Looking for Lorajc and girls from Yoga check-in

Hi ladies,

It has been a long while since I have posted on this forum. I used to post on the Trying to fit in yoga Check in. Some of the regulars were Lorajc and justanotherjennifer. The check in is no longer up - and just wondering how everyone is doing.
The site looks very different now - and I had to change my id to sign in... so wondering if they are posting with a new id also.

Tks - Yve
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Hi Yve! I was in the yoga check-in for awhile and I remember you. Didn't you have a baby? I haven't seen Lorajc or justanotherjennifer post here in awhile. How are you doing?
Trying to fit in yoga

Hi Karin,

Nice to 'see' you.
Yes - I had a baby boy last March... He is now 9 months old and growing very fast.

How have you been? What is news?

I haven't done much in the way of exercise other than my weekly pilates and the occasional yoga dvd.

Jen was due to have twins around Xmas time.

Tks for replying.. I am going to do my best to get back into a fitness routine - but I am finding time mgmt an issue..lol.

Take care.
Yes, I remembered that Jen was supposed to have her twins but I haven't heard anything about it. I hope that she is ok. If you are looking for another check-in with lots of great folks, check out the Peeps check-in. They are a great bunch of people and very supportive. Come join us if you like!
Lora hasn't been on the forum for quite some time. She has had to deal with some difficult times and I'm not sure when she will be back. Just wanted to let you know.
Too bad that check-in is no longer going on as it sounds right up my alley. Welcome back to the forums!
HI Debbie,
Thank you for letting me know about Lora. I hope that she is ok. If you are in contact with her - pls let her know that I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Tks again,
Tks Elle,

Nice to meet you and tks for the welcome back. Do you practice yoga regularly? If so- what type do you like?

I love ashtanga/vinyasa style yoga - as well as bikram/hot yoga. Though I haven't gone to a hot yoga class since before my pregnancy... so it's primarily the flow work that I have been practicing.

Do you have some favourite dvds?

Take care. Yve

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