Loving Our Bodies


This morning as I was getting ready for a session with my trainer, I looked at myself in the mirror and picked out the two things about my body I don't like, my stomach and my upper back thighs. Suddenly it occurred to me that instead of picking out the things I don't like maybe I should pick out the things I like. So I looked myself over thorougly and thought, "hey, nice butt, breasts, quads, arms."

I also thought I'm so glad I'm strong enough to do full push ups and pull ups (assisted). I'm also glad I can power through 3 hour hikes up a mountain.

I wanted to share because I think as fit women, we sometimes don't give ourselves enough credit.

I'm with you, Buffy!! I say "yay" to my arms.... upper back.... quads... calves... and chest muscles. I'm so over obsessing over my belly.
A little trick I shared with my daughter: Whenenver that little voice starts to criticize, imagine one of two things...

1. Saying those words to a loved one. Would you? Of course not! So why the heck would you say them to yourself?!

2. That little voice attached to a separate person. Would you stay friends with someone who picked you apart like that? Nope. Would you tolerate some random stranger insulting you like that? No way. So don't tolerate it at all. Ever.

Redirecting that energy to areas you are proud of works really well too. :) Having two kids has changed the skin on my lower belly. I didn't gain a lot of weight, but some loose skin and stretch marks were inevitable. Rather than zeroing in on how my lower abs no longer look like they did before my pregnancies, I think about how well I've bounced back physically and how much I've evolved mentally and emotionally because of those 2 girls.
Thank you for this thread! I worry about some people here who constantly belittle themselves. It's a shame, since we're all working to stay fit and healthy, and that's not a healthy way to think.

I think it's important to remember how you feel on the inside, too, and not just how each "body part" looks on the outside. I'll never have the perfect bod, but lately I've come to realize how truly good I feel inside. I love my workouts, and they do more than slim me down or build muscle. They make me pretty darned happy! :7
It's kind of funny, because I had this realization the other day, that WE are probably the ONLY person who looks at our body that way (the bad way). My kids? They don't care how my thighs look in my bathing suit....they only care that I'm going down the BIG water slides at the water park with them....they only care that I'm throwing ball with them in the pool at the public park. My SO? He doesn't care what the scale says when I step on it....he's told me he likes that I'm so out-going and confident in ME.

Think about it....do they really care of is it just US???

Another vote for pregnancy changed my body!
Being 22 weeks pregnant with a third right now I'm having body issues. It sure doesn't help that I get the occasional comment about the size of my belly!
But I am still working out, my weight gain has been great (so my midwife tells me - although I hate seeing the scale rise!), and I feel fab!
I was sitting at the table with my DH last night and I had my arms resting on the tabletop. He commented, "Wow! You've got some muscles!", and proceeded to outline the cut between my shoulders and my biceps, something I was not aware of having. Granted, there is some fat on top of the muscle, but what a treat to have someone remind me of the results of my hard work.

I'll remember that next time I'm berating myself internally!

Good for you for ak-sen-chu-ate-ing the positive!
Yeah to my legs!



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Great post! When I start getting down on my body I think of all the great things it can do....like run, jump (kind of, lol), step, and lift weights.

When I was injured, I couldn't do any of those things. Sometimes you never really appreciate things until they're taken away. ;)

Thank you so much Buffy for this thread. I'm 35, and have been going through early menopause since I was 30. I had always been active; however, I've noticed that I have to workout EXTRA harder to fight the fat. Sometimes I feel like my body has betrayed me; yet, I am still here. I am stronger than I have ever been, and strangers think my daughter and I are sisters. This aggravates her, but I LOVE IT!
Yes, I do love my body, and every inch of it.:)

I am about ready to cry because I needed to read this post this morning. My babies have not been sleeping and I have been so tired and depressed. I have more cellulite than ever and I have been so upset by it. I totally forgot to bother to look at all of my beautiful part - it was like they didn't even exist. I was feeling like the ugliest person in the world.

So, I will say I have great calves, great shoulders, and I love my feet! :)

THANK YOU for posting this!!!!!

PS- I love everyone's posts! So inspiring.
Great topic!! I agree that we are our own worst critics. I'm super critical of myself, but have been working on it (it's a LONG process!).

I'm thrilled that I can run, bike, swim, lift weights, and do lots of fun things with my kids!! I feel strong and healthy!!
Buffy, great post. This is my first visit and your post is very encouraging. I'm with you on not liking my tummy at all and my upper back thighs including my butt (like alot of women). I do like my arms, legs, skin & eyes. We should also pick something non-physical to like about ourselves. It may be the one little tidbit that motivates us on those more difficult days.
Thanks for the post. I often forget to look at myself in a positive way. I'm always so focused on the negative. I'm very proud of the fact that I've become very fit. I'm still 189 pounds but I'm sure I have more cardio endurance and muscular strength then most of my skinny friends.

Along the same lines, I've been debating about throwing out my scale. Sometimes I'll feel so good about myself until I step on that stupid scale. Even though I know that my weight will fluctuat, especially the day after working legs (water retention?). How liberating it would be to just eat clean and exercise and not focus on weight. Okay, don't know if I could actually do it. I would probably end up digging it back out of the garbage. I may need to take baby steps LOL.
Hmmmmmm.....at 31 weeks pregnant, from the neck down it's just a total bummer....

But, I do have curly red hair, great skin, and green eyes (ugh--but my face looks kind of puffy right now)

I'm not very good at this am I?:p :p :p


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