Locking a thread..

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This is the first time, in all the hand wringing and calls for a thread to be pulled, that a thread has ever been locked. Why?
There it is, inaccessible. I find it hard to believe it is religious beliefs that prompt this. If that is the case, I am disappointed in you for not allowing us to express our beliefs and our disbeliefs and to discuss controversial subjects at length and quite reasonably. I have systematically unsubscribed from each thread and I do not intend to visit these sites in the future should you not unlock the thread. Here we have an opportunity to discuss and disagree with one another in a way that cannot lead to violence or hatred since we are separated by cyberspace. We certainly got close to craziness but in the end we had a discussion and that cannot be wrong. Let us discuss this! Don't lock the thread. We are Christians, Jews, believers and non-believers. Be the better man and let us live and let live.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
Hi Bobbi!
This is a fitness site so it really doesn't bother me too much about the locked thread. I mean, I kind of expected it anyway. Remember the Iraq discussion way back when? LOL! A few of us went Medieval on each other and I remember being chastised by people for not sticking to fitness related topics. So there ya go.......
How's about reading my Max HR post above? Might make ya feel better......ahhh on second thought it probably won't. :)
Having said all of that I do see your point too Bobbi.
Lastly, in the end, it's really just a movie. And nothing more to me...
Trevor :)
I agree with Bobbi and Trevor. We should be able to speak our minds about things (providing we don't use hatred and angry in our wording). This is an open discussion room and we should be able to discuss things that aren't fitness related (hence my pee problem). I can understand that religion, war and politcs can provoke different reactions. But being grown and adults we should be able to respond wihtout fear of "lockout" unless one of us is causing deliberate offence (and i don't think we are - well pehaps you Trevor in some of your posts!!! i kid!!!) and then it should the person blocked not the discussion.

Wayne x
How r u Wayne?
I know you were kidding butI don't deliberately try to offend people. It just drives me nuts when people argue with me without reading and trying to understand what I have said. That happens sometimes in here. Plus, I don't generally beat around the bush, ya know? I am blunt and I call things as I see them. Alot of people, especially in this age of sensitivity, don't like that. So, I am in hot water 80% of the time in here. LOL! Which is fine. :)
Take it easy over there across the ocean.
As far as I'm concerned they should lock a few others on here as well. All this wasted energy, when we could be using it to workout.

Hey Trevor,

I'm ok thanks. Still peeing, but hey ho. I know you don't try and offend people on purpose. I actually read all your posts! The religious post was getting out of hand with people saying "you will go to hell", etc...but hey, it's free speech, and we don't have to buy it. We are adults and can choose to respond or not. Like i said, i can understand why it was blocked, but i think it should be the people causing deliberate offence and not the subject matter.
At the risk of being hell-bound, I'd like to add my agreement w/the comment that the bone of contention is just a movie. Tons of movies have been made, 'based on someone's personal view,' right? Why is this one so contraversial? It seems to be carrying the same formula as most blockbusters, big hype and plenty of commericialism. I mean nail pendants????? :eek:

Please don't call me a blasphemer, but I'm fully expecting the actions figures to be available soon. :)

Thanks Bobbie, for opening the door. No matter how touchy the thread got, it was a good read.
Interestingly enough, I heard on the radio this morning that there will be action figures. Don't know if it was a joke or not but what a crack up.

Tell me it ain't so.
Sorry, Bobbi. I have to disagree with you on this one. I had not followed the thread for several days and had no idea how unbelieveable offensive and aggressive it became. I have certainly changed my opinions about certain people on the boards because of views they expressed there. It did nobody any good. It started off as an innocent question by Barbara but soon descended into some wishing others into hell and that is nothing but hate speech. People did prosletize (sp?), they did impose their values and beliefs on others, they made uni-lateral claims to "truths" even though such a concept can only be constructed through multi-perspectivism.

I am embarrassed for some of the people who posted there and ashamed of others. Man's inhumanity to man continues on unassuaged it seems. Look no further than Cathe's forum for proof of that.

Cathe and SNM were 100% correct to lock out a thread that articulates "hate speech". It has no place around here, or indeed, anywhere.

Hi Everyone! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'd like to respectfully ask that we please move onto other discussions now. Thank you kindly in advance :)
Hi, Clare. I'm nothing if not a drama queen. ;) I started this thread and probably should have edited it a bit but it was late and I needed to get to bed to get my 3 and a half hours sleep, LOL! I am an insomniac, NOT a trouble-maker but even when I sleep well, I probably think too much. Alway have. I don't consider that a bad thing. I'm afraid I have to agree to disagree with you, one of the Catheites I respect greatly. And I do so with the utmost respect and an open mind that tries to see your point of view. If we make these subjects taboo, how will we ever work it all out? Assuming we ever can. And I like to think that's possible.

I was quite nervous about voicing my opinion in the forums after opening my email over the weekend but I'll tell you, I have always been a thinker and a talker and I really love going at it here, whether we discuss fitness or depression or any number of the real issues that arise in our lives. I love it when we get mad and argue too because we open our minds and have to see the other fellows point of view. Religion and politics are just two more subjects that arise. Perhaps the fact that my main companion is six has a lot to do with how much I enjoy talking to adults here but I really do. I was actually hurt that no one saw that and a few dared write me and challenge me as if I was a nutball! Are conversations like this inappropriate in a fitness forum? I don't think so. Physical fitness is a single aspect of a healthy human. I doubt we'll ever agree on that though. :) I got emails! I have never used my email to dissent with anyone, only to encourage and I was not only taken aback but dismayed! For a couple of days, I never visted the forums. I even removed my bookmark but I know that was silly. I admit I get silly. And then I get over it! LOL! I get impassioned! But a mouth like mine is difficult to supress.

Man's inhumanity to man, now there's a biggie. I remember vividly being 12 or 13 and reading Anne Frank and I it was devastating to my child's mind. It's devastating to my adult mind. History does condemn humanity and I have no idea if that will ever change. I have read a lot on humanity and very little of it s encouraging! And at the heart of that, religion arises again and again. But on the bright side, I have MET mostly compassionate people in my life's journey and as Gandalf said. "That is an encouraging thought." LOL! There are those who believe the first murder, the first example of man's inhumanity to man, was Cain slaying Abel and there are those who don't. What I think is unimportant. What I DO, is not. The irony of my affilitations is lost not on me. Besides breast cancer and environmental causes, all my charitities are Christian, CCF, WorldVision, Habitat For Humanity and I admire that commitmant to making the world a better place. I don't use paper products, except for the obvious one :) and I recycle like a crazy woman. I know a lot of people might consider me a nut but I am far from a nut! My intentions are pure. I was almost ready to apologize and then I realized that I'd rather or people be like me because I'm striving that we all do better. I've been composng this for hours. I have done laundry, swept and gone grocery shopping as I thought about what I have to say. I have a life, a very (sigh) boring life and in the midst of it, I have a keen mind and a searching brain and heart. I once told my husband the most powerful force in the universe was love. He pooh poohed me and said it was electro-magnetism. I hope I'm right!

I am glad the thread's gone but they usually do run their course. They always have. Many of the friends I have made here, to whom I speak outside of the forums, will chide me when I get overly involved and tell me I am invest a lot of emotional energy and to relax, but I operate on a lot of emoitional energy. I wonder if that wrist discomfort I was experiencing last week was due to too much keyboard action and not the down dogging I was doing! ;)
Darn it, Cathe, I was in the middle of my post when you posted yours. It did take me hours with that huge mountain of laundry I had to do! I will respectfully move on and did not mean to step on your toes! Respectfully yours, Bobbi the big mouth!!

fear not, I am not in the least put out or offended. I hope you can continue to respect me greatly! You are fabulous. Either love or electro magnetism is better as central force than the greenbacks
I suspect make it all revolve. I wish it weren't. You should continue to be passionate, it's your nature. We need empassioned people, women who care "too" much (they say "too" much, let's change it to "soooooo" much). You are not a nut, just incapable of switching your brain off. I understand. I too suffer from this, I can't sit still either. I've just sat for two hours waiting for my kids to finish at the dentsits, now I have to sit and wait while they do judo for another 2 hours and I'm screaming inside with the inactivity................and I'm pounding the keyboard here at just the thought of so much being cooped up.

I too was the far from pleased receiver of a personal and hateful email from a fellow Catheite and I agree, it is a complete shock when it happens. You go into hiding, feel hot with indignation that you can so easily be reached in the privacy of your own home with the hateful thoughts of others, that they even bothered to seek you out and address them to you personally....but I rationalized it and put it down to their ignorance, not any fault of mine. I am content with this for I feel it to be true. I feel sorry for that person. It hurts though, for a while, so I am sorry for you.

Now, sit your brain down by the computer, set it on "stun", go make a pot of tea, grab your kids and sit at the kitchen table and drink tea, dunk cookies and play cards, board games with your kids for hours. We do this, it's real fun and completely relaxing and usually hysterically funny. It kind of helps to put things into perspective. We call it "family game night" and it is usually responsible for very late nights for my girls!

Hugs to you,

Bobbi. Even though we shared different views on the other subject, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear that someone emailed you a nasty email. In my opinion, this is way out of line, and very tacky.
My long post to Clare posted before Cathe's and I was freaking out that I might be viewed as going against her opinion and I posted twice, falling all over myself to explain. And then I got to thinking about that and I got to thinking it's wrong to tell us we can't express our opinions. I just reread the Passion thread and I disagree with Clare. I think everyone did a great job expressing themselves but everyone came from their own belief systems and it showed. I don't think it can be a bad thing for us to come together and discuss and I do think it's a bad thing to tell us we shouldn't because it's uncomfortable or we disent or it's inappropriate for this website because this is one of the few places we can get together. Life is often uncomfortable and we often disent but I'll tell you I have new respect for everyone. Only through our ability to communicate can we ever come together and this is one of the few places where we all get together.

So, if I get an email from SNM telling me to get the heck out of here I will, but I think we need to talk more and talk the truly contoversial stuff!
If I drink any more green tea, I'll pee my pants! LOL! I think this website is wonderful because we are all really not so very different! And yet we are very different! I truly do believe our spiritual selves are as imprtant as our physical selves BUT I don't think we will ever agree on what's the best path on that one! :) You, I think are the dopest trip! Smarty! I am so jealous of you at the U of M!
Thanks, Kepi, but I don't think they were meant to be nasty. I think it was someone coming from another place she tought would be better for me and heaven knosw, I have had a hard time of it of late. But I don't think it's punshiment, only a brain chemistry disorder! :) And here I go again carrying on!

Getting a life! Getting a life!
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