Loving Our Bodies

I have to say that ITA with the fact that we are our own worst critics. That is my motivation though. Totally internal and though I will definitely enjoy the positive remarks I receive about the state of my physique (mind you it is no where near many of you here), I leave it totally to myself to evaluate myself as to how I feel about my progress.

That being said - I do my best to stay healthy, exercise the best I can, definitely don't eat clean all the time but a very good percentage of the time and MOST IMPORTANTLY, I want to enjoy my life while doing the best I can as each day dawns.

Course, the motivation from this board has helped TONS ! ! !

To read how hard some work, their progress and be able to complement others is one of my favorite things here. And topics like this help remind us that we are human and any, mind you any, effort we put forth is a plus in anyone's life.

So go forth and LOVE YOURSELVES LADIES ! That is where it begins and where it ends. What happens in between is non-existent !

Cheers to the posters here !

Thanks for bringing this up! For myself, I've found the harder I work out (to try to thin my thighs and lose weight, what have you) the higher my self confidence gets. So yeah, even though I'm still trying to meet those aformentioned goals, for the most part I'm proud of my increased cardio endurance, my increased energy, my ability to chase after my kids better ... :) Stuff that has nothing to do with my appearance.

I still have my moments, days, hours and weeks where I feel completely "blah." I look in the mirror and think I still have a lot of work to do. But don't you all think, sometimes, if it weren't for our moments of self-loathing or our down days the moments where we were at our optimum hotness wouldn't seem quite as exciting. In other words, we need one to have the other. Maybe a small amount of self-criticism can be healthy. It challenges us and makes us work that much harder to achieve whatever goals we might have.

(Note to self: keep this in mind when MY own self-loathing moment hits!) hahahaha ;)
What a great thread! I've been feeling so down lately, too, about what my body ISN'T and need to focus more on what it IS and what it can DO for me! :) What a wonderful idea for us all to focus more on the positive! :)
This body provided everything needed to form two beautiful human beings from two cells.

This body can run an hour straight without breaking stride.

This body is stronger than it ever was and always gets a clean bill of health.

But this body has cellulite, flab and stretch marks... SO WHAT?

After 35, exercise stopped being about looks and started being about how it makes me feel. I respect what my body does for me and I try to treat it well.
"Maggie- Just think how BEAUTIFUL that baby is that you're working so hard to grow!"

"Amen and amen!"

Robin and Amy--aaawww--that's so sweet;)


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