Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Strong and Sweaty Boot camp, timesaver 7 no upper mix, 35 minutes, 251 calories. This still has the metabolic weight sections so it is not exactly no upper. I then did Strong and Sweaty Abs, 14 minutes, 68 calories. I wanted to ta bit more weight workout so I did Total Body Giant Seats rounds 5 and 6 with the stretch(last lower round and arms round) 19 minutes, 109 calories. I finished off with Les Mills Pump Flow 21 minutes, 46 calories. Total time was 89 minutes, calories burned 474. I have an early appointment tomorrow, but am hoping to get in a bit of cardio before I have to be there .

Belinda, that diet sounds unpleasant. I could go without the bread since I rarely eat it , but not the salads and fruits and nuts. I have been looking over diets to help the lymphatic system and I would have to give up some of the things I eat even though they are healthy things. I hate white bread. If I eat any it is generally a piece of Ezekial bread or a brown rice tortilla as a wrap. That is rare though. The only bread in my house is lavash flat breads and those tiny fold it sandwich wraps and those are for my husband. Nice workout today. I need to pull out Ramped Upper soon. I have not done any of that one yet.
Hello everyone!
I never do well with a diet! Best of luck though with your testing.

I've been fighting some congestion.. not sure if it's a cold or allergies. So Sat I worked on Stepletic Advanced combos 1- 3. I have them in really rough shape..I need to do some more work on them.
Yesterday I did Ramped Up- the push/pull premix and then All in 18's fierce legs and glutes.

This morning I did All out low impact hiit from xtrain.

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Diane Sue - I eat lots of veggies and salad daily. Believe it or not...yesterday DH and I stood in the grocery store reading labels on white bread :( We only eat Ezekiel bread, organic bread or wraps. Thank goodness this diet is only a few day's :) Tomorrow and Wednesday before 8:30 a.m is the last day I can eat solid food :( Than I have to drink liquids only. Not looking forward to drinking the prep mix :( I hope it get it down, lol. Glad when it's over. I do like the premixes. WTG, on your workouts.
Hello everyone!
I never do well with a diet! Best of luck though with your testing.

I've been fighting some congestion.. not sure if it's a cold or allergies. So Sat I worked on Stepletic Advanced combos 1- 3. I have them in really rough shape..I need to do some more work on them.
Yesterday I did Ramped Up- the push/pull premix and then All in 18's fierce legs and glutes.

This morning I did All out low impact hiit from xtrain.

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Doreen - thank you!!! Hope you feel better soon. Good job on your workouts.
Doreen, sorry you are not feeling well. They were saying on the news that there were allergens out there. I am just working on getting rid of the virus that I had. You got in some good workouts. How is Stepletic. I guess it is as hard as the others to learn the choreography? Although that is what makes it a challenge.

Belinda, talk a bout a detox cleanse or whatever they call it. After I went through mine I wondered why anyone wanted to do a cleanse on purpose. I don't remember it making me feel good after it was all over or full of energy or anything like that.
Diane Sue - LOL, I just talked to my DD about the detox cleanse. She said movies stars do it to loose weight. How crazy is that? I how I will feel groggy on Thursday.

Doreen - hope you feel better soon.
Hey girls,

I did this morning: Jessica Smith Yoga Stretch for Beginners and Beyond 1. AM; Energizing Flow = 30 min + Intensity premix# 2. Step Only - 36:30 + Ramped Up Upper Body premix #10 Triple Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch =27:38.

Good job, everyone!
Diane Sue- I loved Stepletic - Advanced. It is HARD! I think the moves are faster than anything else she has done in the past. Not a lot of breakdown which means it will take a while to catch on but I think that makes it more usable long-term once its learned. I think the music is good. I can't wait to try the intermediate workout. I previewed and it looks more straightforward.

This morning I did Chisel Total Body and Muscle Meltdown Back.
Belinda- I think we were posting at the same time! That looks tough to do Ramped up biceps 3xs!! I haven't dared to try those premixes yet!
Belinda- I think we were posting at the same time! That looks tough to do Ramped up biceps 3xs!! I haven't dared to try those premixes yet!

Doreen, we posted at the same time. Doing the biceps 3x was tough, especially the crazy 8's with the band :) You can only the the premix 2xs, if you don't want to do it 3xs :)
Doreen, I will be interested to see what you think of the intermediate workout.
Nice work.

Belinda, I haven't checked out ramped up yet. I have done the lower body multiple times mixes on Total Body Giant sets and PHA. I can't image someone being able to think straight if they do that for movies.
Today I did Ice Chiseled Lower Body, 48 minutes, 319 calories. I then did Total Body Giant Sets round 1 lower body and Ramped Up upper body back (no pullovers) and shoulders, and stretch 30 minutes, 147 calories. Total time was 78 minutes, 467 calories. I also did some of Yoga Tune Up upper body but didn't bother with it for time and calories. I just figured that I was going to need it. My arms are a little sore form Monday's workout. I think that I am going to like Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up Upper after trying some of it and viewing the moves. Next weight day I will try the arms from that one.
Hi girls,

This morning I did Ramped Up Upper Body Timesaver premix #4 Triple Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Chest + Stretch (20:53) +
Walk On: 5 Mix and Match Miles with Jessica Smith Mile #1: Energy Boost + Mile #2: Pumped Up Pace+ Mile #3: Brain Training. I also did Jessica Smith Total Body Balance DVD: 4 workouts 2: Sole Sculpt =20 Minutes :) I did all that after my last solid breakfast. That wasn't the smartest idea working out so much this morning, lol. I am on a clear liquid diet until tomorrow morning :( I am glad when this is over.

Diane Sue - fantastic job as usually.

I will check in tomorrow night if I feel up too it.
Belinda, I am sure things will go fine tomorrow. I doubt you will be up for a workout tomorrow. I remember feeling weak and not being able to eat or drink that morning. I could not have worked out if I had wanted too. Nice work today.
Diane Sue - thank you. Tomorrow will be a rest day for me :) My appointment isn't until 12 pm. I still can drink clear liquids in the morning.
Belinda- Good luck today!
Today I pulled out Intensity for my cardio day. I had time for the two step sections and the low impact section. So love that workout! I did it a lot right after I got it but found today I had actually forgotten some of the step sections! I wonder what ever happened to Nancy? She and Amanda both appeared in that one but only Amanda stuck around. I guess not everyone can be in every video. I wonder how that all gets selected anyway.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Cardio Slam with the no modifications this time and the bonus abs again. 63 minutes, 465 calories. I then did Ramped Up Upper Body double biceps timesaver premix #9, 21 minutes, 108 calories. I think doing a little here and there will be a good way to build my strength back up.

Belinda, I would imagine you are resting and getting some nutrition back now.

Doreen, I love Intensity. I still pull it out quite a bit. I have often wondered about some of the original group on Cathe's workouts. I remember one of the ladies moved away and on one of the workouts Cathe says they flew her in to do it with them. That was before Brenda and Jai came into the workouts. I don't remember Cedie being in the very first group of ladies at the start.
I just got home :) I am so glad the colon screening is done. Doc said " my colon looks like a 25 year old and keep doing what I have been doing :) I wasn't out during the procedure, I was pretty awake. The procedure was a little painful :( Before the procedure, the doc told me I wouldn't be complety knocked out, in case I had breathing problems or s.o.n :( They also gave me a few pictures of my colon, lol :) Thank goodness, I don't have to do this for another 10 years :) Today I am resting.
Belinda- Good luck today!
Today I pulled out Intensity for my cardio day. I had time for the two step sections and the low impact section. So love that workout! I did it a lot right after I got it but found today I had actually forgotten some of the step sections! I wonder what ever happened to Nancy? She and Amanda both appeared in that one but only Amanda stuck around. I guess not everyone can be in every video. I wonder how that all gets selected anyway.

Thank you, Doreen :)

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