M.I.C. is a monster!

I just don't feel very good by the time I finish with this tape. I do it maybe once a month, hoping that it will get better, but the only thing I like about it is the Eva Peron song at the end. I also think the choreography in the step portion is repetitive and BORING. The sashays are icky feeling to do--maybe because of the carpet. It's my least favorite Cathe tape. My second least favorite is Body Max, where I think the step choreography is also boring. Anyway, I salute all of you hardliners here. (I love Circuit Max because it is not repetitive and boring.)
I did this one for the first time yesterday ( I am attempting the "MAX" rotation) and I agree the cardio is killer. I LOVED it though, I felt so good afterwards. It was fun and I really enjoyed the choreography. I suck at TIFTing cause I always forget by the end what the beginning moves were, but I did fine with this one.
My copy of the M.I.C., Imax, Rhythmic Step DVD is supposed to show up Friday (according to UPS). From all the posts I've read about these workouts, I'm quite afraid! :eek: I feel like I'm burning calories just reading everyone's experiences!

I hate the hi/lo portion of M.I.C.!!! This is a workout with an extremely high "dread factor." There is no way one could look forward to it. Now, the step portion is another story. I love it! I think the music is awesome -- so I do the "low and medium impact" sections of the hi/lo, then fast forward to the step portion. Still a tough workout, but not so tough that the thought of doing it makes me wanna hurl... lol Maybe I'm exaggerating just a tad but you ladies know what I'm saying!!!!
This thread is so funny. I totally agree that it's a monster. I haven't done it in months just because it is so hard. While were on the subject does anyone know how many calories you burn? also, has anyone lost alot of weight doing it on a regular basis? I know I need to put it in my roation more.You have to be blasting the fat away, you just have to be LOL.

RE: M.I.C. is a monster with fangs, fur, and a mean growl!

The music from the step portion keeps me alive during the hi/lo segment. I look forward to hearing "I Wish" and "Love Rollercoaster." I don't do this tape often, but when I do, I surprisingly like it. I feel like I can conquer the world when I'm done. Either that or take a reeeeeeeeally long nap!
For whatever reason, MIC and Circuit Max are the two hardest cardio challenges for me in the Cathe library (so far!) IMAX is fun, but very do-able. (except those tucks!)

The first time I did MIC, I lost my legs on that last blast over the step lunge part. I ended up doing low-impact mods, a first for me....

The only way I can do this tape is to "zone out" mentally in the step part (kinda repetitive, no choreography to distract you) and not push too hard in the first half. I pull out this tape when I've had a cheat day, or a reeeally big lunch.

I'm just getting back to step after 6 months or so off from an injury, and am doing MIC for the first time in many moons tonight. YIKES! I betcha I loose my legs again in the last part...
I'm so glad to hear others love MIC! I thought maybe I was strange because although it's tough, it's one of my favorites. I used to quit on the end "interval" part, but have forced myself to finish the whole thing for a couple of months now. I absolutely feel so strong and so powerful when I finish - well except for the trembly legs and the sweat pouring off my body! I love the music in the step portion. For some reason it really pumps up my adrenaline and gets me going. Don't give up on this monster. Just keep doing it, and stop when you have to. Over time you'll find yourself able to do more and more, and then you'll be looking back at the end of the video saying "oh yeah, I'm good!"

Go girl!
This thread made me also get out the dreaded M.I.C. monster tonight. It is a definite monster!!!!!!!!! But it feels soooo good when you're done, don't ya' think. I think it is definitely one of the tough ones.

Tonight I did about 15 min. of the hi/lo and then the entire step portion (except the last interval). Now I am asking myself..."why didn't you just do the last one?" Oh well... maybe next time.

I am going to try and get the guts to get this one out once a week for the next month.

Do you think it is too much to do this and IMAX in the same week for a few weeks?

Not at all. As long as you don't do them consecutive days in a row. I can do MIS, MIC, BodyMax, Circuit Max and PH consecutive days - now that will really burn the fat!

Yeah, I think I have. Although I go running now and don't have time to do this, but if I wasn't running I would do it on a regular basis because it's the only tape that comes I feel lets me burn as much calorie as running outdoor. Definitely a rainy day substitute.

The Hilo part was my first Cathe experience in Jan. of 2000 when I did not have a step yet. Yesterday I was going to do just that part with some "Hilo Heaven" tacked on to bring the workout to 45 minutes, and I just keep going to complete the entire MIC tape.

I'll bae 53 in a few days, and it does make me want to say, "oh, yeah, I'm good" just be able to do it.

You doubters out there, don't let age get in your way...Just Do It! :)
Reading all these posts inspired me to get this video out again today and give it a whirl!

I put it on, feeling really tired and unernergetic, thought I might do the warm up then switch to an easy video for the day, but I got hooked in and did the whole thing for the first time in my life! Yeah, "we're amazing ourselves" here!!!

It reminds me of the time my DH conned me into climbing Mt. Hood in Oregon. We'd done five weeks of climbing already and I wanted a day off, so he said "well, let's just go for a recce" ('check it out' in British military lingo), and a recce turned into just doing a bit more, then a bit more until we found ourselves on top!

MIC today was just the same. I got hooked into the hi/lo, and once I was in, I thought I'd just do the lo and mid impact then swap to the step section, but then the runner's high kicked in and I love that feeling: when it hits, you gotta go for it!

Sometimes it helps to keep going if you don't take it seriously and don't think "I have to do this today", then it can become stressful. I gave myself little goals all the way through and kept a constant cop-out clause if I wanted it (OK, to the end of the step combos, then skip the intervals, etc.), but I just kept going because there was no sense of duty attached to it, only fun and the thrill of the new.

Now I have to do it again next week, to prove it wasn't a fluke!

Oh, and I HATE THAT SASHAY STUFF, so I substitute a variety of other moves with similar beat from Step works.

Donna: put the hi/lo section in a rotation and within three or four weeks you'll be doing all the hi impact without feeling that you're gonna fall apart at the seams. It's a great workout to use CTX style, followed with some weight training for rushed days. That is how I usually use this tape. And it's OK to take mini-breaks for water, catch your breath, whatever. If you are used to step cardio predominantly, hi/lo Cathe-style can suddenly seem a shock to the system, even if you are in great shape!

Donna... I have to thank you again for this post.

For some odd reason you have inspired me to pull it out AND most IMPORTANTLY put it in the DVD player and push PLAY - AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Today I did ALL of the step portion and was so happy. I was rushed on time because we were off to church but did the step portion and then followed it up with S&H Legs. It felt awesome!!!!!!!

Thanks!!! Sometimes in life I guess it is the little things that motivate us. For some reason your post was one of "those little things" for me and M.I.C. the past week!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-02 AT 09:30PM (Est)[/font][p]Oops... forgot to add... I must be a "dork" or something.. but I LIKE the sa-shay's!!! :)

I suggest at first breaking MIC up into two days. I do like to do the whole thing now that I can. But it took a while. Check out my post about PS. I made a rotation using MIC over 2 days with ps series. This is my first week with it. I plan to do it for 6-8 weeks.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

I bought MIC (dvd) a few weeks ago, but after previewing it I wasn't sure if I could handle it. But,I saw your rotation using PS and 1/2 of MIC. Yesterday morning I did PS BBA and then the Hi/Lo. I am happy to report that I made it! Of course it felt like a 26 minute sprint, but I made it! Thank you so much for posting your rotation. I wouldn't have done it otherwise!

I just bought StepHeat (haven't gotten it yet) and will try to master that before I try the step portion of MIC. For some reason step is confusing for me. It must be because I've only done Firms and FitPrimes before now.

I'm on to new challenges!

When I first started step, I couldn't do the warmup to MIS!!! Now I can do Rhythmic Step. Persistance!!! If I can do it, anybody can!!!:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy


Or green tea. I love MIC (lots harder for me than IMAX) but I would never attempt it without some caffeine in me.

Ariel :)

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