Lost 5 lb in Meso 1! :)


I admit I was concerned about perhaps gaining weight when I started STS. Although I know in my head that muscle weighs more than fat and all, I also know my own stubborn brain and that I would get discouraged if I gained weight while following the program. I completed Meso 1 last week and as of this a.m. - I've lost 5 lb and also several inches!!! I always struggled with eating clean, but have been doing pretty well (though not perfect by any means), and have been doing 4 cardio workouts along with the STS workouts a week - so I've been working pretty hard - but not going crazy with cardio or anything. Just want to give anyone concerned about weight gain (or lack of weight loss) a real life example of the opposite:). And due to the toning I'm getting from STS, I'm now thinking that my original goal weight might be lower than I need to be to be happy with my body:)
Way to go! I especially loved this line:
"And due to the toning I'm getting from STS, I'm now thinking that my original goal weight might be lower than I need to be to be happy with my body."
I'm hoping to come to the same conclusion! I sometimes wonder if the weight is fine; it's the distribution that's the problem! I've just ordered Gym Styles and am looking forward to a new style of weight training. I've never done "split" workouts before; I've always done total body one day, cardio the next.
Are you loving STS?
Nice work! You'll probably lose another couple of pounds through Meso 2, especially with cardio. I love the look of muscle definition, especially on arms and legs.
Thank you all! :)

Nanbo - yes! I'm so loving STS:)

KarieV - It probably averages out to a little more than hour a day - but I do take a 'rest day' each week where I only maybe do stretching or yoga or something to give my body a break. (so I double up with cardio after a STS on a day where I have more time). I also do an Ab workout 3 to 4 times a week, but those are pretty short.

I'm looking forward to moving into Meso 2 for sure - starting Saturday :eek: Thanks for the encouragement:)


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