>> MELTERS..I'm Tired & it's Tuesday!<<

Ah, Peggie, what great photos! When I first saw your post on this thread, I tried checking out your Picturetrail, but it wasn't loading for some reason, and now it is! :) You and your family are great, and your kids are all so adorable! Tayler looks like she keeps you busy, with that devilish grin on her face! ;-) My best friend from college is an FBI agent, and she loves it! She started out as a high school German teacher, and now she does anti-terrorism stuff . . . . Odd career move, huh? The work that you're doing sounds so interesting! I posted something earlier on the KB thread about where you live. Where exactly is Pierre? My DH and I visited my great aunt on her farm last year; she lives on the border of the two Dakotas, but her closest town is Frederick. It's so beautiful out there! Do you get all that snow in the winter? :)

Allie -- You are just too dang adorable with those swinging smilies! :)

So the department secretary from my work just called to see if another instructor could use my office this summer, and I'm so proud of myself b/c I actually said "no!" I hate the idea of someone eating on my desk (yuck! someone else's germs!), maybe leaving my door unlocked, etc. (Someone already broke into my office twice before and stole books out of it, so I'm super cautious.) They're doing some juggling of offices since there's some construction going on, and needed to move someone into a temporary office. I feel bad about saying he couldn't use it, but there are other people not teaching summer school. I think they know that I'm a pushover, so I'm glad I stuck to my guns. :)
I'm in with the in crowd. I go where the in crowd goes....

Wow, we melters keep expanding. Is that an oxymoron? Like jumbo shrimp?

Welcome, Peggie. Your job sounds exciting. I'll have to check out your picture trail when I get home. Stuff like that is screened here at work, in case you perverts post nasty pictures. Of course, I can see the Boobie Smilies here...

BreckGirl, hugs, prayer and best wishes on your mammo. Try not to worry and let us know what you find out. Sometimes the pictures just aren't clear enough and they need a repeat.

Allie, high five on the new car! We haven't had a brand new car in years (and years.) DH is looking for a used car to replace the one that was totalled a couple weeks ago. He mentioned that he had toyed with the idea of getting a brand new Malibu. I said how I'd love to have a brand new Malibu. Then he started lecturing me about how we can't afford it, how quickly they depreciate, blah, blah, blah. He was the one that brought it up!

Lainie, I can't wait to see pictures of your new patio.

Tneah, speaking of pictures, I use photobucket to host mine. Maybe it is easier than snapfish? Sorry to hear about your aches and pains. Maybe dancing the weekend away in your 4 inch heels added to the back issues. I remember hurting my back dancing at a friend's wedding. Of course, I was about 30 pounds heavier then.

Leanne, yay for new workouts! I wish I lived close enough to you to come give your BIL a gentle kick in the rump. Well, maybe not so gentle. You and your DH really need to discuss this before you go crazy.

Shannon, I never see a lovely sunrise or sunset without thinking of you!

Deb, LOL at Keegan. Just when you have a routine figured out with him, he changes things up!

Work seems to have slowed down a bit. I hope it stays quiet through the holiday. I have to work Saturday and Sunday. Today's workout will be GS SB&B.
Lanie - gee, your day sounds like fun - more home construction and the ortho! Ick! I hope you make it through.

Allison - just wait until you do the entire CC 8!!!

Leanne - yay for new workout clothes! Gosh, I don't know what to say about your wonderful BIL. That's tough. I'm tellin' ya, you just need to boot him out on the sidewalk! And good for you, for not letting anyone use your office!

Peggy - welcome! You sound like me - work and workout, and that's it! :7

Tneah - uh oh. That pain does not sound good. Take it easy, dear. :*

Breckgirl - be sure to let us know what the test shows. I hope your doc can get you in earlier. My fingers are crossed.

Ah, the day is passing a bit faster than I expected. This is a good thing. Some work has come in to keep me busy editing. Staff meeting this afternoon - yuck. But at least they're getting a bit faster. And this evening... PUB! Get me home and let me work out! :7 Oh, and I get to clean up dog hair too, I'm sure. I gave my dog a bath Sunday, and oh boy did it loosen up a lot of hair. She's shedding like crazy. But hey, it's nice, clean, soft doggie hair from my spoiled baby dog. So that's not such a bad thing, right? Even if it is on the rug, under the table, stuck to my night shirt.... :p
Tneah - Yes – men do love those soft parts sometimes… My DH comments on my arms, how strong they look, how cut they are… but then he says, “when I hug you I can feel your ribs! You are too skinny.” Um… not really. So Tneah – you know boys. They really try to say what they mean, but are a bit clumsy with it.

Shannon – sounds like a gorgeous sunrise! Awesome you took the time to admire it!! I love PUB – especially how funny Cathe is with the bicep curls. :)

Allie – Congrats on the new car!!!!! Yahoo! How is the a/c situation going? What are you going to cook for dinner? :p

Lanie – I’m the first to attract the mosquitos too – and seems like I take forever to heal! Sorry it’s on your CHIN of all obnoxious places. x(

Leanne – you are such a dear. Honestly. Thank you for your kind words. Sorry you’re having BIL issues – I don’t know the whole history, but I’m irritated for you if that helps! I love Nike stuff – so fun! I hope they’re just as fabulous when you open the box!!!! Hey – and that’s not naughty. You can treat yourself. You’re allowed. You’re putting up with BIL.
Robin - awwww, that was such a nice thing to say! Thank you! And I'm laughing at the expanding melters! :7
Oh Deb - I have so far only done 1 iCycle. I just got my spin bike not too long ago, so just tested it out. So far so good, though. Planning on trying another one out later this week. Are you a cycler?
Leanne - Pierre is right in the center of South Dakota, and is the capitol. It is a small town of about 13,000. Not a whole lot to do, but we get by. We kind of like the no traffic, etc., We live about eight miles out of town, so it is really nice. We live right by the Oahe Dam.

Allison - I LOVE your new car. We were toying with the idea of the Nissan, but got a Toyota instead. I traded my highlander and got a corolla, better gas mileage, 35 as opposed to 20.
Peggie--No fair! I wanted a Corolla SO BAD but couldn't afford it. I test drove one about a week and a half ago and came *this close* to buying it but finally decided I couldn't swing the payments. I researched a lot of cars and had a guy at work who's a car expert help me find the best deal. Apparantly Nissan's are great and just a step down from a Toyota (plus I could afford it...:p)


Allison - It took a while getting used to the clutch. I wanted to take it back after one day, but persevered and kept it. I really like it. I think the Toyotas and Nissans are very similar. Congrats, you will love your new car.

Breckgirl - good luck
Hey all,

Finally got the DH and BIL off the computer so I could check in again. It's weird how much time I seem to have had this morning since it's a rest day. So DH just asked his brother when he's going to the temp agency, and BIL did one of his typical non-committal answers. The guy just woke up at NOON, and now he and DH are going to go play video games upstairs. I'm livid. I don't mind when DH wakes up late and goofs off all day since it's summer break and he works so hard during the school year, but his brother needs to get off his behind and go start looking for a job. The longer he waits to get a job, the longer he's going to be living with us. UG! OK, I'm so sorry -- I just vented again! Forgive me?? :-(

Oh, BreckGirl, I'm so sorry that you have to wait! I'm glad your Dr. is pushing to get you in sooner so you can have peace of mind. Be persistent and keep bugging them! Tell them you need to come in this Thursday, if this isn't one of their open Fridays. Sending you {{{HUGS}} -- and please don't think that you're being a downer! You gotta share the ups and downs with us, OK? :) Yes, my in-laws and BIL just moved out here last week from Wisconsin. BIL moved in with us for a few months until he finds a job and an apartment. He's a nice guy, but I don't do well with company. I start to act like this: x( I hope the Nike stuff works out!

Shannon -- Hooray for the day passing quickly! Ah, that doogie hair from your beloved pooch sounds nice! :) I'll think of you with sunsets and sunrises, too!

Robin -- Like Shannon, I'm LOL'ing, too, about our expanding melters group! If you come visit me to give BIL a kick in the rear end, will you also bring some of those wonderful baked goods you always make?:9 Speaking of which, how's the melting going this week? Are you using the food journal? That always seems to help so much! Are you doing anything special for Friday since you have the day off? :)

Peggie -- OK, so I think I sort of know where you're situated. The largest town near my aunt is Aberdeen. Sounds like where you live is beautiful! We live in San Diego, where it's always crowded and where there's lots of traffic. :-(

I hope Shelley is enjoying the holiday, and that Kara isn't too crazy with errands today!

Off to shower and then do some beading. http://planetsmilies.net/obscene-smiley-1023.gif
Hello again. I did my kettlebell workout today. I wimped out and did the first 2 circuits with 10 lbs this time and the 3rd one with 15 lbs (last time I used 10 lbs for the 1st and 15 for the 2nd and 3rd but I was soooo sore afterward http://planetsmilies.net/ill-violated-dead-smiley-9436.gif).

I changed my orthodontist appointment to next Tuesday, instead, since we've got the paving guys here and I'd rather not be in pain this week with so much going on. They're now laying down the actual stones, so it's looking good! Of course, we also had some drama with the next door neighbor nitwit. He owns the auto shop next door--actually think he owns the land and the auto shop guy rents it from him. Anyway, he kicked up a fuss about the way our contractor was running a drainage pipe down our backyard--acting like it was going to mess up his land in some way, blah blah blah. The contractor reasoned with him as much as he could and the village building inspector was fine with everything, so I guess the nitwit will have to deal. There may be some changes to how it's done, though. Ugh.

BreckGirl, so sorry you're having a tough time. Like Leanne said, this could be just a precaution--covering all their bases. ((((HUGS)))) and let us know how you're doing.

Leanne, ooh, fun, stuff from Nike! I just wore my brown cargo pants and a light blue Nike top today for my workout. I have a lot more cute workout shoes than cute workout clothes, though--probably because my shoe size doesn't change as often as my clothing sizes.

Peggie, yes, welcome to the group! I will be seeing you at the August RT as well!

Shannon, thanks, chica but I dumped the ortho at least. :D Good luck with the dog hair cleanup. The only hair I ever have to deal with is my own blond locks.

Allie, my very first car was a Nissan and she was a great little car (though ancient). It was an '83 Nissan Pulsar (4-door hatchback). I got it as a hand-me-down from my mom my senior year of high school (91-92) and drove it through college. I traded it in 1997, so she went strong for 14 years and well over 100,000 miles, including several trips back and forth to home from college--1000 miles one way (though she had her rough moments, and I had to do a little ritual song and dance of "Stayin' Alive" to start her). Oy, I feel old now, though. I currently drive a Mazda.

Robin, yep, the Melters are expanding (I just hope I'm not personally expanding).

BBL. http://planetsmilies.net/obscene-smiley-1023.gif

Oh, and this one's for Tneah: http://planetsmilies.net/obscene-smiley-1024.gif (too much?)

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Ha, ha! I loved that one, too, but wasn't sure if it was a bit too much (pun intended)!;-)

Yes, Allie, I think we are definitely perverted!

Lainie -- Hooray for doing your KB workout again! That was a smart idea to back down in weight a bit so you can walk tomorrow! ;-) I've got some good DOMS going on today from yesterday's KB workout. Hooray for wearing your new Nike outfit today! What a bummer that your neighbor is being such an *ss about your patio. The jerk!

Peggie -- Ah, yes, you need to get going with the special smilies, too!

So do you think we should all add her http://planetsmilies.net/obscene-smiley-1023.gif
to our signatures? ;-)
Peggie, by "those" do you mean the smilie Allie posted, or ones like Tneah got?

So sorry, Tneah, but I couldn't resist a jab at the "girls."

BreckGirl, I hope you can get an earlier picture at your girls. I know how hard it is to wait for something like that. Is there any other hospital in the area that does mammograms?

Leanne, I'm still doing well with melting. I used the journal for a couple days, but now I'm eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch, so I've let the journaling go. So about your BIL. Maybe, in your mind, you can give him a week to relax and chill. If he hasn't started serious job hunting by then, say something. You can figure out what to say while you are watching him mooch for a week. I think we are going to DD's boyfriend's family's house for the 4th. They live across the Susquehanna River from where Williamsport sets off their fireworks.

Shelley, I'm with Leanne in hoping your holiday is nice. But I miss you BIG TIME :( :( :(

I just got a phone call from my sister. My mother's house is finally sold. The closing was yesterday. My poor mom had to celebrate her birthday today with a colonoscopy. At least it turned out to be fine. I was a little worried, since my mom's aunt died of colon cancer. I'm all done with my weight work and ready to go make a salad for dinner. Taa for now.
>Peggie, by "those" do you mean the smilie Allie posted, or
>ones like Tneah got?
>So sorry, Tneah, but I couldn't resist a jab at the "girls."
>BreckGirl, I hope you can get an earlier picture at your
>girls. I know how hard it is to wait for something like that.
>Is there any other hospital in the area that does mammograms?
>Leanne, I'm still doing well with melting. I used the journal
>for a couple days, but now I'm eating the same thing for
>breakfast and lunch, so I've let the journaling go. So about
>your BIL. Maybe, in your mind, you can give him a week to
>relax and chill. If he hasn't started serious job hunting by
>then, say something. You can figure out what to say while you
>are watching him mooch for a week. I think we are going to
>DD's boyfriend's family's house for the 4th. They live across
>the Susquehanna River from where Williamsport sets off their
Robin - that was good. I think I just need the posted ones, mine are big enough.
>Shelley, I'm with Leanne in hoping your holiday is nice. But I
>miss you BIG TIME :( :( :(
>I just got a phone call from my sister. My mother's house is
>finally sold. The closing was yesterday. My poor mom had to
>celebrate her birthday today with a colonoscopy. At least it
>turned out to be fine. I was a little worried, since my mom's
>aunt died of colon cancer. I'm all done with my weight work
>and ready to go make a salad for dinner. Taa for now.
Hi guys! I miss you! Life is a tad crazy right now and beginning Thursday, I will not have internet access. Boo.

I *hope* I can say a proper good-bye tomorrow!

Welcome Peggy! This check-in is great!

Leanne--BIL is mooching!!! x( (((((HUGS))))) Good job on Newport! }(

Breckgirl--I am sorry for what you are going through! I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. :)

Allison--Nice car! I have heard wonderful things about Nissans. They just moved their headquarters here. Enjoy the new drive! :)

Tneah--Welcome back!!!! It is so nice to see you! I wish I could chat longer. :*

Robin--Good job on the melting! Thanks for the laugh too! You are so witty! :)

Shannon--Hey there! You have a way with words girlfriend! I am glad you had a nice weekend! :)

Lainie--Sorry about the twitty neighbor! Good job on doing the kettlebell workout. It was NOT wimpy! :)

Deb--Don't worry about the workouts. Enjoy your time with the spitfire! :7

OK, I have to get Emma from piano. By the way, the smilies are hilarious today! This thread and you ladies are the best. :*

Kara, we will miss you. Will the renovation fairies be working while you are gone, or do you have to return to a house torn apart?

Leanne, I take back all my self-pats-on-the-back. I just downed half a bag of SunChips. Back to melting tomorrow....
Kara!!!! It's so good to see you! I was worried about you with all that scary stuff going on around the house. Yes, Newport kicked my behind in a big way, but it was so much fun! I'm really feeling this one in my back and obliques today. It's interesting how each workout makes me sore in a different place! How is all the house stuff going? We sure are going to miss you the next couple of weeks, and I hope it's not too dreadful for you! {{{HUGS}}}! If you don't have time to check in, know that we're sending you our positive vibes and lots of :*'s!

Robin -- You just cracked me up with that comment about "those" things! Yes, you're so right about how I need to be mellow about BIL being here for a week before I get too crazy. I was thinking the same thing myself. I guess I just would have called the temp agency and started sending in resumes right away since the job market is so bad here. It's probably going to take a few weeks for him to get something. DH asked him today about when he was going to call the temp agency, and he made some comment about how it was probably a "holiday week" so they probably wouldn't be open. I've never heard of holiday weeks being taken around July 4 . . . . Ah, well! Your July 4 plans sound lovely! :) I bet it'll be so beautiful seeing the fireworks across the Susquehanna River. Sigh! Glad that the eating is going well. It's nice to have those planned meals to make things easier. Glad that everything went well with your mom yesterday! Is it a sad thing for her house to be sold? ETA: Oops about those Sun Chips, but, hey, that healthy salad will more than make up for it, right?! ;-) What is it with carbs in the late afternoon?? I could seriously devour a whole bag of pita chips this time of day . . . .

Shelley -- Miss you still!:)

And Tneah has hardly been around at all today. Where are you, chica? We miss you!:-(
*pouts* I wanna use the booby girl too!! But I don't know how...whaaaa!!:p And Robin, my boobs are fair game, they are en-"titties" unto themselves...*snort* I 'm so dang funny.:7 All of us need to add twirly boob girl to our signature, oh I love it, I love it!

Oh you girls! However will I catch up with all of you? Leanne is the personals queen round here, she is so good at remembering little things, which is one of the reason why we all love and adore her so.:* Kiss.:)

Well I am going to be totally selfish here, expect to tell BG that my thoughts and prayers are with you sweetie, really. And hugs all around to my chica's...I have to make it quick cause its time to repack and load the car up for our trip at 6am tomorrow morning.

The back pain was bad enough for me to see my doc, he gave me some muscle relaxers, a pain med and I refilled my anti-anxiety drug...Yep, I get panic attacks like three times a year, so my script still had 25 pills left, but they were expired..didn't want ya'll thinkin' I am some druggy over here.;) My temp was only 96.6..isn't that low?

Okay, I love you guys, I might check back in tonight, for sure tomorrow morning before I leave...Oh, and Leanne? BIL makes me quite sick actually, he is a moocher that will hang on til the end, or until you and DH put your foot down, and believe me, your DH will grow weary of this real quick. Its kinda novel right now having the "bro" around to hang with, but wait and see....And I miss Shelley!!

Welcome once again to all you new melters!:7 Oh, one more thing. I will have the disk with all the pics on it arriving tonight, so will be able to upload and share them with you guys, want you to see DH's precious mom.:)

And bye-bye Kara!! You will be missed!

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