Meso 3

Hi Cathe,
I am about to start Meso 3 of STS, and I wonder what it is supposed to do to my body in terms of look. I will get stronger, that is clear, and, as a female, I do not expect to get really "bulky", but will I/can I get leaner/smaller? (do not need to lose weight, but there is always room for improving the body composition, getting more "toned").
Hi Condor-the-bird! You will get stronger and your muscles will continue to get that very lean look if you PROMISE to eat a clean and healthy diet. Diet is HUGE in getting/maintaining a lean muscular look no matter what exercise program you do. However, if you overeat with junky processed foods you will get a bloated soft look. We all have a day where we just give in and have something we really shouldn't have. That's fine and it happens and fortunately our body rids itself of that poor choice as long as we don't do it regularly. So continue on into STS Meso 3 and expect lean sculpted muscle and a stronger you! :D

Hi Cathe,
I am about to start Meso 3 of STS, and I wonder what it is supposed to do to my body in terms of look. I will get stronger, that is clear, and, as a female, I do not expect to get really "bulky", but will I/can I get leaner/smaller? (do not need to lose weight, but there is always room for improving the body composition, getting more "toned").
Cathe, thank you very much for the answer), came in just right! Promise to stick to clean diet and enjoy the program as it goes on).
I liked the Meso 1 and Meso 2 immensely.

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