May 08 Check in Tuesday 6th


Good Morning Everyone!

Just getting us started this am.

My internet connection is acting really strange and wonky so I hope the kids didn't download anything that is slowing the pc down this am.

Was planning on doing CC#1 as my early morning TM run but eh didn't wake up in time. [font color=grass green] *grumbles to herself*[/font]

On tap is GS Legs :)
which I'll be doing once I get back from dropping off the kids and if I can swing it time wise I'll do my cardio afterwards.

I don't like starting my days off late but I still have the rest of the day to do my run IF my legs feel up to it after GS Legs.

Will check back in later to see how everyone else's day is coming along.
Morning All,

Went out to dinner and ate off plan but seeing how the rest of the day was on target, I feel fine about that. Today will be totally on plan.

Wrist is hurting so I passed on the weight training last night but I will get it in. Will stop at Dicks Sporting and get some wrist support bands this evening. Actually, I was looking forward to the weight workout but common sense suggest I let the wrist rest and for once, I listened. I should be fine for the GS Leggs and I need to be ready for the killer push-up in GS CT. That bothers my wrist under normal circumstances.

Will be back later--Carolyn
Good morning all. I did GS legs this morning. True confession -- it's the first time I've done it all the way through, because it freezes on my dvd player. Last night I took the time to set up a laptop in the exercise room so I could do the whole thing. That floorwork is killer! (that's where I'd miss some of the workout).

Good luck with the wrists, Carolyn!

Hey Everyone!

Just got done with GS Legs too! The weather forecast changed for the better tomorrow, so I'm sticking w/ the rotation schedule as planned. YES! GS Legs floor work is a moaner! The ball KILLS me every time. (I know Joanne is with me on this one !!) I did do everything, but I just could NOT eek out the one legged roll-outs. They still are 2 legged roll-outs. I'm still burning, believe me!

That is one intense, complete , leg workout though, isn't it??

The stretch at the end seriously feels like eating frosting off the cake! ... Anyone else have problems with the first stretch? Cross-legged with one foot in front of the other, and leaning forward? Damn! I can hardly even cross my legs, never mine lean forward!!

The weather is gorgeous out, and I'm planning also to do a small run (20-30 minutes) at the park on my way out for errands today. I just can't resist!

Vilma:...I hate when I get up late , that feeling of being behind and trying to catch up! Sorry your day started out like that! I do think GS legs is enough for today, if you don't get to your treadmill run.

Carolyn:... You definitely have to have good wrist support for BSB! And even more so for Chest! I have the Push-up handles for pushups I find really help. I got the Walmart version for $19.99. Be careful!

Beth: ... Good job on doing the whole GS! The floor work is KILLEr after standing work, isn't it?


Hello Again Everyone!

Finished GS Legs a few hours ago but had some things to do (like eat and shower lol)before I was able to get back on here.

So let's talk about today's workout [font color=Grass Green]*giggles insanely*[/font]

[font color=indigo] Carolyn: [/font]
I love visiting Dick's sporting goods store. Too bad I have to drive an hour to visit one but I may just go this Saturday.

I also tend to have wrist problems when I do push ups and pikes on the ball.

Please let us know how those wrist support bands work for you as I'm highly interested if they work.

Here's hoping your wrist calms down and stops hurting for you.

[font color=indigo] Beth: [/font]
Yeah that floor work is killer I tell ya. It's been a long while since I've done any of the Hardcore dvds so [font color=Grass Green]*nods crazily*[/font] my legs were a shaking in some points O.O wowie!

Great workout! My legs sure need them esp. since in my part of the country we are in shorts already :D

[font color=indigo] Chris: [/font]
Yes ITA agree about GS Legs being a complete leg WO its a good one and hits deep inside the glutes and hams for me.

That 1st stretch I go verrrryyyy slowwwlllydown lol and just breathe.

I was tempted to do the stretch twice though but hubby was making breakfast and I was hungry so :p ayup I did some stretches on my own afterwards holding for 30 secs as I stood talking to the hubby lol

I like doing my TM runs before everyone is up and so far I don't see myself doing it yet.

Once the hubby is up we like to spend some time before he has to get ready for work as he has to drive 1 1/2 hours from here.

Not to mention that my legs feel throughly worked at the moment. So I'll pass on my cardio for today.

I plan on making up for it though by doing CCPP tomorrow or CC #6 w/ Candace }( Now that should be fun :p

I was looking at those perfect push ups.

The 20 dollar one its just as good as the 40 dollar one?

Whats the difference between the two?

I may just go out and pick them up even though I've been here hinting at them for a Mother's Day or Birthday present, but with all those push ups Cathe throws at us in the beginning of GS CT on Thursday I may need them sooner than when my family gets them for me IF they get them for me at all lol

Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with Muscle Max and I am going to try a get a little bit of a run in at the walking track while Lauren has softball practice...

Vilma: I hate to get started late too. The kids will sometimes drag their feet and then we get our lessons started later than I would like to. It throws my whole day off. Especially when we have a tight schedule. Like you said, I get quite cranky when I can't get my workout in...HAHA...Hope you are able to get the push up bar. I need alot of work on push ups. I can do them on my toes. But, I feel I have better form with doing them on my knees. So, I usually do them on my knees. I just can't go as low on my toes. Need more strength.

Carolyn: I ate off plan all weekend thanks to my daughter's birthday. Oh well...That is life.Right? Good luck at Dick's finding what you need..

Beth: That is killer floor work!! I am with Chris that one legged ball roll in gets me everytime...

Chris: I LOVE the stretch..I feel so much better every time Cathe says Join us for a stretch...I am not a fan of those one legged roll in either!!!

Looks like everyone is on the same day of the rotation. I enjoyed Muscle MAx today. But, that ab work was killing me today. Those jackknife things on the side and the ones where you pull your knees in and meet your elbow at the bottom leg!!! HARD!! Know which one I am talking about???

OK, getting ready to take Lauren to drawing class and get some shopping done. We have family coming to stay with us this weekend for Chris' Communion. Gotta shop and clean the rest of the week!!

have a great day ladies!!
I was dying on that first stretch!! And by the way, I couldn't do the single legged things, either. When I said I did the whole workout, it just meant my dvd didn't freeze -- doesn't mean I didn't! :)

I'm doing cardio coach tomorrow too, but planning to do my own custom mix outside. Should be a nice day for it and it means I can sleep in a little.

I'm already dreading the chest and triceps work for Thursday -- those are the worst for me!

Have a great day! (I'm in California, so there's most of the day left here....)

Well, after a week of being sick.. I finally am feeling much better (did work the weekend but I was sluggish). I did select weight work for chest and shoulders today and about 15 min. of a taebo workout.

I want to keep my weight about where it is after being sick.

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
Good afternoon all!

Yesterday i did 4DS Lower Body in place of GS Legs. It sounds like I didn't work hard enough based on all your reports of GS! I think when GS legs is called for next week I will do B&G instead. I also did CCV2 the first two challenges. Today I did CCV3 and I will do a CoreMax seg as soon as I get off the computer. I forgot to do it when I was in workout mode!

Vilma, sorry to hear that you missed your run this am! How do you like CCPP? I may have to get that one next.

Carolyn, have fun at Dick's! DH won't let me near a sporting good store! He's afraid he will have to work A LOT more to make up for all my spending. }(

Beth, WTG on the GS legs!

Chris, after your description, I am going to have to sell some stuff on ebay so I can get all the GS's! They sound super intense!

Kathy, sounds like you have a busy week ahead! WTG on Muscle Max. Enjoy your run this afternoon.

Annette, glad to hear you are feeling better!

Hello to anyone else who sneaks in! Have a Terrific Tuesday!!
Confession time! I have never done the floor section of GS legs, I just do the standing part, stretch and declare VICTORY}(! Didn't even dawn on me to do the floor work till I came here and saw you all talking about it. In the spirit of you all I'll tough through it, I will actually do more than look at it. I will give it a shot.

In my defense, I just don't like to workout for more than 45 minutes no matter what I am doing. I normally stop after those killer calf raises but I will press on tonight. You all have me scared about those leg rolls though.

Becca, I too go crazy at the sporting goods store but will try and exercise discipline seeing how I have 2 more paychecks before I leave my job.

I will let you all know how the wrist support works out. I may try the pushup bar seeing how I have some. Cathe even mentions using a dumbell for support if the pushups become too much for your wrist. I have not used any of it as I never had problems before.

Ok, have a good day and I will check it tomorrow!--Carolyn
>Vilma, sorry to hear that you missed your run this am! How do
>you like CCPP? I may have to get that one next.

[font color=indigo]Becca:[/font]
No worries about my missed run, tomorrow is another day not gonna beat myself over it anymore ;)

CCPP is a fantastic workout, not sure what it is but I'm guessing its just the overall message this one brings. All the segments just flow so great together.

When I am done with it I am completely soaked. I mean I get to where I have to peel my workout clothes off as they get so wet from me sweating (okay all together now "EWWWWW" lol)

It's an excellent addition to your audio workouts in my humble opinion. I always seem to want to cry from the intense endorphin rush I get after I'm done doing that one.

I for one am glad I got it. :7

Early afternoon , on my way out, I put on my running gear and to the park I went. GSL definitely put a damper on my endurance though. Wow. It was hard to even do just the 30 minutes! But I still enjoyed it. The weather was 70's and sunny, and the smell of flowers was everywhere... sooooo nice!

Vilma: The $20 perfect push up handles are GREAT for me. I think maybe they are made of a cheaper plastic, but there's no way I could break them using them for what they're intended, that is!

Kathy: WTG on Muscle Max! I'm "looking forward" to that one later this week. It's one of my newer workouts, and I've only done it once or twice before. I'll let you know how the ab work goes for me!

Beth: You made me LOL about YOU freezing on the one legged pull outs and not the DVD!

Annette: SOrry to hear you've been sick. Definitely have to take it easier coming back from sickness.

Becca: Oh yeah, GSL is definitely tougher than 4DS legs. I think B&G is a better sub, or even Legs & Glutes (do you have that one?). I think the GS workouts are invaluable and good tough workouts.

Carolyn: LOL at your confession! The standing work on GSL is a great workout all in itself, it really is. The floor stuff , just makes sure your muscles are super fatigued! Although the floor work has some outer thigh work that the standing doesn't have too.

Off I go to chase my boys for homework and clean up so we can watch American Idol together!


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