Lost my motivation. . . . HELP


I actually do enjoy working out and I also enjoy eating healthy/clean 90% of the time. Lately, however I’m just not feeling it and though I try not to outwardly freak out, I have to admit that I’m starting to become concerned.

For the last few weeks, instead of working out my normal 6 days a week, I’m lucky to get 3 days in. Instead of being diligent about what I eat, I’m finding that I care a couple days a week and then could really give a rip the rest of the week and I don’t like it.

I worked hard for the last few years to get where I am physically and while I have not gained any more than a couple pounds, (that always seem to come off right after I go back to eating right and drinking water) – and while I can still see my ab definition, it’s not as clear as it was a few weeks ago. . . .

Yes, I know I’m in control of me, and I make the choice to do or NOT do, but I feel like I fell off the wagon a month ago and have been walking beside it only hopping on every now and again with no real commitment. UGH!!!

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Any words of encouragement or suggestions??

Sorry to ramble. . . . I haven’t been here in awhile, maybe that’s why I’m not motivated. :(

I've been struggling lately, too. I actually consulted a nutritionist a while ago, which helped to get some of my diet motivation back, and I totally changed my workout routines, which is slowly getting me back on track, too.

I've been at this for a while and I've started to recognize patterns in my motivation/lack of motivation cycles. Sometimes a rest week helps, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes my lack of workout + clean eating motivation is actually related to other stuff going on in my life. Sometimes I just need to shake things up, workout-wise. Popping in to the forums helps to keep me honest, too.

Lately, I think it's the changing season, the dwindling sunlight, and the late sunrise that's messing with me. I just want to eat cookies all the time. I'm hoping it will go away after Daylight Savings starts!

Lately I've been using a trick that I used to use YEARS ago, when working out seemed like a chore to me. I'd tell myself "I only have to do ten minutes". Then, when the endorphins kick in and I start having fun, I manage the whole hour anyway. (If it doesn't happen, I let myself have the day off).

Anyway, I don't know how helpful I've been, but at least you're not alone!

Travis, I feel for ya. I'm going through the same thing. I hope someone has some words of encouragement (for both of us).

Lisa, I've got a Dr.'s appointment this Wednesday and I'm going to ask about seeing the Nutritionist there. I'm hoping she can help get my eating on track. Ever since I quit smoking I've gained a butt load of weight, and I'm not happy about it. :mad:
I think this lack of motivation thing is going around! I'm in the same boat. Have you taken a week or 2 completely off from exercise? if not give that i try. i know you feel defeated not getting in 6 workouts a week but getting 3 in is good! so stay positive. mabe you need some new workouts? i just started doing the slim series with debbie siebers and i'm loving the change. i'm going to stick with it until charlene extreme comes out (i can't wait for these workouts). my diet on the other hand has been terrible so i'm trying to find my motivation for that. b/c of the lack of motivation in the diet department i'm about 7lbs up from where i need to be. mabe we can start some type of journal to support one another and keep each other motivated.
Travis, I feel for ya. I'm going through the same thing. I hope someone has some words of encouragement (for both of us).

Lisa, I've got a Dr.'s appointment this Wednesday and I'm going to ask about seeing the Nutritionist there. I'm hoping she can help get my eating on track. Ever since I quit smoking I've gained a butt load of weight, and I'm not happy about it. :mad:

Well, congrats on quitting! I quit seven years ago and I'm still glad.

I had been on LOTS of diets over the years, and I'm now one of these people who can tell you exactly how many calories, carbs, fat grams, protein grams practically every food has, and I've had mixed results with everything. I've tried macrobiotic, vegan, low-carb, low-fat, eating clean, etc. I think I actually know too much, but without a basic framework of nutrition knowledge to really apply it intelligently.

Seeing the nutritionist did help - I was able to find one who specializes in athletic nutrition, so what she said made sense to me.

A few years ago, I consulted one while I was in through my university, and she recommended NO MORE than 60 grams of protein per day, which left me too sore to move after tough workouts. She also included lots of low-fat convenience foods in my plan, which seemed ridiculous to me (Snackwells?? Seriously??). So, ask plenty of questions and if it seems crazy, try someone else!

Anyway, it felt good to leave it up to someone else for once, and after a few slip-ups, I'm trying hard to stick to it and see what happens. I'm actually doing well today! I keep trying to remind myself that I never regret it when I keep myself in check, but I ALWAYS regret it when I cheat myself.
Thanks for helping me not feel so alone in this ordeal of no motivation.

I haven't taken a whole week off of working out since our last vacation, the idea kind of freaks me out too -- like I might not come back to it, ever. :confused:

Anyway, I like the idea of a check in -- it would get me here every day and might help me stay on track.

I do realize when I work out for 3 days it's better than working out for no days -- I've worked with a nutritionist and know what works for me foodwise, I just need to do it . . .

I think the weather has something to do with it too, but then I worry that I'm just making excuses for myself.

UGH, we can do this!!!

Thanks again!! I am hopeful!:D
Every body needs a break from lifting and working out, I try and schedule one in every 16 weeks or so, and take one solid week off. Just don't pig out! :p Your muscles won't forget how to work, and you'll come back fresh. For me, the Fall into Winter season always has an effect on my motivation, this is when I schedule a one-weeker to enjoy the changing seasons. Maybe for me its the lack of sun on bare skin and lessening vitamin D as a result.

But really, don't feel guilty by giving your joints and muscles a rest. You probably need some downtime and it could be one of the reasons why you are feeling this way.
Hi Travis,
I'm really sorry you are going through this right now. I have definitely been there before (a few times!). I think it's good that you are still doing some activity. From my experience it is much harder to get back on track when you completely let everything slip (excercise and diet).

I just got back on track in September after a VERY lengthy break. When i started checking out this forum your success story and posts in particular were really inspirational and motivating to me. Thank you for that.

I find that visiting this forum regularly has been helping me so maybe you should visit more often (you mentioned you haven't been around lately). I think it is normal to go through ups and downs. Could it be that you are just getting bored with your routine and need to shake things up? Maybe if you make some new goals to work towards you can get excited and motivated again.
I just started a check-in and you are welcome to join fit for turkey day. We are all already fit but want to stay true to that but would like the check in to be more than that. One where we all motivate each other and giving tid bits this way we won't be on the same wagon as everyone else with the lose weight resolution for new years.

So if you want come in and join :)
I just started a check-in and you are welcome to join fit for turkey day. We are all already fit but want to stay true to that but would like the check in to be more than that. One where we all motivate each other and giving tid bits this way we won't be on the same wagon as everyone else with the lose weight resolution for new years.

So if you want come in and join :)

This sounds pretty good -- as long as you don't mind if a few of us are moping around a little at first. How about it, fellow unmotivated folks?
Hi all,

I'd been feeling a little burnt out with my workouts, too, and changing them up really helped!

Over the summer, I started doing kettlebell workouts (which are so much fun), and a couple of weeks ago, I started doing P90X. The change in routines and instructors really helped re-motivate me! It might be worth it to try some new instructors or workouts!

Hope this helps! :)
I think the rest week is a great idea. Not resting ENTIRELY from working out, but lowering the intensities. Doing stretches, yogas, pilates, walking, biking, low intensity (dance) cardios.

The other thing that totally motivates me is a new workout or exercise. Take up roller blading? Running? A new Cathe workout or someone else?

The eating is harder for me too. When I get in a mood , I can convince myself that gaining a few pounds wouldn't be the end of the world, that eating is more important. It's tough!! I did change up my eating a few months ago. I do Weight Watchers, and was doing the Points plan, and then switched over to Core. That REALLY re-motivated me on eating!! (I love Core!!).
I feel you. The change in weather, a weird little virus that won't go away (I'm on week 7 now), and surgery on my sinuses... Other stuff is going on, too. And then I started doubting my entire approach to weight training (AGAIN!)... Then there's the diet thing. I WAS doing so well but then money got tight and when that happens your options get really limited. I went grocery shopping last night and came away furious at the prices. Things are conspiring to make getting and staying fit so much harder. Oh yea, I went back to work yesterday (after surgery recovery kept me home) and was informed that yesterday was the last day the cafeteria (at work) would be open ON OUR SHIFT because they weren't making enough money. I went off right in front of the cafeteria employees. I said something like "All the leftover bits of crap from the other shifts get served to us at full price, THAT's why they aren't making more money. But this is good because the food is fatty crap and we all need to stop eating it anyway. Just wait till we all start boycotting their vending machines..." Even the cafeteria employees agreed. Of course, that means if I want to have something to eat while at work I have to get off my duff and do some cooking now. So it really is a good thing that the cafeteria is closing. $1.25 for a 20oz bottle of Diet Pepsi from the vending machine... Today, I'm dragging in a 69-cent bottle of Diet Big K. And tomorrow, it's back to weight training. I mean it. But I know what you mean. Everything's such a drag right now.
Travis, I feel for ya. I'm going through the same thing. I hope someone has some words of encouragement (for both of us).

Lisa, I've got a Dr.'s appointment this Wednesday and I'm going to ask about seeing the Nutritionist there. I'm hoping she can help get my eating on track. Ever since I quit smoking I've gained a butt load of weight, and I'm not happy about it. :mad:

Congrats on being smoke free -- that's such an awesome accomplishment! I hope the nutritionist is helpful to you. I've worked with a nutritionist in the past and I know what works for me in the food department -- I just need to DO it.
Hi Travis,
I'm really sorry you are going through this right now. I have definitely been there before (a few times!). I think it's good that you are still doing some activity. From my experience it is much harder to get back on track when you completely let everything slip (excercise and diet).

I just got back on track in September after a VERY lengthy break. When i started checking out this forum your success story and posts in particular were really inspirational and motivating to me. Thank you for that.

I find that visiting this forum regularly has been helping me so maybe you should visit more often (you mentioned you haven't been around lately). I think it is normal to go through ups and downs. Could it be that you are just getting bored with your routine and need to shake things up? Maybe if you make some new goals to work towards you can get excited and motivated again.

I'm glad my success story helped you when you needed it to. I appreciate knowing that. Thanks. I do need to be here more often and intend to try and check in daily!!
I feel you. The change in weather, a weird little virus that won't go away (I'm on week 7 now), and surgery on my sinuses... Other stuff is going on, too. And then I started doubting my entire approach to weight training (AGAIN!)... Then there's the diet thing. I WAS doing so well but then money got tight and when that happens your options get really limited. I went grocery shopping last night and came away furious at the prices. Things are conspiring to make getting and staying fit so much harder. Oh yea, I went back to work yesterday (after surgery recovery kept me home) and was informed that yesterday was the last day the cafeteria (at work) would be open ON OUR SHIFT because they weren't making enough money. I went off right in front of the cafeteria employees. I said something like "All the leftover bits of crap from the other shifts get served to us at full price, THAT's why they aren't making more money. But this is good because the food is fatty crap and we all need to stop eating it anyway. Just wait till we all start boycotting their vending machines..." Even the cafeteria employees agreed. Of course, that means if I want to have something to eat while at work I have to get off my duff and do some cooking now. So it really is a good thing that the cafeteria is closing. $1.25 for a 20oz bottle of Diet Pepsi from the vending machine... Today, I'm dragging in a 69-cent bottle of Diet Big K. And tomorrow, it's back to weight training. I mean it. But I know what you mean. Everything's such a drag right now.

I'm sorry to hear about the situation at work -- I agree with you that money getting tight and grocery costs is affecting my diet, I think I just need to try harder to make it work while I continue to try to shop smarter. UGH!!!

Thanks again for all the suggestions, encouragement, and just letting me know I'm not alone. . . going to look for that check in :)

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