May 08 Check in Wednesday 7th


Hello rise and shine everyone!

Just getting us started on this lovely Wednesday morning!

CCPP is on for today.

So what day of Cathe's May rotation are you on?

Day 3 for me, am I the only one?

If not, what type of 50 m SS run or cardio will you be doing for today's rotation?

How are those legs today?

1st thing I noticed were my calves - they are feeling some DOMS this am nothing a bit of stretching cam take care of .

Need to kids my kids up and fed.

BBL :)

[font color=red]ETA:[/font]
Annette: Glad you are feeling better.

Vilma, it is day 3 for me also. I will do my wog today after work.

My legs feel the calf work now and I am sure the rest will start to feel it after the day wears on.

I bought a pair of gloves that have the writ wraps. I tried on just a plain wrist wrap but then decided on the glove as I am getting slight caluous so why not deal with both issues. The gloves felt really good on the wrist but the true test will be tomorrow on the chest work.

Ok, obviously, running late for work so I need to sign-off--Carolyn
Hi Vilma!
Hi everyone who checks in after me!

Today is a gorgeous day ... It's sunny, in the 50's already,'s my BIRTHDAY!! I have mixed feelings about it being my birthday. First of all, I'm excited it's *MY* day, to do what *I* want and enjoy. But secondly, I am now 45, and feel like things can start falling apart at any given moment! 45 sounds so old!!!! I don't FEEL 45!!! I don't FEEL old!!! So , yeah, I'm a bit bipolar today!!

Vilma... I'm also on Day #3 of the May rotation. My plan is to head to the park in about 30 minutes, and do a 50 minute, SS run , with some kickbutt iPod tunes to motivate me! I'm pretty excited about that! :) :)

Strangely enough, my legs aren't sore from GSL yesterday, AT ALL! What is up with that? I struggled through a LOT of those moves, to the points of burning and shaking... why wouldn't I feel DOMS? I've also been having a hard time feeling any DOMS in my abs lately. ..

Maybe my legs will kick in later..!?!?

The rest of the day is going to be quite indulgent. Just sayin'. My boys are going to take me to the movies to see "Iron Man", and then out to dinner, and THEN, I get my yearly splurge of Italian Bakery Cake and cookies! I think I may make my own air-popped popcorn for the movies, though. Funny, I get this weird feeling about eating fat-laden food. That's GOOD-funny, I guess! For dinner, I'll probably do soup/salad, and then let it all go for the cake & cookies.

So that's the plan!

Have a wonderful WORKOUT today everyone!!!!

Chris!! You beat me to the boards..I was logging on to tell you Happy Birthday and you got on first..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have a great day today..Enjoy the cake and goodies..I splurged on my birthday too!! That is what birthday's are for right??

Vilma: I am on day 7..which says rest day. But, I am going to do the cardio for tomorrow and do the 4DS kickbox and abs..The rest of the week is so busy that I want to keep going in case I need a rest day. Saturday is a rest day for sure and I may need Friday too. Inlaws are coming Friday afternoon...

Carolyn: Glad you got your gloves with wrist straps. Hope they help ya!! I have weighted gloves that I use. I have had them forever!!

Well, today I am taking the kids for pictures. Chris is getting Communion photos and then I want to get one of them together. I am planning on doing 4 DS Kickbox cardio and abs that is on the schedule for tomorrow..I also am happy to say that I got some running in last night. I ran for 2 miles in about 22 minutes and then walked 1 mile..It felt great!!

Talk to you later..Hope everyone has a great workout today!!
Good morning all!

I am on day 4 of the May Rotation so I am doing chest, tris and shoulders today. I am doing the 4DS Premix, plus those segments from PH to get a better burn on.

Vilma, I can't do a SS run, I get too bored. I just did CCV3 yesterday plus CM1.

Chris, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Enjoy your movie and your indulgences tonight! You deserve it!

Carolyn, glad you found some gloves. I hope they help you.

Kathy, Good run last night! Have fun getting pictures!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!!
Hi Everyone, and happy birthday Chris! I am 46 and let me tell you I do not know how that happened!! :) Enjoy your day -- hold old are your boys? (sorry if you mentioned -- sometimes it's hard to keep track of everyone). I may be doing that Iron Man run myself soon.

I'm also on day 3 and going to do a cardio coach -- I was going to run on my property/road, but about a month ago we had a mountain lion hit by a car, but not killed, and it was spotted near here a couple of weeks ago, and well, I'm just paranoid. If it's injured, no telling how desperate it is for a meal. We're a little too remote to feel completely comfortable running alone. Plus, then I had a miserable night sleeping -- woke up around 2ish and couldn't get back to sleep until it was almost time to get up. A lot of times when that happens to me, I just go ahead and get up and exercise, but I just did not feel like getting on the elliptical or doing an IMAX in the middle of the night! :) So, I will do some cardio coach after I help out at the school. I'll hope the fog hasn't completely lifted by then -- I hate the heat!

Have a great day everyone!

CCPP is done and OMG!

Why is it when I do that one I feel soooo accomplished!
I had totally forgotten about that 1st challenge from v7 it was a HIIT for 21 min :eek:

Fantastic RUN! Woot! I'm still flying high on those endorphins.

After a good well deserving stretch for my poor legs I popped in CM seg 1 and woot levitations were done! Yeah Baby!

Once I get down from this rush I'll be back w/ personals ;)

Need to eat - me thinks a protein shake and some frozen berries are in order.
Chris: HAPPY 45th BIRTHDAY!!! I know you will have a great one and you don't look a day over 30, how's that make you feel?! Hopefully good.

I am only one year behind you and this year felt kinda strange too.

I did the warm up, kickboxing and hi/lo segments of CTX 10-10-10 adn then did the kickbox segment off of CTX Kickbox minus the arm drills and warm up.

Hope you all have a great day!!:7 :)

Oh and thanks ShyWolf, I am glad that I do too.
Happy Birthday Chris!

I turned 45 in January. I am going through a mid life "clarity". Nothing crisis about it. Just made a major decision to leave my job of 13 years, leave my home of 16 and relocate back to my native city.

I feel fine as I have been doing this workout thing since the shameful days of leggum, tights and leotards (I just pray no one had any cameras in the aerobic class).

Beth, mountains lions! My worst predator is an ocassional unleashed dog. I also would probably pass on the outdoor run solo under those conditions.

Becca, enjoy Chest and tri. I will be doing that one tomorrow.

Kathy, enjoy your semi-rest day.

Vilma, can you do cardio coach on a stationary bike or treadmil only?
Back feeling refreshed and satiated after showering and eating :)

[font color=orange]Carolyn:[/font]
What brand of gloves did you get? Looking forward to hear how they stand up when you do GS CT.

Cardio Coach can be done on any cardio equipment and even outdoors. As a matter of fact I'm sending my older sis a copy of CCV1 as she just recently got an elliptical and walks for her cardio. She's a beginner so hopefully this will encourage her to use her cardio machine or keep up her walking routine.

[font color=orange]Chris:[/font]

[font color=red][font size=16] HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!![/font color][/font size]

I'll be turning 41 next Tuesday; May 13th and I don't feel that I'm in my forties either. I guess its all mental and just goes down to how we feel.

Age is nothing but a number but each year I'm happy to have another year under my belt as my older sister has always said [font color=indigo]"Like fine wine we get better with time"[/font] ;)

So how was your run?
We went to see Iron Man on Sunday - we found it very good and I always enjoy seeing Robert Downey Jr. act in my opinion he is such a good actor, so glad he's back making movies.

Enjoy your birthday and being spoiled :7 We only have them once a year so being indulged is a part of that ;)

[font color=orange]Kathy:[/font]

Good for you on that run/walk last night! Go you!

I have my mil and mom flying in for my dd's H.S. graduation next month, oy my house is just not ready yet EEP!

Have fun at the photographers today.

[font color=orange]Becca:[/font]

LOL I know what you mean about SS runs.

Honestly I don't think I have any itreads that are SS.

I think CC has some but with the music and changing my settings I never find my TM runs boring anymore.

Thank goodness for CC & Itreads they are life savers for me and my TM has been working good and hard since I got them early last year, before that it was a dust magnet. ;)

[font color=orange]Beth:[/font]

Mountian Lions?! Double EEP!

I don't blame you for feeling a bit paranoid, no telling where that animal is hunkering down at and wanting a meal. Yikes! :eek:

I hate nights like that, I have had that on occasion with bouts of insomnia; doesn't make a productive me at all . I always feel awful the next day and no matter how much I try nothing helps except to get some sleep whenever it comes.

[font color=orange]Annette:[/font]

Glad to know you are doing better, have missed you over on the daily thread ;)

Have an absolutely Wonderful Day Everyone :7

[font color=red]ETA:[/font] Gee my post is totally out of sequence here. My pardons.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! Kathy..I must have JUST beat you!!

I had a wonderful run this morning... It felt great, the park was so beautiful, there were tulip gardens of every color you can imagine.. the grass was green, the fountains were on... It was just amazing how great it felt to run there!! I came home and did Coremax Seg#1. I was pooped. My leg DOMS FINALLY started to kick in! (see, that's what I get for complaining! LOL!)

Kathy... I know how you're feeling on getting ready for your son's First Communion this weekend! It's how I was feeling LAST week! But it's all so worth it, and .. oh , I'll have to post a pic of my kiddo, in his angelic state! SOOOO worth it!!

Beth... My boys are 12, 8 and 6. My "oldest" boy is 43...LOL!! Sounds like I have good company of 45+ age group here! :eek:)) Hey, that's crazy about the mountain lion. I wouldn't run either! Gosh, i wouldn't even go outside!!

Vilma... Fine wine... I'm trying! I've always loved Robert Downey Jr. too! I was so sad when he had drug/alcohol/whatever issues. I hope he does well with his succcess.

Carolyn... Yes, you'll definitely haev to let us know how the gloves work. I donb't have issues with my wrists, but I sometimes feel weak when I do all that chest /tricep work. Yes... you sure did make some major life changes! Good for you!

Annette.. Thanks PROFUSELY for the "not a day over 30" compliment!! Yes, that makes it easier to take! I have NONE of the workouts you did today... so I can't commiserate with you! LOL!

Anyhow...better start getting ready , my boys will be home from school soon!

Thanks again!

Just thought I'd share Alex's First Communion Picture...
It's kind of funny, because normally , he's a crazy, loud, very active, rough and tumbly kind of kid! LOL!!!


Chris, we have something in common. We are both moms to 3 boys. Mine are 11,13 and 15, how old are yours?

That picture is adorable. Glad that I made you feel better.

I looked at your profile pic and I may have to change it to a day over 25, you are beautiful!!!
::::raises hand::::: another mom to three boys here! They are 10,4 and 3 (this month they will be 11,5 and 4). Plus I have one daughter to keep me on my toes.:)

Chris, what a handsome little man you have there! I have an Alex, too!

So my PS series came in the mail today. I did PS CST and I am still shaking! For the love of Pete, that is tough! I'm glad that I ordered it. I also did a 20 min. itread.

I'm off to suck down a protein shake and help these little muscles repair! Have a great afternoon!
[font color=orange]Chris:[/font]
My what a sweet young man you have there. Which reminds me I need to download my dd senior prom pictures

[font color=orange]Becca:[/font]
So the PS series was good eh?
Okay I think I'm finally off that fence I've been on for so many years about them, off to order my own :eek:

Which itread did you do? I'm still collecting those as well lol :p
Vilma, look at you, you hot momma! You DEFINITELY do not look anywhere NEAR 41! Your daughter looks beautiful as well. What a gorgeous girl in a beautiful dress! Thanks so much for sharing.
Awww Becca thanks.

You are so sweet, I don't particularly like to show photos of myself or my kids online but I figured why not this one time.

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