low impact circuit


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone has done this workout and where it falls on the rating scale...It says it is intermediate to advanced and I was wondering if it is harder than cardio and weights?

hi beth. low max is just a fun work out. i have not bought the dvd but i've done it and recorded it on Fit Tv. if i had the money i would buy it because i like doing low impact with my cardio during those dreaded pms days of the month. unfortunately Fit Tv really edits the workout so you don't really get a full hour. the music is great and your heart will be pumping. oh and remember low impact does not mean zero intensity. :)
Hi Beth

I just got LIC last week and did it for the first time. Well I got a real shock. It's much harder than C&W (IMHO) although the cardio portions aren't that tough.

It's just that it never stops so you don't get a break and there's a good variety of tough exercises in there.

Well worth buying as it's got a different feel to C&W.


Im glad you asked about LIC,I was also curious about that wo! The video clip looks fun and challenging,think it will be my next pruchase!
It's hard to compare the two because they're similar in structure and yet different.

LIC has low impact cardio followed by a blast, whereas C&W is just 5 minutes (or so) of higher impact cardio.

LIC follows the cardio with a compound exercise like C & W but I find my heart rate stays up longer with LIC.

The weight work for both depends on how heavy you go. I like LIC's weight work better because it's more in-depth and it uses the band, which is terrific for the shoulders and back. And the bicep curls using the band? Yikes. Cathe is an evil genius there.

Both are great workouts, among my very favorites. IMO neither is really much harder than the other, however, if you're looking for less impact, LIC is for you. Hope this helps.
I just did LIC this am and found it to be harder than I expected!!! I was thinking low impact=low intensity. WRONG. It was a great workout and I had trouble finishing. But I am trying the shock your body rotation so I didn't really have a choice. Trust me, I was SHOCKED!!!!
I'm new to Cathe so I can't comment on Cardio and Weights. I just did LIC last night and it was a great workout. Just when you think you're working too hard (by that I mean you're really winded), she changes tracks. If all of her workouts are that good, I'm going to have some really empty pockets soon.

Basically it was a warm up and three circuts of step, a cardio blast (what is it she calls them again??) and then weights. It ends with abs and a stretch.
>If all of her workouts are
>that good, I'm going to have some really empty pockets soon.

They are! Say hello to your empty pockets! :7
I love both C & W and LIC. I think they are both fun and the music is really good on both. No dread factor.
I suppose I am a wuss because I think Low Impact Circuit is definitely advanced.

It is far more advanced that Low Max.

I love the music on this video.

It is so motivating.

But I think Low Impact Circuit would be very hard for an intermediate exerciser unless the person wants to take baby steps on doing it.

And I think Cardio & Weights is more intermediate than Low Impact Circuit.

I love Cardio & Weights and do it often - especially if I am not feeling really strong.
I feel just the opposite. Low Max has been my favorite for months now, but I have only done the entire workout with the blasts maybe two or three times. Its just too much for me to do with my bowflex workouts. I get alot of squats and lunges with the bowflex. I find that Low Max in entirety is a killer workout. I do the cardio only premix. UPS just delivered my copy of LIC today. I have just finished watching it to get a feel for it. I love it. I tried to sit, but could not. This workout had me off of that chair and I found myself sweating before I knew it. Now, I have to admit that I was not dressed for my workout and did not give it my all like I do normally, but I think I got the feel for it. I believe that I will do all of this one, not just the premix. I got through the whole workout this first time. I think that LIC is easier to do than Low Max. I do think that they are both intermediate, but I think that Low Max is a little bit tougher. I guess it may be because of the leg work(squats, lunges, etc..) Its just got alot more leg work in the blasts whereas LIC has more upper body work I find. To me, the extra leg work is really intense in a workout such as step aerobics when your legs are already being worked so hard just by doing step. I do agree about the music though. It is the best. I will have to try cardio and weights next. I already have cardio fusion, and I have to say that I was not ready for that one. Whew! Maybe in a couple of months I will try it again.

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