I have said A LOT so please skim through if need be.

I realise Cathe may not get to this, but if ANY one can I would be grateful. I am coming up on my recert for ACE for group fitness instruction and debating if I even want to.

I have been teaching off and on since 1998. I teach for a well known club that really takes an active part in keeping their employees educated in the health/fitness field. So it is not where I teach that is the problem.

I am the type of person that if I cannot do something 110% or get completely involved I loose interest. In a perfect world I would teach and do personal training. I need the feedback that I am actually helping people: as in see their results ( PT ), yes people love my class but people come and go after so many years and you never see where they end up.

I am starting to get the thought that I would rather work out for myself then everybody else. I go through spurts of excitement with the idea that I will start to go to other clubs, take classes to get motivated. This can be a train wreck. Unless it is an instructor that I know is entertaining I usually get hit by the 'how in the world?'... is this person teaching for us.

I know sounds pretty snotty, ah? I am, or use to be a hype case in class. I was known for my huge personality and crazyness, which made for a fun class. I have done a complete 180 and am now the drill seargent and really getting on peoples cases re: form. I started teaching a class that if done improperly really can cause some inury, so I get nervous for them. That makes for a not so fun and energizing class.

ANYWAY: I do this part-time. Had two other jobs until recently, now only teaching a few days/wk. Was really looking into Personal TRaining but even though I have been w/ this Co. since 1998 there is no guarentee I will even get hired once certified. Did I mention the cert they require is $600, which they will not help pay for unless your a FT employee. Just rec'd my W2's. My income for the past yr: $2600. Take out how much I have spent on clothes, shoes, music and the hours you spend looking for music and putting together new routines and I am wondering if it is worth it. Yes I get a free membership but do not need: I have a gym in my basement. I somettimes feel I want to stay because there are so many instructors out there ( within our co. ) that in MY eyes don't have the enthusiasim and strength for teaching, so I feel I owe it to the members. I would never leave my Co. to go to another w/in the area. I have heard nothing but neg from others that have done the same. Except for the YMCA, but they pay even less.

OH YEA: I am also recently registered in a RN program ( going from Paramedic to RN ). So health/fitness FT NOT an option any longer.

I know I spued A LOT, but needed to vent. Hopefully you skimmed through and read just the key thoughts and have some awesome feedback.:confused:
I can relate to how you're feeling. I've been a fitness instructor since 1995, and have lost my passion for teaching group classes many times over the years. Right now I'm a second grade teacher, and I do some personal training on the side. My classes were always full, and I enjoyed the members. But, I got tired of the schedule (having to be somewhere at the same time each week, even if I wasn't feeling well or was really busy). I always taught part-time, and held another part-time job at the same time. I found myself teaching for about 6 mos., then giving up the classes and not teaching for 6 mos. to a year. I also have a "gym" in my basement, and it was really nice to do my own workouts without worrying about overtraining, etc.

I like the personal training right now, even though it's informal, because I can set my own schedule, and choose my clients. I have a certification, and it did not cost $600! I also carry liability insurance, which costs around $125 a year for over a million in coverage. I train in my own "gym" and during the summer, I take it outside. I only take on one or two clients at a time.

Maybe part of your burn out is because you're working on becoming an RN, which has got to be work-intensive. I think we can only handle so many committments at one time before we go into overload.

My advice, for what it's worth, is to cut way back on your group classes, possibly pursue a less expensive personal training cert., and use your own equipment to train a few quality clients. Give yourself plenty of time for your studies, and for some down time! Good luck!
I understand how you feel. It is difficult to keep the excitement quota up in your group exercise classes when one has as much going on with other jobs. I have peaks and valleys with my own enthusiasm with teaching. In my experience, I have found that teaching 2-3 classes a week works perfectly for me. I work at a hospital and own a B&B and any more than 3 classes to prepare is too much stress!!

I know certifications are expensive to maintain, but you may want to consider re certing but take a break from teaching. Sometimes a little time away is all one needs to get the mojo back.
I only teach one class a week currently -- the rest of the time I am being a mom. Sure, it doesn't do much to put food on the table (and it is at a YMCA where the pay is minimal). But it's infrequent enough that it's always fun, and the members have been there since I taught back in the early 90's. What a committment to fitness! I have thought about putting in more hours as a personal trainer (just got my certification thru ACE, it was only $150 since I already had my fitness certification with them). As long as it's fun and doesn't interfere with mom/daughter time, I think I will be OK.

It's OK to take a hiatus for awhile (I took one for 12 years!). Take time off, focus on nursing. You'll learn so much about health and fitness through that career path and that could re-energize you to enter teaching again later.

Thank you on responses. As for a break: that's what I do. This last hiatis was 1yr and i have been back for a year. I was working as a Paramedic for the past 4 yrs and an MA before that. That is why I was taking a strong interest in the Personal training. I wanted to get on the proactive side of health rather then the basically close to death or you have lost the will to take care of yourself side.
But I have a hard time spending the money on a new cert if there is no guarentee of hire. I did think about the $150 ACE ( paper ) which I wont be ready for when it comes to us in less then 2 wks. I can take the computer based but it is $200. Once I am in w/ my club I would have to take NASM, with some reimbursement from the club. I am currently unemployed and my nursing tests range from 225-325/test. SO I have a hard time stomaching paying for Pt if I am not going to use it.

I get a little nervous about the self employement but that is a awesome thought. I figured it is all what I get out of it. I need to change to a more positive attitude. Our new sched starts in April. Maybe I will see how I feel towards the end of March. It would be nice to beable to teach something different. But that will only be an option if one of the other instructors wants to give up a class. Usually not in budget to put in a new time/class...

I have just heard or have known of people that are having a lot of health issues or dieing at young ages recently that it makes you think about what you are doing with your life and where you need to go. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

My advice would be to hang in there if you can afford the recertification. Even if you can only put in a few hours here and there, I would think just having that and all the options and motivation at your fingertips will give you an added insentive to keep in shape while you are so busy getting your RN license. You can always devote more time to it when you have more time. Also, if you could get your name out there for one on one personal training, I would think that would be a great part time thing you could do provided you don't take on to much. I don't blame you for not wanting to spend the money and take the time when you are so busy, but I just know for me, that would be a good excuse for me to "let myself go". Plus knowing that you're making a difference in peoples lives has got to feel rewarding. In the end it's up to you what you decide. You're an inspiration regardless. Good for you and all your efforts!

UPDATE!!! I have done my best to just change my attitude and it seems to be working!!! I am also now the assistant dept head for group fitness at our club. I did go from saving peoples lives to administrative duites which was kind of a blow, but I am just thankful I have some kind of job, with the economy/lay offs, and it is something that gets me out of the house and I have some kind of purpose!!!

I am keeping getting my personal training cert in the back of my head: again it will have to wait untill I have more cash.

I am the type of person that whatever I am involved in I want to do it all!! ANd if that is not possible immediatly, I tend to give up. I have the curse of wanting instant completion/gratification on my goals and have a hard time realizing that it will not happen over night and it does take a lot of hard work.

In the past everything has had a flow into the next. I have never had to really sit and figure things out: "what to be when I grow up?"

THANX AGAIN for your comments. The 'your an inspiration..' actually made me tear up so thanx!!! Pretty excited for cardio-kickboxing tonight and STRIKE class tomorrow. SEE YA!!!:

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