the fat before focusing on building muscle. While I am losing fat, I still want to do weights with higer reps to maintain and gain definition.
Then when I have reached a reasonable goal weight and bf I would like to do heavier weights with low reps. I am just very overwhelmed with where to begin as far as cardio vs weights or cirucuits vs weights. I figured you would be the best one to help get me started on a mesomorph plan for losing weight and then we can modify it in a few months to get me on a more muscle building plan. Thank you so much in advance. You are great!:)
Great Question! Im also a Meso but I dont have nothing to lose

I think, I also feel like I have a layer over my muscle ,I watch my diet and run alot and still nothing. the only thing I can think of is my genes and cant fight that. I hate to run 50 miles a week just to lose a few more inches I feel like it would be a waste of time. The only thing I can suggest is to eat right,do cardio and maybe trying more endurance workouts like Jari Love,she does lots of reps, I think Cathes Power Hour is also lots of reps,How about Squeeze dvd or Bar method? I have theses but not consistant I keep running back to weights.
I am a mesomorph and I use to do cardio 6 days a week. And even though I lost weight doing all that cardio, my body looked fat. It wasn't until I started lifting heavy and cutting way back on my cardio that my body changed, muscles started building and my body fat started shedding fast.

You can always start with an endurance/circuit type rotation for about 4-8 weeks and see how you do with it. I have a few rotations out there specifically for that. These are them:

Any of these rotations should get you to lose some body fat. Maybe choose one or two and do them for 8 weeks. Then come back with your results and we'll go from there. Take measurements, weight and body fat reading. Track your meals and try to eat clean 99% of the time. That is huge for meso's.

Dawn - 50 miles a week is so not necessary. You should be training your body with three days of weights three days of cardio. You are overtraining with cardio if you are a meso.
Thanks Fitnessfreakk366 I had another question

I could be a combination meso,endo, cause when I start doing lots of cardio long distance this helps me thin out.How can you tell what bodytype you are? meso?endo?ecto a mix?
I think endurance rotation would be the right way.

Thank you Fitness Freak,
I am looking into these rotations that you left the link for. I am finishing up a two more weeks of a beginner rotation to get used to Cathe's videos and the step. I will choose one of the rotations and keep you posted. I eat clean off and on. I will be eating clean the whole time I lose these 30 lbs. Thanks again for taking the time to post those rotations and comment. :)

I look forward to doing Jari Love as well

Hi Dawnmh22,
I bought all of Jari Love's DVD's as well as purchased her rotations from her website. I am very much looking forward to doing her videos as well. Probably as a short rotation once or twice a year in between doing Cathe's. I also have the Bar Method. My husband even made me a Bar made out of wood. I really like that. I have done it twice as an extra. It is nice to see there is someone out there that has the same videos as I do. Anyway, I plan on doing some endurance rotations in hopes to finally shed these last 30 lbs. so that I can be ready for STS. Thanks...will let you know how things are later.

A list of all the endurance videos?

While my mind is thinking about an endurance rotation...does anyone out there know of a link or a list to all Cathe's videos that are considered endurance i/e high reps as well as cardio or total body videos that are considered endurance???? Any comments would be appreciated.

While my mind is thinking about an endurance rotation...does anyone out there know of a link or a list to all Cathe's videos that are considered endurance i/e high reps as well as cardio or total body videos that are considered endurance???? Any comments would be appreciated.


Endurance workouts by Cathe are these:

Power Hour
Maximum Intensity Strength
Musle Endurance

Pyramids depending on how you use the workouts. They are endurance used as is.
Butts & Guts
Legs & Glutes

both Body Max workouts
Supersets/Push Pull depending on how you use these workouts. They are endurance used as is.
CTX workouts

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