<---tells Catherine she is in the same boat
<---says she can barely keep her eyes open and wants to close her office door and take a nap so bad!
<---sends some hugs in Anne's direction
<---also wants to see Melissa's pictures
<---wonders if Beth has eaten any banana peppers today?
<---is sorry to hear that Carola's skeeters are back
<---tosses her a bottle of Off Deep Woods
<---waves hi to Squidlet and thanks her for the armpit fart greeting
<---tramples Amelia and Stephanie in her search for chocolate chip cookies
<---sees that Emily has already beaten her to them...
<---says she can barely keep her eyes open and wants to close her office door and take a nap so bad!
<---sends some hugs in Anne's direction
<---also wants to see Melissa's pictures
<---wonders if Beth has eaten any banana peppers today?
<---is sorry to hear that Carola's skeeters are back
<---tosses her a bottle of Off Deep Woods
<---waves hi to Squidlet and thanks her for the armpit fart greeting
<---tramples Amelia and Stephanie in her search for chocolate chip cookies
<---sees that Emily has already beaten her to them...