Loose skin from stretched belly


New Member
Hello, Im new to Cathe and just love her videos. I only own one, but am looking to always expand. I currently feed my 21 month old. He breastfeeds often (he's not a big eater other then breastmilk). I am 5'5 and my weight is 114lbs, so pretty good body fat. HOWEVER, I have some loose skin around my belly button region. I am wondering will this ever go away? Does anyone else have this problem? Or had it and can encourage me on what to do? I workout 6 days a week cardio and weights (of course I alternate body upper/lower for weights). Plus I do 30 min of Pilates 2 times a week, and Power Yoga 50min one time per week. The cardio is 20-50 min of interval training. PLEASE I am so determined. Will this just not tighten until I wean? Thanks for your input.
Hi Brittani29 and welcome to the board!!!

Don't know if this will help much. I have that loose skin around my belly button, but really flat abs (okay, not so flat any more as I'm almost half way through pregnancy number 6). I do mega abdominal work in between babies, but always seem to have that loose skin, although I'd have to say that it didn't really appear more until after baby number 3 or so. I gained 60 pounds with the first four pregnancies so this probably didn't help. I don't think it has anything to do with the breast feeding - and just to encourage you, my first didn't eat OR DRINK anything until 25 months of age, he was an eternal nurser and refused all else!! But this really didn't affect that skin (I'm about 5'3 and stay around 100-105 pounds when not pregnant).

The skin may return more to normal in time. What you can work on is your ab work which you are probably already doing. At least your abs will be nice and toned which should help skin tone somewhat. Sounds like your body fat is great, otherwise I'd recommend diet as a possibility. Oh the blessings of motherhood!!!!! And I'm sure he is a blessing!!

Yes, I agree with Brie. It will just take some time for the skin to go back some. It won't be just like it was before, but can be very close.

I have had ten children, all full term and all of them weighed between 8 and 10 pounds. So, my skin has stretched out alot through all of those pregnancies.

I, too, weigh about 113 and I am 5' 5 1/2" tall. My abs are very flat and toned- I do have a little bit of loose skin in the abdomen area, but not much especially considering the stretching. I can wear a 2 piece suit with confidence. Just keep on working on the abs, it will get better.

There is 27 years between my oldest and my youngest. I had my last three in my 40's. My last one at 45, and my skin still went back - I hope this gives you encouragement. You don't need to kiss those great abs good bye!

I don't have advice, but I am very encouraged by the other posts you got. I am 19 weeks pregnant with my 4th and was very thin and fit before I had kids. I gained 60 lbs with my first 3, and never fully lost the weight so my abs were not flat. After this baby I am going to try really hard to get back my flat/firm abs and these other posts have really encouraged me :)

Hopefully they have inspired you too.
Good luck

Well I am starting to feel like, what else can I do? I do work the abs and have a healthy diet. I mean my youngest is 21 months, how long does it take?? Some people told me to give it up, since I have kids. And others say to bump up my workout, but I think I work out enough. Thanks ladies for your input, I cant wait to see my skin to firm.
Oooooooo - brittini, now you struck a nerve (at least those people did). The ones who said give it up, now you have kids and will never see that shape again.......THEY'RE WRONG!!! I hate being told that because it's not true. Keep working out and it WILL come. I was in a group of women the other day (cheryl I'm sure you can relate too). All were tired and dragged out and most overweight and they all say "this is what happens once you have kids, it's just never the same - kiss your body good bye". Well I'm not puckering up yet!!!

Keep it up you're doing great, looks like your workouts are enough, just be sure to get that ab work in and most of all have fun and don't give it up!!!

This is encouraging! My third is 3 months old and I am wondering about my loose skin around the belly button. It is mostly noticeable when I am laying flat on my back, very puckery looking, not so bad when I am standing up. I wanna wear my two piece again!! I do have weight left to lose though.

Maybe try more water and fruits & veggies. I just started WW and I am amazed just what drinking more water has done for me.

Never give up the fight!!! I hate nonexercising people tell me to.


I have been at my cottage for the last few weeks, so I haveln't had access to the internet. But I would like to share with you that , yes, I can relate to how most women are after having babies. They always blame having children on their weight problems and being so out of shape.

The thing is that the weight and inches do not just fall off, you need to exercise and watch your food intake. I wish you could see me after having 10 children - peopole are totally amazed and they almost fall over when I tell them that I have that many children. They always say "You had them all yourself with no help?" Duh!!!

The skin on my abs are definitely getting better everday - so you women out there do not give up or in to these other women who say that this is how it is going to be because you have had children. I wear low rise shorts and jeans and half tops without feel self conscientous. I am very comfortable in my skin.

When people ask me my secret, I just say I watch what goes into my nouth and I work out everyday. They always say how do you have time to workout with all those kids. Well, I make time for it first thing in the morning and I home school and I find time for that too. It is whatever your priorites are.

Oh well, I could babble on forever for that is one of my pet peeves - the funny thing is when someone is told that I have that many children and they have never met me they envision someone 50 pounds overweight and dumnpy looking and when they meet me they are flabbergasted.

So, it is a big fat lie that having children means resloving yourself to being out of shape and heavier!


I don't mean to be discouraging, but how much your belly skin tightens is in part related to your genetics and how elastic your skin is. Unfortunately, some people's skin is not very elastic and the skin experiences what looks like tears (very bad stretch marks). I am one of those people and during my first pregnancy I got stretch marks that are from 1/4" to 1" across all over my stomach as the skin tore. I only gained 30 pounds during that pregnancy, by I carry very far forward and have very large babies (9-11 lbs, induced early to prevent them from being even larger!) Four subsequent pregnancies only made the situation worse.

I have lost all of the weight and am very fit, thanks to discovering Cathe videos, and even though I can see definition in my abs, I have a layer of loose scarred skin that will never go back to what it was before I had kids--at least not without surgery! It is also a bit frustrating in terms of buying clothes that fit, because I have this loose layer of extra skin in the way.

I don't mean to be discouraging, but I wanted to speak up because while many women will not look like they've even had a kid, for other people this may not be possible. Even so, there are two ways to look at this issue. One is to view yourself the way the world at large would, and that you are somehow "damaged" if your body deviates in any way from the super model look. Another way to look at it, is to view stretch marks or other changes in your body due to pregnancies as badges of courage and honour--they signify your willingness to sacrifice yourself, including your body, to bringing a beautiful new life into the world. Most days I prefer to view my scarred belly that way--although once in a while I admit that I am jealous of those of you with smooth, tight bellies! But it really is a small sacrifice to pay for my 5 beautiful children! :)

Leigh Ann
Thank you all for your input. I so want a tight belly but feel like I too maybe "gentically" composed to just not get it back to normal. Althought, my youngest is 22 months and I breastfeed, I still believe there is more time for it to tighten. I am using cream to help, to no avail though (no surprise there). And surgery at this point is not what I want, besides I would have a problem with the scars, they are long and well heck if I have stretch marks with the babies (I too have big babies 9lbs, and induced early b/c of size) what the heck will the scar be, just another huge thing that will make me feel like I cant wear belly barring shirts. In times where there is bare bellies everywhere, its a bit discouraging that I work so hard and still dont have the tight stomach. I have nice obliques just a handful of fat/skin around my belly button making it look like a winked squinted eye with wrinkles hahaha:) Thanks ladies, I will keep trying. I think I am over training as the rest of my body is hurting b/c of it, yet me tummy is still the same. I measure it at the belly button area and some times its 1/2 in better and I get happy only to see the next week it is back 1/2 the other way, ugh!! This is a hard thing to except. And though I do also believe its a small price to pay to have wonderful healthy children into the world, its hard to except at 25 years of age. I do feel gross when my stomach is touched or lifting my arms and a little tummy is exposed. I guess what can I do, I am no Britney Spears, darn it. I want that flat tummy:)

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