<--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seeds

RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<--is totally utterly depressed about not going to the RT this year :(
<--so wanted to meet everyone<--hasn't met and see some again
<--knows that <--will get over it, but all this excitement and talk has <--down
<--wishes the registration would be over already
<--wouldn't be some tempted }(

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<---tells Lainie to ask her friend if "Delaney talks to statues"
<---adds the Delaney is the name of Jimmy's second daughter
<---found that she could play scramble at work and lost to yet another forum friend
<---will be sending get-into-RT vibes to Lainie and Liann
<---knows what Catherine is going through and apologizes for living so close to Cathe
<---wishes Catherine and Beavs and Niecebug and Vickie and etc etc who <--had soooo much fun with last year was going on RT
<---wishes HERSELF was going on RT
<---got home from work and found an empty house
<---assumes DD dropped DGS off at her SO's parents house
<---decided to take another rest day and wallow in the silence
<---is now wallowing in Asti Spumanti and quality time with DH
<---realizes that posting here is NOT quality time with DH
<---waves goodbye
RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<--tells Robin no need to apologize for living so close to Cathe
<--is excited for all who are partaking in the RT and Pre-RT
<--LOL is also just had a glass of Asti :9
<--added a splash of OJ to hers!!
<--hopes all have a good evening :*

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<---hmmmm, a splash of OJ in the Asti?
<---'s DH doens't like the sound of that, but <-- think it sounds good
RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<--is stopping in briefly at the end of the OAL day
<--has never quite figured out where everyone goes at night and on the weekends
<--tells Ame that Ame did not forget to comment on <--'s extended fam damily
<--thinks Ame forgot that she didn't forget :+
<--saw the homepage and really noticed the similarity to P90X after seeing the infomercial last night
<--guesses that this "do something different every day" stuff is the cutting edge way to exercise
<--isn't so good with constant change
<--is in a dark place and really should scram to the HH
RE: <--losin weight without speed,eating sunflower seed...

<--is sorry Nancy is in a dark place
<--sends her a ray of sunshine to brighten her place up a bit!!
<--also wonders where everyone goes in the evening and weekends?
<--thinks the main comparison of STS and P90X is that they are both based on periodization which is a fancy term for changing things up
<--tucks everyone in and wishes all a peaceful nights sleep

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---waves goodnight to Catherine and Nancy
<---explains that <--- spends all day on the computer at work and once she gets home, doesn't want to go near her computer much
<---does like to check in again before bed though when everyone else is usually asleep - like now ;)

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