Low Carbers & Friends - 3rd Qtr - 2014

Hello! Well, things look different, but I am able to post and find the tread!

DH 3rd interview went well, but they said hiring goes in waves when they have a demand. So, what does that mean? We don't know if he will get hired or what. It is weird if you ask me. So DH has to take it as a "no" because he can't just wait for them. He will just keep applying places and hope they give him a call in the meantime. I sure hope this isn't a repeat of a few years ago, if it is, he may be out of the IT world for good.

I was thinking about doing XT 90 day rotation as well, maybe I will start next week, not sure. According to Cathe's article she posted "winging it does not help you reach your fitness goals". Well, my problem is I just am more or less trying to maintain, not big goals for me. A goal could be to not get hurt from jumping too much or lifting too heavy. She said those were good things, but I still am going with moderation. I agree to lift somewhat heavy and do HIIT, BUT with caution. So there's my 2 cents! :p
I love the picture, Melinda :D :D :D!!!! Sorry about DH's interview - it is so aggravating that people think he can just hang around and wait to hear from them :eek:! Fingers crossed something else comes up!

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