Lost over 35 pounds


Thank you Cathe,

Since 2002 in January, I decided to lose weight. I did, and lost over 35 pounds. I think I was a little over 170 pounds when I started. Now I am 132 pounds, and trying to now gain muscle. I would like to lose another 12 pounds, but hey, I'm not going to mock it.

It takes a lot of tough hard work, but it can be done. I ate clean consistently while I was at home, but when I visited other people, like family reunions or get togethers, then I would eat as much and whatever I wanted. The get togethers were rare and very few during the year. It made my system work well for me. I suppose get togethers were more like once every two months. For one day. Sometimes once a month.

I also had a great rotation that I found worked for me, and ate 5 small meals a day.

My goal now is to gain muscle and tone up a lot.

Good luck with your goals, everyone, because it isn't easy, but it is so very worth the effort. Just don't ever give up. Keep at it.

The idea is to die young as late as possible.

First off, you do look fabulous! Congratulations! I'd love to hear what your rotation was that you said worked so well for you.
My Rotation

Week One
Sun. Total Body Weight Workout(worked muscles 3 x each)
Mon. Step Cardio
Tues. Treadmill, (30 min, fast walk, or jog)
Wed. Circuit Workout
Thurs. Stretch/Yoga
Fri. Interval workout
Sat. Rest

Week Two
Sun. Upper Body Workout (worked muscles 3 x each)
Mon. Lower Body Workout (worked muscles 3 x each)
Tues. Stretch/Yoga
Wed. Interval Workout/or step workout
Thur. Circuit Workout
Fri. Treadmill, (30 min, fast walk, or jog)
Sat. Rest

Week Three
Start all over again with Week 1

Week Four
Start all over again with Week 2

As I got stronger, I added heavier weights, and spent about 45-50 minutes on the treadmill. I used the easier workouts at first then the harder ones later on.

I ate clean most of the time, with 5 small meals per day. I told myself, I was worth it, and I am. This is not punishment, and I truly now enjoy every workout, because I KNOW that is the right thing to do. I think more clearly, make better choises, and look forward to another day.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Thanks for sharing your pics. You really look fabulous and you must feel it too. I loved your hobby pics also. Wow. what a talented and fit woman! Keep it up.

Thanks you for sharing and congratultations. I like your sensible rotation also!
Congratulations all of of your successful lifestyle changes! Thanks for sharing what worked for you as well. It is VERY inspiring to see that dedication will eventually produce results... and its REALLY motivating to see a woman outside the 20 - 30 somethings and into the really fun part of life like I am! I needed the extra focus today as its been a VERY slow journey for past two years and I must admit I feel a bit stalled again. Thank you for posting as I now feel ready to just keep on keep on!
Happiness to you and your SO!
Good for you! Success stories like yours make me feel like I can get on the bandwagon too. I've got 20 to go, and man is it hard to eat in moderation. Pat yourself on the back.

Janie, I never look in this section of the forums, but for some reason just stopped by here. Wow, 35 lbs? You go girl! That is awesome. Thanks for sharing the rotation that worked for you. I like it. It doesn't seem like there would be much dread in it because you are always doing something different. Also, I have just been getting into yoga and have Eoin Finn's Pure and Simple Yoga which I love. What yoga DVDs did you use?

Hi Karin,

I just noticed your reply.

Thank you for the great compliments. I used and still do, Aerobic Yoga the flow series by Ganga White and Tracey Rich and also Shiva Rea where you can set it up to use any move you prefer. There are others I use less, but with extra energy I will use from time to time Like Mark Blanchard, David Swenson and Richard Freeman, and only what I can do. I also use Wai Lana Yoga for wonderful stretches when I feel a need to do that.

Good luck in your journey, and just a tip; right after you do an extensive workout (weight training or cardio, make sure when you are done, to drink a protein shake (I use whey protein with fruit and water, do not use any fat in this) so that your muscles get enough food per sei to repair themselves. This way you also don't get hungry during the rest of the day. I just found this out and wanted to spread the word. This would take the place of one of the five meals of the day. It keeps you on track with your healthy diet.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

I admire your strength and energy to fight back after having five children. Most women would have rationalized and given up. I am 45 years old. I had my first child at 27 - very easy to get back on track after that. My second child was born when I was 38 - I never really recovered from that. Before my second child was born, I ran two miles a day, walked everywhere, weighed 125 pounds. Though I only gained 19 pounds in the second pregnancy, I never recovered.

I did the Atkins diet when I first moved here to Maine - what a joke!!
I lost 20 pounds, but my skin hung on me, and I felt terrible all the time. Then I developed high cholesterol, partly due to heredity, partly due to all the crappy foods I was eating. My father has diabetes, and has been very overweight for several years. He had triple bypass surgery a few years ago. Seeing his decline in health and his advice to me to take better care of myself really has hit home.

I started out on January 1st of this year doing Cathe's Boot Camp workout every day. I am only 5' 4", and I was up to 159 pounds.
It is now January 27th, I have lost 6 pounds already, and already feel the muscle I am gaining.

Your email has really meant a lot to me. If you can make the change in your life that you have, I can too. It is so inspiring to read about someone who won't quit, no matter what the odds. I am going to work even harder now, and add some more weight to my bar. I want to see my 18 year old have children that I can chase and love, and see my 7 year old graduate from college. Cathe is going to help me make that possible. Her, and reading about people like you.

Thank you!!! God bless you and your family!!!

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