Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I had a lot of interruptions through my workout. I did get it done though. I have to leave in a few minutes with Gertie. It takes a bit to get to her vet since we have used the same one for years and he is in another connecting city. My workout was Ice Low Impact Sweat Mish Mosh premix, step with blizzard blast mixed in, 38 minutes, 277 calories. I then did Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up upper Triceps 3 times mix, 31 minutes, 108 calories. Total time 69 minutes 409 calories. I wanted to use that SB free barre and step try out and set up another password. Then I couldn't get it to play. That was a bit of an annoyance. Then my laptop decided it needed an update for Silverlight and to restart. I finally just left the laptop alone and went on with my workout. Then packages were delivered which took up time. I had planned on doing on of the Kelly Coffey Amped up Cardio workouts after the Ice workout but gave up because of time. I have to run and will come back and read the posts. I have to get to my dogs Vet appointment for shots.
Belinda, it seems I was sort of awake when they did mine. I remember them talking to me. I didn't experience any pain though. I am glad everything is in such good shape. It has been 8 years since I had mine. I put it off as long as I could when the doctor kept encouraging me to get one.

Doreen, once I get tired of doing Strong and Sweaty I need to pull out some of the Hammer and Chisel workouts and 21 Day Fix Extreme.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Amped Up Cardio both combined workouts, 56 minutes, 380 calories. I always have fun with this. I usually use weighted glove,s but since I am still working into things I did not use them yet. I then did Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant sets timesaver #1 lower body only, no warm up, 27 minutes, 140 calories.. This was 83 minutes, 520 calories. I also did the relaxation stretch from SB Barre Amped Strength and Stretch.
Good afternoon,

I forgot to post, I am done with Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up UB premix 3 times (Back, shoulder). Since I was in a lot of pain the last few day's, I been walking a lot. I can't do any ab workouts, my stomach still hurts. I will take it easy for the next few day's. Walking mostly.

Diane Sue - thank you! I am glad everything is in good shape too. I wasn't suppose to feel any pain. Maybe I should have screamed and kicked around like a crazy person. Who knows? I did tell them I was in a lot of pain :( Whatever they gave me didn't work. I have to make sure, that i never get that kinda meds again during any kind of procedure. I am horrified to get another procedure done :( Nice job keeping up with your workouts.

I will be back later to report my workout. BBL@
Today's workout was Strong and Sweaty PHA with the bonus abs mix, 65 minutes, 329 calories. It took me a bit longer because I bounced a few minutes on the rebounder to warm up and I had to stop and adjust weights a few times. This is my first time through the entire workout. Now I know the format I can make decisions on using the pre-mixes better. I upped the weights to 15's on the step ups. I followed this with Kelly Coffey Strength and Stamina bonus step, 22 minutes, 160 calories and finished off with Suzanne Bowen Stretch upper body, 12 minutes, 18 calories. Total time was 99 minutes, 501 calories. Tomorrow I will do cardio and maybe some sort of stretch/flexibility work. I have my routine dentist appointment late morning.

Belinda, I can't believe that you are still in pain. I wonder why? I fully understand on not wanting to do a procedure like that again for a long time. I feel the same way after the lymph node biopsy. I am still trying to get my lymph nodes back into good working order and gt rid of the nerve pain from them hitting nerves. Maybe you should call and ask if you are supposed to still be feeling pain. I felt fine when it was over and I had eaten.
Diane Sue - nice combo today. If it doesn't stop by tomorrow I will call. Maybe it's normal to experience cramping afterwards for a few day's. I am just talking it easy workout wise. My husband had the procedure done before, he was out like a light. Next time I want what he had. I believe they didn't give me enough or my body didn't response to whatever they gave me. Maybe they didn't take me serious. Whatever the case was.....I never want to experience and feel that kinda pain again. The only medication I take every day is for my thyroid and once in a while a multivitamin. That's it!
Belinda, I hated the part of drinking all of that nasty stuff and I think I will never want lemon sugar free tea again. I Drank that for my liquid. The cramping and stuff from that was miserable but it let up by the time I had the procedure. I went home and had something to eat. I would definitely talk to them about it the next time you do that procedure or find someplace else to do it.
Diane Sue - the part of drinking all of that stuff, wasn't that bad. I had no problem drinking that stuff, lol. That part, was a breeze :) The doctors are looking into everything and it will be in my medical records.
Good morning.
Belinda - sorry you feel so lousy! All for preventative.

So I have another question for tbe group. I see you both periodically in other check ins. Should we just continue in one of those since this thread now appears to be just the three of us?

I did Giant sets uppder body only and then ICE bootcamp this morning. I got through about three rounds of bootcamp before I ran out of time.

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Today I did Party Rockin Step 53 minutes, 385 calories. I had a dentist check up this morning so had to get done and out the door. I hit the grocery store for Wednesday family evening dinner stuff. I think I am going to make tamale pie again. I am going to use a taco tamale pie recipe I found but I think I am going to make the almond flour crust topping I made before from a Paleo recipe on Pinterest.
Doreen, I don't mind our group size. One of my other two has only 3 checking in on it. It used to be 11 when we started. Some dropped out here and there and two of us are pretty much from the start. I have been in the Hardcore check in for years. I kept thinking that maybe Laura would come back. Maybe some don't join the group because they want to buy lots of dvds :) One of the women I check in with also checks in on another group that Belinda checks in on. A lot of the groups seem to die out on weekends and holidays. I guess everyone is busy.
Hi all, I've been lurking, but not posting. My life is kind of a mess right now. I had to let my ankle heal up after I fell off the step and twisted the heck out of it. It took over 3 months to heal. I just got back to be able to exercise 3 weeks ago (all low impact), and by last week, my knee was in severe pain. This is the worst it has ever been. It is now constant and keeps me up at night. I have to go for testing and to an ortho for it. I'm dreading whatever they tell me as I have no time. We had to move my MIL from assisted living into a full time memory care unit. Her dementia/Alzheimer's is really bad now. She is still in a wheelchair since her fall when she broke her shoulder. She falls 2-4 times a week now. My mother is a full time job. It is never ending. I'm trying to gather information to be able to do both of their taxes, and I haven't even looked at mine yet.

I have been reading and keeping up with you, but didn't want to post as it has been a very depressing time for me and my husband. We even skipped celebrating the holidays. I was really enjoying my workouts again a few weeks ago and feeling good, when the knee thing hit. My life has been like that over the last six months. It's a rollercoaster.

Take care everyone and I wish you the best.
Laura - Good to hear from you. And hang in there. Life is life. I hope your injury heals quickly and prayers for you and your husband during this difficult time with your parents.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp mish mosh Extreme 2, 6 rnds + 2,3,&5. 62 minutes, 310 calories. I then did 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga, 32 minutes, 71 calories. Total time 94 minutes, calories burned 481. Of course there was a few modifications here and lighter weights for some of the upper body moves on Boot Camp. I modified a bit on the yoga as well. I hurt my neck today doing the yoga. It probably would have been laughable if it didn't hurt so much. I was in the dancer pose in the yoga leaned over balancing and somehow when I was getting ready to come back up to standing I lost my balance and fell on my head. It hurt up my neck, shoulder and upper back. I did some yoga tune up for neck and shoulders and took some Excedrin which I hate taking. I felt like my neck was crackling and when I turn my head I feel it, so I know this is not going to be good for awhile. I do not know how I managed to lose my balance like that on such a simple move.

Laura, it is good to hear from you:) I am sorry that you had to take so much time off to heal. Those things are so frustrating. It really does sound like you have your hands full. I am sorry that you had to move your mil to a special center. Alzheimer is a tough disease to deal with. Often the person does not remember things correctly and their personalities change to almost seem like a different person. I recently signed up for and watched a webinar on Alzheimer. I have been interested since my aunt passed away that had it. It got to where I could not visit with her on the phone. At times she was in a whole different world. She told me odd stories about her ex husband and seemed to forget she had her youngest son. My other aunt said those things she told me were not true. Anyway I am terribly sorry. Doing taxes for both of them and getting all of the information together must be a bit daunting. I hope it was somewhat organized. I hope they find it is something that can be taken care of without surgery on your knees. I found when I had the torn meniscus, low impact was the only way to go and that step aggravated it. It is fine for the most part now though and I can do step without pain. Even impact. But this really did take about 3 years before it got that much better. I think the type 2 collagen I have been taking has helped immensely with all of this.
Today I did Self - Dance Your Way Slime with Kimberly Spreen, JS Barre workout and Giant Set Timesaver premix # Upper Body Only: Warm Up + Round 2 + Round 4 + Round 6 + Stretch (27:58).

Laura - ((HUGS))) I am so sorry you are going through this and that you had to move your MIL to a special center. You have your hands full. I know it's frustrating dealing with all that and your knee. Hang in there!!! I will keep you, your mom and husband in my thought's and prayers.
Belinda, is that an older Kimberly Spreen workout. I have a couple of hers that use the body bar and one also uses a medicine ball that are CIA workouts. I haven't used them in a long time, but I always liked them.
It's funny she doesn't have the brown hair. Absolute kickboxing is a fun one.

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Today I did X10 mix 38 low impact and step, 39 minutes, 233 calories. I then did Kelly Coffey's Athletic Step 36 minute, 298 calories. I finished off with Susan Chung Rapid Fire Results abs and stretch, 15 minutes, 55 calories. Total time was 94 minutes, 646 calories. I kept fighting with my Fit Bit because it kept syncing with MFP and doubling workouts. I finally think I got it fixed.

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