Low Carbers & Friends - 3rd Qtr - 2014

Hi babes! I am here! I'm sorry I've been MIA as well, but can't remember what the heck I've done! :) Well, except go to CA last week to see my dad. :D We had a great time too. Saw family, did a little wine tasting, went to a baseball game (the A's Rhea, not the Giants) and saw a couple of friends as well. I exhausted my dad! But he's is quite the trooper and very independent at 82, I am grateful!

Thank you for the information Melinda! And yes, the other people on the stair climb were taller than me as most people are. :) I will definitely keep that in mind!

And as for potential employers who don't call back, I lose respect for them as well. I know what it's like to look for a job and wait and wait and wait to hear something back. Very frustrating!! I know of a recent college graduate who waited 3 hours for a phone interview only to have the employer forget to call him. Why this is acceptable these days is beyond me!! I'm so sorry you are experiencing this Melinda!! :mad:

Lita, I saw that the forum is going to change too. Fingers crossed that there are no issues. Cathe usually does upgrades and changes pretty well though from what I remember.

Since I did no workouts for a week, I started with Cardio Supersets today so I wouldn't fall over dead. :p The new series is supposed be released this Fall but I think it will probably be late Fall. Cathe is planning to post some info about the filming soon via her newsletter.

Rhea, I hope you are in your jacuzzi, with candles lit and sipping wine, with no internet and phone access. That's why we haven't heard from you today! :cool:

Take care sweet babes and wishing you and DH lots of good luck in the employment department!
Tracy - So glad you "see" you :D! Very glad you got to go see your dad - he sounds like quite the trooper :cool:!
Just checking in, but nothing exciting happening. DH had second interview, now waiting from that.

Have a good week everyone!
Gosh, I've been totally MIA, huh? No relaxing for me and no workouts, not really. I don't think once a week is really working out. I think I'm starting to get back into the groove. So far, two workouts this week.

It has been very smoky here from the recent fires. But that is not why I haven't been working out, I've just been lazy. I'll be back into the swing of things soon I hope.

Looks like everyone is doing great. I've got to get the notification thing on the ipad app working again. It doesn't tell me when there is new posts. Then I forget.

Well, back to pretending to work. Have a great rest of Weds everyone. I promise to check in more!
Rhea - So good to "see" you :D! I was wondering if CA had fallen off into the ocean ;). We're holding you to your promise :p! Sorry about the fires - I just can't sleep well (not that I ever do :rolleyes: ) when there are fires around 'cause I keep waking up in a panic thinking my house is on fire :eek:....
I'm proud to report that I actually worked out five days in a row last week! Whoo hoo! It takes some planning since Ive changed back to evening workouts so that I can get some sort of cardio in.....Been doing a rotation of Piyo and P90X3, good combination. Now the rotation was ignored this weekend since I didn't workout....lol....too much to do. Well, gotta run to court. Have great day. :)
So good last week, not good yet this week! Been getting home to late to exercise. Well, at least that is my excuse. I thought I was going to get out of here early today, but DH has yet to show. Dang it. At least I gave up the wine ....
One step at a time, Rhea ;). No wine and no exercise is better than lots of wine and no exercise :). But then again, maybe not :p!
Hi everyone, Rhea, I hope the smoke is not as bad this week. I rarely watch tv, so don't really know what's going on in the world.

Just spent a week with my sister-in-law and her 5 yr old twins. Nightmare!!! They are gone now and trying to get back to normal. Had a sinus headache for about a week, with intermission of 2 days while it jumped from one side of my head to the other. That is finally gone as of this a.m.!!! Thank you netty pot and spicy food. I discovered when I was in agony I ate a taco salad and my nose started running and RELIEF from my sinuses! So then I ran out and got some spicy pork rinds, I know, say no more! But that and the netty pot really got things cleared up.

DH has a 3rd interview tomorrow with same company.

Lita, thank you for monitoring the thread, sorry I haven't been on here as much. You are so loyal to the group!
Hi Melinda! Fingers crossed for that third interview.

Okay, yesterday, slipped had wine, no exercise. Even had Chinese food, which I rarely eat because of all the crap in it. I was exhausted again. Today is another day.....so workout this evening will be a nice short one to get me back on track, again.. :(
Melinda - So glad you popped in :D!!! Happy that life is quieter now and the sinus issue is cleared up, too. Definitely crossing my fingers for DH :cool:!

Rhea - One day at a time :). What's life w/o a few speed bumps, huh :p?

Tracy - You out there???? Hope all is well :)!
Speed bumps? I think I tripped and fell and can't get over those bumps....too high to climb!! LOL I think the change in weather is just getting to me and for some reason I'm just tired. Next week, yeah, that's the ticket....I'll wait until Monday and start all over. Maybe go every other day first, work my way back up to every day. I think if I treid to put in a Cathe right now, I probaby would keel over. haha...

Glad to see everyone doing well. Where is that Tracy?
Rhea - I think every other day is a great idea - right up there with waiting until next week to start again :). If you're that tired you need the break - so relax and enjoy the weekend. That's what I say, anyway :D!

Where IS Tracy, anyway :(?????
Hi babes! I apologize for not being here!!! Last week was so crazy I couldn't catch my breath but things have quieted down now, whew!
Wasn't hard finding the forum again but the previous notification I got that there is a new post here doesn't work anymore. Still snooping around to find the place where I can sign up for notifications. I'm typing faster than the words are appearing and I'm a slow typist so I hope that gets worked out soon. :eek: I LOVE the new smilies though, colorful and more expressive!
Melinda, I have my fingers crossed for you that DH gets a job offer!!
Rhea, how goes the workouts or rest periods?
Lita, what are you doing this week? I'm thinking about doing the X-Train 90 day rotation again after the Cathe RT sometime. I really like it.
I'm winging it now, as usual! Trying to do enough so I can keep up with Cathe, somewhat. ;) The RT is a week from this Friday!! Yikes!!

P.S. It looks like we are automatically signed up to receive notifications. Before checking the More Options button that shows up when you type a post, I copied what I wrote, then hit the button. Watch this thread and send email notifications were already checked. When I came back here, my post was gone so I'm glad I copied it. So anyhoo, we should all get notified once we post here.

Thanks for asking about me! You fit babes ROCK!!
Okay, so I had to go on a regular computer to get on the forum. I think I have to wait for the ipad app to catch up. I like the new look, just not sure about the navigation. :) Funny smilies!:rolleyes:

I waited and started up on new week. Decided after trying to attempt the workout called "Drench" that I wasn't quite up to par to do that one yet. So I started up the Piyo rotation again at the beginning so I'll be able to get to that longer type workout. I think I'm going to add some Cathe on the weekend (longer workouts) once I get it going. I'm missing my weights (not that just using my body weight is easy...lol)
Hmm, I had to check the receive email notifications. I might not have had that one on from before though.
Hi ladies :D! So glad to see both of you!

Tracy - I plan on doing the XT rotation this fall - when I do it depends on many things right now. But I don't want to start it until I know I have time to get through the whole thing. I also want to do the LI rotation too - but as of now I plan on doing them separately. And there's the new workouts coming this fall, too :cool:.

Rhea - Jeez - is there seriously any workout you don't have :p???? Those boxes were checked for me but I use a desktop computer - not all the fancy little things you and Tracy have ;).

Melinda - Hope you and DH have some good news soon to share with us :)!

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