Low Carb Diet

Actually, what Cathe has posted that she's doing is more of a Zone based diet NOT Atkins. There IS a significant difference. I agree with Trevor's thoughts on keeping things simple, as well and really don't see any "right" or "wrong" stuff with what he posted. Cathe just might not agree with going as strict as Atkins followers must, but who knows, she didn't say on the FAQ. She said she eats a moderate amount of carbs...not low.

Anyway, to keep with the question, this is truly a "to each his own" answer. I know people who thrive on Atkins but I didn't. I did it for some time, lost weight, felt horrible. I now went the opposite direction and am eating a veggie based diet - I feel wonderful and have lost weight. I'm all about the feeling wonderful part of this diet! LOL It all depends on what works for each person. Hope you find the right diet fit for you!
Karen :)

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