As I stated in my post, my intent was not to dissuade anyone from getting testing done in the Bod Pod but rather to point out that like all forms of measurements, accuracy of results can vary.
I did everything I was told to do. I did not eat anything for 4 1/2 hours before the test. I did drink plain water which I was told was ok to do up to 1 1/2 hours before the test. The only jewelry I had on was a tiny wedding band (which I doubt affected the results by 10% since there is no diamonds or engraving). I wore the tighest spandex swim suit bottoms and top I could find and had the cap on that the university provided.
It is possible that there was an error by the operator during input or that the cap did not get all the air pressed out of my hair which can affect the results.
Again, I do not want to disscourage anyone from getting tested in the Bod Pod but rather wanted to share my experience that even gold standard testing can have inaccuracies.
With that, in my opinion, it makes the most sense to find whatever form of measurement you prefer and can do on a consistent basis and measure your change in body fat based on that method.