With October now behind us we're now working on the final edits for each of the LITE workouts and bonus videos. We finished our "fine" edits last week and we hope to finish final edits this week for all of the workouts.
We also plan on sending all of the LITE audio files out to a specialist this week too. Their job will be to get the "music to Cathe's voice ratio" as perfect as possible. This is not an easy job to do because the music and lyrics constantly change as does Cathe's voice inflection throughout the various workouts. If the music is too loud you will not be able to hear Cathe well enough. If the music is too soft you will not be able to hear the beat. There is a very fine razor's edge that the audio specialist needs to walk to make this work.
If all goes well, next week we should begin the final phase of our work - DVD Authoring! In this phase, we will turn the LITE videos into DVDs and make all of the premixes. Then it's just a "million hours" of proofing and testing and fixing any problems we find. We're now projecting over 150 LITE premixes for the series and that means a whole lot of hours spent creating and proofing. Once this is done we will then send everything to replicator who will make all of the DVDs. As always, we will continue to keep you updated on our progress.
*You can pre-order Cathe's new Intermediate LITE workouts or learn more at https://shop.cathe.com/LITE-s/180.htm Act Now! Current Pre-Sale Prices Are For A Limited Time Only!