Low Carb Diet

Why not just try to eat cleaner and eat less than you burn off? You all seem to want to make this into rocket science or something. And I am only saying this because I care about you all and want you to succeed.
I would NOT do that Atkins thing. Sure you'll lose weight. Why? Because you are eating LESS TOTAL CALORIES. Like any other diet. I cannot be any plainer about this. It's just that with this diet, it's more enjoyable because you get to eat fatty foods. Think of what you are doing to the inside of your body! And remember this, food is FUEL and not a tool of enjoyment. At least not all the time. It's okay to eat something you like occasionally because it makes you feel good to eat it, but your main thinking should be "FOOD IS FUEL".
Someone above mentioned eating alot less the normal way and working out and the whole time the scale never moved. Well, a scale is not always a good indicator. If you had replaced any fat with muscle you may actually have gained weight. And you know this toning up thing takes time ladies. It doesn't happen overnight.
If you are truly busting your ass working out and eating in moderation, then I just do not understand how you cannot knock yourself into decent shape. I bet you Cathe would agree with most of what I have said.
Tell you what, before you start this Atkins fad thing please ask Cathe what she thinks and if she would ever do it. Please. :)
Remember I am not trying to be harsh, condescending, or anything else. I just want you all to succeed and not make your lives more complicated by making your fitness/diet schedules more complicated than they need to be. I think it's easier than we sometimes make it out to be. Everything in moderation.........and work out HARD!!!!
Trevor :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I hear you Trevor, but we women like to think about food a lot. And then think about it a little more. To us, food is much more than fuel. It's a way to be social, generous, and about a million other things. To a woman food is so much bigger than just fuel. I guess I could compare it to how men might feel that sex is so much more than just continuation of the species;-)

I know you're looking out for everyone's best interest, and sometimes you must just shake your head at how we can talk about something for ever.:)
Hey Dawn,
I know what you are saying....
Now, explain this whole "sex for continuation of species" thing to me.......:)
Hey Trevor!!!

GREAT advice, buddy -- I loved both of your posts on this thread. Dawn's right, too -- we gals do tend to mentally gnaw on the food bone a lot more, and I think it IS easier for guys generally to think of food strictly as fuel. Women are culturally caught up in food so much more, and in so many ways. And most of you guys seem to be blessed with robust metabolisms that don't sneak up on your 40th birthday and yell "GOTCHA! HA HA!!!}( " That said, though, I believe you're absolutely right that we tend to keep looking for the magic bullet (despite what our common sense is telling us) when there just isn't a magic bullet, food-wise.

And I happen to agree with you 1,000% about Atkins. It scares me and always has. Maybe that has something to do with the heart disease in my family, but man, when I see one of my girlfriends triumphantly declaring that she had scrambled eggs in butter and "REAL" bacon for breakfast, I swear my arteries cringe in sympathy for hers. :) :)

I'll bet you're right that Cathe would agree with your food philosophy -- she's as much as said so on these boards many, many times. All things in moderation except workouts, which have to push you WAY beyond comfort!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
RE: Hey Trevor!!!

Hey Trevor,
I agree with you 100%. And Atkins-it sounds scary to me too. Eat all the fatty foods you want and don't eat any fruits? You are so right-eat in moderation. Eat less-move more.

Hi Shorty,
I would suggest meeting with a dietician and working out a nutrition plan that is healthful, gives you plenty of energy and allows you to build your body they way you would like to. Alternately, you could do your own research in nutrition, and devise a diet for yourself, then tweak it as needed. Having said that, I would respectfully advise against any diet which cuts out entire food groups or suggests eating way more or way less of carbs, fats or proteins. It's just not healthy to cut out carbs so strictly since carbs are your body's main source of energy. And optimum health is the ultimate goal, so following a diet like that would go against the ultimate goal. Sorry to sound like an infomercial. I think there are many diets and supplements out there that are harmful, and it makes me sick. Best of luck to you. And remember you are in this for the long haul, so try to make your choices with that in mind.
Best regards,
Kathy W.
Can I also just add...Trevor is right, about a lot of things. Re: the scale weight - I have gained about 15-17 lbs in about 2 years (Three years ago, I initially lost weight from 165 to 133, went from 14/16 to a 6). Now, my pants are one size larger than they were at 133/size 6 (I decided wisely at one point that I wasn't eating enough to support my fitness regimen-now I am happy and not hungry all the time). I am a size 8, and I weigh 149, and I am 5'4". I can assure you, if you looked at me you would be shocked by my scale weight. I am not overweight. I am heavy from my muscle.(I also have dense bones too). Don't go by the scale or the BMI (Body Mass Index) charts. They are not made for very active/athletic people.
Tanke care,
I can't do this I've been doing it for four days now plus working out and I think what ever weight I lose has to be from working out so Iam just going to watch what I eat try to stay away from sweets and exercise and take it one day at a time.Thanks again for all your advice.
>yeah I believed you until I read this
> so thats any way for your advice but you were wrong.

Are you saying you think Trevor is wrong because his advice is different from Cathe's?

Just because one person has a different opinion from Cathe doesn't mean their wrong. How about the FDA (and American Heart Association, and American Cancer Society), who promote a diet "rich in whole-grain foods (complex carbs)and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol (all found in many high protein foods)" to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Are they "wrong"too? Just curious.
No thats not why I'm saying he's wrong if you had read the post he said that cathe would agree with him and the link that she gave suggest otherwise and thats why I said he was wrong.;-)
Hi all! :)
Now what was I wrong about again? lol! I don't think my thinking is radically different from Cathe's so tell me where I differ from her. Her ratios are slightly different but that's something everyone needs to work out for themselves. She can get away with 30% fat because her job is fitness, she's moving constantly.
Either way, what I do works for me so I wouldn't characterize it as wrong. Just not identical to Cathe.
Just my opinion. :)
You all have a super day.
Ok you said that she would agree with you but she didn't there thats what you were wrong about go back and read the post that you gave you asked me to do something I did it and you were wrong I'm sorry if your one of those people that have to be right about every thing but this time your not ok. Now you have a nice day. shorty:7
Okay, you know what. This is why I don't post in here much and I must be really dumb or something to keep coming back for more of this type of stuff. I said in my post that Cathe would agree with most of what I said. I stand by that. Now I asked you for a specific example of what you are referring to and you didn't give me one. And I tried to be nice about it. If you are talking about the ratios I already admitted that she differs from me slightly on that. If this is just about you wanting to have me say I am wrong then okay I guess I am dead wrong. I bet you a million bucks that Cathe would agree with me not to do that Atkins thing.
And no I don't always have to be right. You don't know me at all so that kind of statement is invalid.
I mean I get attacked when I try to help you. What is up with that?
And I am already having a nice day. I get the impression from your post that you aren't.
Trevor :)
Hey Trevor,

I wouldn't let it bother you. Some people just look to pick fights on websites. I'm surprised you can even understand the posts with no punctuation and one big run-on sentence.

I didn't interpret anything you said to be attacking - you were definitely trying to help. Save your help for some of us who appreciate it!

I totally agree with Trevor -- everything in moderation. I must say, I did try the Atkins Diet for about 2 months -- and when I went to the Dr. and they did a Cholesterol Test --- yikes!!! My cholesterol has really gone way up, just from the Atkins Diet. Needless to say, my Dr. insisted I discontinue eating the high fat diet.

I would advise anyone that is considering this diet to realize what those high fats are doing to your arteries ---

The other day I really wanted to respond to Trevor, but didn't. I TOTALLY agree with his analogy about the "KISS school of eating - as in keep it simple". Friends ask me what I do to stay slim and in good shape. I simply reply I do CATHE and eat all foods in moderation. I'm terrible about getting all scientific about what I eat. I just try to eat a little big of everything. I was a size 4 when I got married 15 years ago and still am.....in my mind due to my CATHE workouts. I do weigh 4-5 pounds more, but I think its because I lift 2-4 days a week and never started until Cathe came out with her weight tapes. I can't thank her enough for them.

In the past four years, at least ten friends have went on this Low Carb Diet. I hate to tell you this but every one of them gained their wait back when they started eating normal again, and unfortunately three of them got bigger. If diets work for you, great, otherwise plan on eating sensibly and exercising to stay FAB. Please no fires. Great advice Trevor!:D


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