Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily grossed out!)



Night before starting cleanse: Drank a cup of Senna Leaf tea

DAY 1: Awoke early having to relieve myself desperately. Lasted for about 30 minutes and was pretty normal. Prepared 60 oz. of master cleanser lemonade (known from this point on simply as “lemonade”). Drank it in approximately 6, 10 oz. amounts for the entire day. Did not have my normal caffeine fix or take my vitamins…had nothing but the lemonade. Had a pretty nasty headache (later discovered to be caffeine withdrawals) and felt a bit tired all day, but not too bad. Did not work out, as I still was not sure if it would be “safe”, or if I would pass out (oh, the drama!) I made another 20 oz. or so of the lemonade at about 8pm…just couldn’t stand the sensation of being hungry. Drank it all and felt great. Drank the Senna Leaf tea before bed.

DAY 2: Again, awoke early having to “go” twice before it was time for me to wake up. Ugh…nothing like being awakened by stomach cramps. More elimination than usual. Did the salt water flush and OH MY GOODNESS…if you ever are constipated, this is the ticket. Within 10 minutes of guzzling that grueling potion, I was again in the bathroom for about 30 minutes. Yikes. Had a headache again. Drank about 75 oz. of the lemonade all day. Did a workout and felt a bit out of it…mostly from the headache, I think. Drank the Senna Leaf tea before bed.

DAY 3: Again, awoke early having to “go” (this time only once) before it was time for me to wake up. Skipped the salt water cleanse (it was just SOOO foul) and instead drank another cup of Senna tea. Drank about 75 oz. of the lemonade all day. Had a headache for the first part of the day, but it started to go away later on. Muscles felt a bit sore…kind of like flu (later learned that this is a symptom of the “detox” process.) Did a shortened workout (stopped early mostly out of “fear”…still wasn’t sure if this cleanse was gonna kill me or not and was scared to exert myself, LOL!) Had my first mid-day “bathroom incident”. Eliminated matter is started to look and smell different than usual and is definitely a larger amount than usual. Muscles still a bit achy. Drank the Senna tea. Went to bed and slept like a baby.

DAY 4: Did the saltwater flush upon waking and spent about 45 minutes in the bathroom. Eliminations are starting to look weird…weird shapes and colors. NOT normal. Oh well, this is good, right? Drank about 70 oz. of lemonade. Worked out and felt pretty good. No headache today, but muscles are still a bit stiff from the achiness I was experiencing. No biggie. Starting to think of all the food I can’t have, but strangely enough, not really hungry for it. When I get hungry, I just have more lemonade and don’t deny myself however much of it I think I need. Drank the Senna tea.

DAY 5: Did the saltwater flush upon waking and spent about 45 minutes in the bathroom. Eliminations still looking weird. My tongue is starting to look and feel weird…kinda coated and sore. Ouch. (Learned this is another detox symptom.) Felt “cranky” today…after all, it was hump day for the cleanse (1/2 way through!) No headache, have energy, but just in a foul mood over it all. Drank only about 50 oz. of lemonade today…kinda getting tired of it. Not hungry for anything else either, though…just not hungry, period! Did a work out and was fine. Drank LOTS of water all day and had a cup of mint tea (this is allowed). It was a nice change and made me feel fresh and clean. Skipped the Senna tea tonight (had to go to work early in the morning and didn’t want to deal with THAT at the office). Worked all day and barely noticed anything different…just brought my lemonade to the office and sipped it all day. No big deal. No bathroom business at all, until I got home. Out of guilt of not drinking the tea the night before or doing a salt water flush that morning, did a salt water flush when I got home from work. OH ME…that is the worst thing in the world. And, it is optional…it is highly recommended, but you can just drink the Senna tea twice a day if you just can’t handle the salt water flush. It really CLEANS you out though. Experienced for the first time what “butt pea” is (seriously, that’s what people call it!) This is when your elimination is purely liquid and is basically the color of urine. Feelin’ clean…!! Didn’t drink the Senna tea before bed, since I had just done the salt water flush (well, that was my excuse…sounds good, doesn’t it?)

DAY 6: Woke up feeling BALANCED. I can’t explain it, other than to say that I awoke feeling strangely aware, alert, in control, and healthy. Maybe it was psychological, but I just felt so PURE. Mind and body were aligned and all was well in the universe. Sounds cooky, but that’s how I felt. Did another salt water flush and again, just liquid was eliminated. Made my 60 oz. of lemonade and sipped it like a fine wine on my back patio. Felt really good. No headache, lots of energy, no muscle aches. Full of vem and vigor, I did a 60 minute sweat fest workout and felt so incredibly empowered when I realized I wasn’t even tired from it, despite not consuming any solid foods for almost 6 days. Tongue is still sore, but I couldn’t care less. Stomach is starting to look really flat. Have not lost any weight and consider that to be a good thing…not trying to! Just want to cleanse. Liquid eliminations only again…am starting to wonder if I am already clean and have nothing left to eliminate(?) Drank the tea before bed. Eww…hate the tea…well, I hate what it does to me!

DAY 7: WHOA. OK. Nope, definitely wasn’t “clean”. After 2 days of nothing but liquid eliminations, some STRANGE stuff is starting to come out, now. Not worms, but wormy looking things beling eliminated. Just little squiggly solid things, along with really dark, thick, cruddy, tar-like stool. And not to be really, REALLY gross, but it smells disgusting. Ugh. (I am getting nauseated just thinking about it now). Did the salt water flush and more stuff is coming out. Drank my quota of tea, did a great workout, and am still feeling really good and strong and however disgusting it may be, am relieved that I am eliminating some weird looking stuff. It is such a good feeling to know I am getting rid of it and is grossing me out to think it’s been there all this time. Had several small eliminations today. Yuck. Drank the tea before bed and slept well.

DAYS 8 & 9 are the same as day 7, pretty much. Eliminating really yucky, weird stuff – crud-like black, icky stool and little squiggles (NOT worms, trust me, just deposits from the intestinal wall!) It is happening all throughout the day now. Feeling good though and don’t miss food AT ALL. Worked out hard and relished every drop of sweat. My body has completely eliminated all excess mucous and even though I usually clear my throat and blow my nose throughout the day (particularly during a workout) I haven’t done this in days. Weird…it’s like my body is empty of all disease. Am actually a little anxious of the idea of again “contaminating” my nice clean body with unpure foods. Don’t really want to go back to normal living since this feels so good. Senses are extremely heightened…I can smell things from a mile away. People are starting to smell disgusting…as soon as someone comes home, I can *smell* them from the other room. And it’s foul, like mucous. Not body odor…just a weird, unpure smell. I don’t even want to be around anyone. And when they cook…ugh…it’s nasty. Fast food commercials on TV are making me want to hurl. The idea of watching someone eat seems so nasty - I can't bear it. As for me, I am feeling like I could take over the world if I wanted to. Drank the tea before bed, as it is the LAST night of the cleanse! :)

DAY 10: Woke up feeling good and more positive than I have in years. Full of energy and vitality. Drank my last bit of lemonade and then cheated that night and began the orange juice/chicken broth already (you are not supposed to do this until day 11…oh well!) Am done eliminating junk…just liquid again now. Did my final salt water flush…thank goodness! That really was the worst part of this, for me. EWW.

DAY 11: Well…you are supposed to “ease” off the cleanse by only having orange juice and/or chicken broth for a couple of days. Yeah, right. My mom made homemade spaghetti sauce and I just HAD to have some. I ate a small bowl very slowly and was fine (no noodles, just the meatless sauce). Made some homemade vegetable soup and ate this slowly all day.

DAY 12: Ate the rest of my soup. Felt great.

DAY 13: Back to normal! I usually eat pretty healthy, so it wasn’t a drastic change for me. It’s not like I ran out and grabbed a Whopper and fries…I just ate healthy foods, like normal.

Overall, I am very happy with the results. The fact that I am a person who has always worked out and followed a “clean” diet does not exempt me from the intestinal build up that occurs over time. I did eliminate some nasty toxins, there is no doubt. And the fact that my muscles were sore the first couple of days further supports the detox theory (and let’s not forget the coated tongue, which didn’t go back to normal until about day 20!) Another thing I didn't mention earlier...I never had to wear deoderant while I was on this bad breath, no's almost like you are an alient or an android with no nasty bodily fluids (other than the bathroom busines, that is.) I would do this again and probably will in the next few months. Since I don’t want to lose weight and/or mass, I will drink more lemonade than some may choose to do. I actually miss the lemonade and the feeling of cleanliness I had during those 10 days - can' t wait to do it again.

Just be smart and careful and listen to your body! If you get hungry, HAVE MORE LEMONADE. It won't hurt you to have more. If you can't handle the salt water, just drink the tea twice a day. This is not as good, but it's better than not doing the cleanse at all.

OH…and my sense of smell is still here…I can still smell people 7 months later. Not so much those who work out, drink lots of water, and eat clean…but others, oh yes, they stink to me now. I guess I will have to live with it. ;-)

OK, it was late when I posted that last night and there are a few things I should have mentioned:

1) For anyone confused by what the heck I am talking about, this journal was posted at the request of individuals at the "cleansing" thread, which began a couple of days ago. If you are NOT interested, don't read. I did the "Master Cleanser" program developed by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. It DOES NOT require you to purchase ANYTHING from ANYONE (well, except lemons and stuff from the health food store). You use all natural ingredients.

2) I am an EATER. I eat all day long and rarely go without food for more than 3-4 hours. I eat pretty clean and work out often. I am not an anorexic toothpick 5'8", I weigh about 130-135 lbs.

3) I did this cleanse merely to CLEANSE...not lose weight. I was having issues related to the long-term use of antibiotics. I had developed irritable bowel syndrome and was having issues related to the overgrowth of yeast (dandruff, yeast infections, etc.) Yes, this cleanse did solve my problems!

4) I am NOT here to push this cleanse on anyone who isn't interested. No, I am not a spokesperson for Mr. Stanley Burroughs who sadly, passed on the 1970s and therefore, is no longer profiting from the sale of his $6 "Master Cleanse" book (still availble at most health food stores and on amazon, etc. )

5) I will not get into a flame war or repeatedly defend myself over this. I am not here looking for anyone's approval...I did this 7 months ago and lived to tell about it. Water under the bridge. I did my homework and took months researching this before I actually did it. I educated myself and joined a forum of hundreds of people who have done it. I picked their brains and read, read, and READ about this. So again...if you are here to flame me, I'm not interested in playing. I posted my story for those who may benefit from my experiences. That's all I will say on this subject.

6) For those of you who think this is "strange". YES - I fully agree...the concept is very strange. I told very few people I was doing this because I just knew most people would find it nutty. It goes against everything we are taught and doesn't seem logical. I felt the same way, until I read about it over and over and over get the idea.

So...with this being said, if I offend anyone with my "overshare" of information, you were warned in the subject line not to read if easily grossed out! :)

Thanks!! That's exactly what I needed to read. I'm beginning day 2, got about 2 1/2 cups of the salt water flush down over an hour ago and, nothing at all... Ditto yesterday. Is that normal?? I had a cup of the tea (weak) last night. Maybe another one?
I think this is great that you posted a journal for all of us. Oh, you mentioned the "weird" stuff coming out. That is normal. Actually, that stuff is in our intestines. It gets there from the mycotoxins we ingest through the air, medicine (such as antibiotics), and food (such as peanut butter). That weird stuff is like fungus growing in your body causing bad breath, tiredness, and for some, a ton of health problems.

My mother is the a "health nut". She is 59 and has been studying health foods for as long as I can remember. Her new topic of study is an antifungal diet ( Part of this is taking psyllium on a daily basis. When she started taking it, she had the weird stuff coming out....and hook worms. (She would kill me if she knew I was telling people this...) She has a garden and her dh spread horse poop in the garden. She would wear flip flops in the garden and she thinks this is where she picked up worms. She never would have known if she did not take psyllium everyday.

Thanks for posting this. Some may not understand, but this is important to health...even if a clean diet is always followed. Was there psyllium in your lemeonade?



Some people on another thread are very leary of this topic and want it to "go away". If only they understood the importance of this topic. I, for one, appreciate this topic. I think many are "under" educated about this topic. Have you ever heard of Doug Coffman and his tv show. It is great. I think you would like it!


I thought your original post was funny also. But, somebody did say something along the lines of "I hope this topic wanes quickly." Again, I think some (not all) are leary. I don't want to make anybody angry. I just want people (especially those concerned with health and fitness) the importance of this topic. It is not a gimmick; it is for real!

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Thank you so very much for your very informative and detailed account, must have taken you you quite a while to write. I do not feel that it was too much info especially since you did include the warning. I also have been interested in this for about two years or so as I had a friend who did it but did not feel comfortable asking about details. Again thank you very much!
Hey Charlotte,

Yes, I have heard of people who don't have eliminations for a couple of days. One thing I will say need to drink more than 2 1/2 cups fo the salt water mix...I think it's actually 1 quart you are supposed to drink. It's awful, I know, but that's what it takes. If you down a quart of this stuff, you should start your eliminations pretty quickly. Or yes, you could try another cup of the senna tea, instead (some people don't do the salt water flush, but instead drink two cups of the tea per day). Try to let it steep for 15-20 mins to make it stronger. Good luck!
Hey Sara,

Thanks for sharing! I knew I was taking a risk posting this here, but that's the reality. To answer your question, no, I followed the Master Cleanser program verbatim (except for cheating the last day!) and did not have any psyllium. However, I have heard that psyllium is a common way to cleanse. I haven't personally tried this so I cannot really comment on the effectiveness of it. But it seemed like it worked for your mom. :)

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Thanks for posting this! It's definitely controversial, but those who aren't interested don't have to read.

It's good to hear someone's personal account of a cleanse (one that has been around for a long time, and has been used by many, many people).

I once did a gallbladder cleanse that required drinking epsom salts in water, once, and I couldn't get the whole thing down. Is the salt water more palatable than that?
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I have to say I have NEVER heard of such a thing...but boy can I say your journal was absolutely fascinating (gross content and all:D ). It has prompted me to do further research into the process. Thanks for sharing such intimate details on an obviously very personal journey!!

Thanks for the kind words, Sara...there will be many different opinions on this topic. Which is fine...everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. No, I have never heard of Doug Coffman's it some sort of "natural remedy" program or something?

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...


Glad you found value in my story. I would NOT say the salt water is very palatable! That was the worst part for me. If not for that, the cleanse is actually quite tolerable. :)

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Another big thank you, Dianna. Especially for sharing the somewhat intimate details! Another friend of mine did a cleanse (a different type, with herbs), and eliminated a lot of worms and parasites, so I'm always intrigued by this. You're lucky you didn't have any! It is a little frightening to think we could be supporting a community of creepy crawlies in our intestines!

I find it so amazing that you didn't lose weight! Losing weight would be one of my main reasons for doing it. Maybe it's an individual thing, those with weight to lose will lose weight, those at a good weight already will maintain.

Are you a heavy duty strength training person? Do you think you lost any muscle mass? I feel sort of instinctively that my body would enjoy a one-day fast now and then, I've tried it from time to time and felt really good and not hungry, and I'm really flirting with the 10-day cleanse idea, but I get distracted by the theories about losing muscle mass if you don't eat. (The BFFM theory.) There's so much conflicting info.! I guess I'm nervous about trying a long cleanse because I'm afraid I would undo some of the work I put into building muscle. But a long time ago I read a book by Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg which espoused periodic fasting, and boy when you see their pictures, they are very fit and muscular. So maybe it doesn't really affect your muscles much?

Thanks again for the info., I know it must have taken a long time to assemble and post and it's great to be able to read about others' experiences!
RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

Hi Dianna :)

Is this something you purchased from a health store. Is it expenses?
I would like to know more about this email [email protected].

RE: Master Cleanser Journal (DO NOT read if easily gros...

I believe there is benefit to cleansing however I could never go through all this!! I took Sara's advice and ordered the whole husk psyllium that she mentioned elsewhere. What other supplements or processes do you take or do on a regular basis?

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