<--mean girls, best friends forever...

<---tells Catherine she is in the same boat
<---says she can barely keep her eyes open and wants to close her office door and take a nap so bad!
<---sends some hugs in Anne's direction
<---also wants to see Melissa's pictures ;)
<---wonders if Beth has eaten any banana peppers today? ;)
<---is sorry to hear that Carola's skeeters are back
<---tosses her a bottle of Off Deep Woods
<---waves hi to Squidlet and thanks her for the armpit fart greeting :)
<---tramples Amelia and Stephanie in her search for chocolate chip cookies
<---sees that Emily has already beaten her to them...
<---Joins the nappy train...toot toot!
<---Hopes y'all will toss some cookie crumbs my way!
<---Later taters
<--waves good afternoon to all youse girlie girls
<--has enough trouble eating somewhat clean and now has to have cc cookies on the brain:eek:
<--had a great tennis lesson today:D
<--then went to Dick's to buy a new gym bag, socks and shower sandals
<--says they're pink...awwww!:eek:
<--is such a priss (sp)
<--just finished working out so <--is stinky
<--must go shower
<-- waves hi
<-- hasn't read much ^
<-- sends hugs to anne though
<-- wonders how the Aug 21 deadline is coming along Ms. Lorie?
<-- went on a 5 mile run last night for some insane reason
<-- wants tea
<-- should do yoga today, or maybe a *gasp* strength workout
<-- don't think <-- have done more than one weight workout since before the bar exam
<-- can't believe that one
<-- wonders if the 10 aligator pushups during bootcamp today can count as a workout?
<-- should really get cracking on the pushups
<-- is lol at elaineee being a priss
<-- never knows how many "e"s to put in there
<-- is still waiting for acceptance from the request <-- put in yesterday?
<-- will go check
<-- sends out more hugs
<--wonders what Ame needs acceptance from or for:confused:
<--will accept her from or for anything;)!!!!!!!!!!
<--tells Ame she can put as many eeee's on as she wants!!!
<--says forgot {{{{{{{{{{Anne}}}}}}}}}
<--wonders what Ames requested
<--is waiting for the last patient to leave so <-- can skeedaddle out the door :eek:
<--is thinking of taking the week off from workouts
<--is just too tired with everything going on and needs to work a late night tomorrow
<--thinks <-- will crush a workout on Saturday
<--saved Evily a cookie
<--could have collapsed on table during meeting for impromtu snooze
<--is suspicious of Melissa's "toot toots"
<---says thanks to Beavs for <---snort again:D
<---thinks tennis lessons sound like fun
<---tells Liann that is avoiding banana peppers like the plague
<---has finally discovered what works for <--- as lost some pounds during RT
<---now just has to work out 3 hours a day and have organic food delivered to <---house and best of all gets to have multiple pieces of cake;)
<---asks Ame what an alligator push-up is
<-- will join Beth in her new weightloss program
<-- may only do the organic food delivery plus cakes and skip the 3 hour workout :D:p
<-- is uberimpressed by workout crushing Beavs
<-- wonders what aligator push ups are
<-- on second thought, may not need to know :eek::eek:
<-- wonders if Catherine already skeedaddled out the door
<-- needs to get off the computer to let DS do his homework assignments
<-- Ciao for now
<--skeeedaddled around 5ish
<--came home, did SZ and weighted chinups and is now exhausted
<--didn't get on the scale after the RT
<--can not imagine with all that <--ate <--would lose any weight :confused:
<-- am not sure where <-- learned to call them alligator pushups
<-- says they're core pushups in Cathe workouts
<-- just likes the alligator pushup name better!! :D
<-- is sure Catherine lost weight
<-- reminds her that on Saturday <-- read 3548 cal burned in 8 hrs 45 min
<-- did the chest portion of the gym styles today
<-- intended to finish with triceps after <-- got back but that ain't happenin
<-- is ROTF over Wilson with camera on beach
<-- can't get over how great that is
<--tells Ame <--forgot how we all crushed the workouts this weekend
<--thinks all the eating we did doesn't count
<--wants to go to the beach with Wilson but doesn't want to see people who shouldn't be in a bikini:confused:
<--was glad to read that Amelia's interview went well
<--can not remember much else :eek:
<---is rather late popping in here today
<---has been busy doing nothing all day
<---hopes to spend more time here tomorrow
<---is going to go have a Samuel Adams and then call it a night

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