M.I.C. is a monster!


I had mentioned MIC today in another post and it made me want to pull it out and give it "another try" (I try it once/month), but it still isn't ANY easier, it is still the monster it was the first time I did it! The only difference is I know the choreo! But knowing it doesn't get me through it ANY easier!

How do those of you who do it- do it? Or I should ask, "how did you master it?" The beginning is fine, the middle part w/the heel, toe, leg out to the side thing part is fine also. It's when she moves into the 4 knees, leg kicks, leaps to the side, high impact moves from hell that I fall to pieces! I hung in there on the thinnest of strings, actually having to jog in place during several parts and all I could think was, "Imax is NOTHING compared to this!" How do you make it through this section?

I just got MIC and haven't done it yet! Now I'm scared!
Is it harder than Body Max? That's been the toughest for me so far, but I managed to make it to the end alive!
Hi Donna,
I did MIC today and it is really tough. I've had it for several years and just about 6 months ago is when I finally could do the whole tape. I use to break it into two days. Just keep doing it and you will keep getting better at it. It is a great work out.

I just read your story on the other post. You sound like a very smart person-you know that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. That it is not just going to happen-that a person has to make it happen. Good for you!

Yes, this is one tough workout! I purchased this video a few years ago when it was originally released and just couldn't keep up with the intensity so I parted with it via the VF exchange. I JUST recently acquired it again (via VF) and I am loving it! I use this video when I want a long, tough, cardio session. I still think it's one of Cathe's toughest cardio videos but I just love it now! I've come a long way!

I actually think MIC and Circuit Max are the hardest Cathe tapes. I'm scared of MIC and every time my hand goes out to get it, I always pull it back because I'm quite frightened, actually.

I've done BodyMax more than a couple of times and although it's tough, I don't find it as hard as MIC. I agree, this is one tough cookie.

Harder than Bodymax you ask?

M.I.C. "eats" BodyMax for breakfast and spits out the bones! :)

I can't even think of another video to compare MIC hi/lo to? It is in a league all it's own!

Not that I have done MIC in a month of Sundays, but you know the old addage that practice makes perfect? There you go. It can actually get, well, I can't say easy, but easier? Just pull that sucker out weekly and go for it! I used MIC and IMax to keep my endurance level on track for running when I couldn't run and, baby, when I started running again it was as if I had never stopped. Those workouts are tough but so, so good!

As for MIC as a Monster, it IS October, the month of ghoulish things! And you, Donna, we know, can do anything you put your mind to!

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If your talking about the step part, you may want to just lower your step. Ain't nothing sissy about doing that! MIC is one of her tougher tapes. Imax is easy compared to that one and Circuit Max.

Just Do It! :)
I have to agree.MIC is a crazy video.It just seems like there is no end,just when you think your finished,she puts something else in there.
I don't do MIC very often.So, a girl I started hanging out with wanted to have a loan of some of my videos.She doesn't have a step so I gave her the videos that don't use step in them.I gave her MIC and told her that the first part was "step free".I don't think that she has been using the videos and since giving them to her I have come to realize that she is not a very nice person ( very self centered, she makes good money (ATC) and thats all she talks sbout).Now, I haven't been talking to her in over a week and I think our relationship may be over, and now I WANT MY VIDEOS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have wanted to do MIC for about 2 weeks now and I just can't get the nerve up to call her.She may want to start hanging out with me again but I just want my videos back and say "hadeous amegous".(i don't know if I spelled that right, but I tried)
Donna,I have to agrre with you on the monster part!! I just did this workout 2 days ago..and I kept thinking...am I crazy????Then i thought there are prob. a few more people doing this workout today..so I can to.Talk about feeling sore a few days later!!This is one tape you are so so glad when its done!!!
I owned MIC for over a year before I actually had the guts to try it and I was able to do the whole thing my first time out. During the high impact part, I just tell myself that chances are pretty good that I'm not going to die from doing it and I just do it without thinking about it too much.

The idea that I will get through it no matter what has really helped me and I've developed a new appreciation for "Don't Cry for Me Argentina". I've gotten better at getting through this one and even though it is in every way a monster, the feeling that I get during those intervals makes me come back to it again and again. Call me crazy but it's one of my favorites. Maybe it's the "runner's high" that keeps me coming back.
MIC was my first intro to Cathe after having been stepping for many years. I bought it when it first came out and thought I was going to die after the first session!! I used it every week and eventually made it through without stopping. Now I do it about every other week just to shake me up. I did this just yesterday and was so happy when I got to the step portion! :D It's not easy but at least a bit slower! I think adding IMAX to the mix has also helped.
Persistance pays off when it comes to this workout! :) Stay strong- Susan
MIC was my first Cathe too. I bought it because Collage said it was intermediate choreography. The first time I tried it I fell in love with Cathe's workouts. I also didn't even make it to the end of the hi/lo! I rarely do it these days, but the warmup is PERFECT before going out for a run so I do it lots.

Donna - I hear ya'!!!!!! I have only done it 2 times. The first I did the whole thing and about passed out from shock. Then, the 2nd I just did the step.

It is tough, tough, tough and I consider myself to be high intermed. to advanced at cardio. So, don't feel bad.... I think most of us can relate. As far as your question as to if it gets easier unfortunately I can't answer that either since I am in your same boat. Look at it this way..... at least you are doing it!!!!

Do most of you do the whole thing on one day or do you split it up into hi/lo one day and step the other?

Reading this post makes me want to try it tomorrow morning. If you saw my earlier post I was sooooo bad at eating this weekend. MIC might be just what I need to make me feel better?

RE: M.I.C. is your friend

I love MIC, and these days I'm trying to do it at least once a week, to give me a good even split among step, kickbox and hi/lo. For me, the hardest adjustment with MIC was the faster pace after years of slower stepping, the increased impact forces on the feet, AND the demands on the hip flexors with all that high-knee stuff and high long-leg kicking. But I'll tell you what - when I do MIC on Thursday nights, on Saturdays my aqua front kicks AND flutter kicks feel a lot easier!

I seldom do it all the way through unless I'm doing it in the morning and have boodles of time. I think it's a great value: 3 workouts (hi/lo, step, and The Whole Enchilada) in one!

One more vote for this tape being a monster. Has anyone had enough energy to check out Cedie during the hi/lo bit? She shows no physical signs of exertion through the entire thing and just keeps smiling. Also has anyone tried this tape after misjudging whether their last meal has been entirely digested - I did that once and never again will I make that mistake. And I also wonder how many Catheites get through this tape without running to the loo in between the hi/lo and step segment. I know no other Cathe tape that has such an impact on all my internal organs. Both IMAX and CM are kinder than this one IMO.

The way to do this is to phone her up and ask if you could have the videos back and then go round to her house to get them (with people like that you have to go out of your way to get back stuff that you so kindly lent them - they will NEVER go out of their way for you!). Tell her you can't really stay as you have things to do, so just go to her house, pick them up and then scarper.

The need to go to the loo happens to me too. I was thinking that my bladder was weak or something: hope that is not the case.

Yup! As I've said again, and again (and again!), MIC is Cathe's toughest aerobic workout.

During certain points of the hi-lo, I'd swear the TV is vibrating because I'm moving faster than the speed of light. Talk about warp drive! Sometimes I feel like my neck is gonna crack and my head's gonna fall off.

And yes, I always have to visit the loo inbetween the hi-lo and step segment.

Before I came down with plantar faciitis(sp?) this summer -- which I call "plantar's nuts" -- I had my step on 8 inches for the step portion. I'm pretty well over the plantar's nuts but am still keeping my step on 6 inches for now. All those over and overs lengthwise on the step! They NEVER end! And my least favorite part -- the sashays! I'll take plyo scissors over those anyday, and sometimes I do substitute them.


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