Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

This morning I did Jessica Smith Walk Strong 4 mile power walk, 78 minutes, heart rate 128/173, 398 calories, 3.74 miles. I guess the miles you get would depend on your stride length. Jessica looks like she is tall.

Doreen, I wonder why some streaming services can use real music and some can't. I always figured Les Mills got to use the music they use because they are not American. Maybe do not have to follow our guidelines. Kelly uses some good stuff on some of her raw workouts that are not the same old stuff you hear on so many instructors workouts.

Belinda, I do not blame you for wanting to go out and get some fresh air. I kind of feel like that when I go outside to do stuff in the yard. Only right now it is really cold. I had to turn the furnace back down. I see we have some 70's coming back next week.
Rest day for me today.

I noticed on Jessica Smith 4 miles walks/or any miles they never came close to what I walk. I usually get a higher step count and more miles when I actually walk outside than walk inside. I think some instructors are paying for the rights to play real music. I do a lot of dance workouts all of them play real popular up to date music. I would rather pay a little more for workouts if an instructor would provide better music. The music rights in Europa are the same as here in the US. They are paying for the rights to play it. That's why their workouts are so popular, IMO! SB and other dance streaming sites pay to use the music in their workouts.
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Belinda just google chrome instagram extensions. They are just little apps you install in chrome. They add a button to your browser to do various things.

MIchelle Dozios posted a Cardio Pump that I saved for later.
Doreen - cool :) I will google it. I never saved anything from IG before. How long can you save the workouts ?Most instructors only leave their workouts up for 24 hours. I only can do so many in a day. Thanks for the help.

STS D19 Chest/Shoulder & Triceps is done.

Hi everyone,

Today I did Cathe Live #255 KB Plus Core = 50 min. My knees are bordering me again, brrr... Still keeping everything low impact. Maybe I need to back off walking so much?

Doreen - is this legal to download these apps and save those workouts? I wonder why I have an extension? Why isn't the instructor keeping those on IG? I am not every technical.

I thought that I checked in yesterday. I did Raw Cardio Overload #2 again. I like that one. It was 38 minutes, 193 calories, 3,202 steps, 122/173 heart rate.
Today I started with Jessica Smith Walk Strong and Have Fun: Have a Ball, 32 minutes, 132 calories, heart rate 109/146, 2,858 steps. I then did Raw Strength day 1 back and biceps, 37 minutes, 96/111 heart rate, 73 calories, 411 steps. I finished off with a Fitbit stretch from the discover section on fit bit app, (I did it from my tablet) 10 minutes, 25 calories (the app quotes it as being a 50 calories workout) I don't know if these discover workouts are there without premium or not. I never explored that much. I just know I cannot log into Fitbit coach, but reading the community I gather coach used to be an extra 7.95 and they have converted it to part of Premium. Most people are having problems with their Fitbit coach app. I am wondering if that is where the problem is. Anyway, I did like this recover stretch. I saw some longer stretches and yoga segments I would like to try sometime.
Total time today was 79 minutes, 230 calories, 3,269 steps.
Weights today day 1 back and biceps
single arm rows 5 sets 20# 10 reps (last time I used 25 and Kelly uses 30) I felt I should be a bit careful.
seated split stance reverse fly (single arm) 12,10,10,10,10# 10 reps(Kelly uses 12#) I did 3 sets seated and hit my knee at the odd angle I seem to get in. Maybe not bent over enough? I did the last 2 standing in a lunge stance.
frog legs on bench 20,20,10,10,10 reps
alternating pledges seated 15# 8 reps each arm 5 sets (Kelly uses 20# and I think it feels more difficult seated.
preacher curls 12# 8 reps 5 sets (Kelly uses 12#)
Abs reverse crunch hip thrust variations 5 sets 10 reps last set 20 reps I swear I counted 4 sets though.

Belinda, you are right on the music. I think the music really does make the workouts. I love the Kelly Raw ones where she uses actual music. It makes it much more fun lifting when you almost want to sing with the background music. I wish she did it with all of them though. She also uses some of both of her sons music on some of them. Although I will say it is not something I really love, but way better that the standard fitness music. I think that Jessica's walk workouts are off on miles because you are sometimes just standing in one place with knee pulls and that sort of thing. I jog in place or up the pace periodically though to try and get up the mileage a bit. I still don't get 4 miles, but I like the step count.

Doreen, I didn't know Google Chrome worked with Instagram. I don't have google on my new laptop. They seem to take over a lot of my privacy and I don't like them syncing everything across all of my devices. I know there are ways to not allow the syncing. I just don't want to mess with it. As it is they seem to know wherever I am even when I shut location off my devices unless needed. Unfortunately Fitbit requires location to work. I feel like big brother is following me and privacy is not secure. I don't know how I got into all of that, but I guess my old laptop I could check it out because I have not messed with it to change all of that. I never even put Windows 10 on it.

Belinda- So my thought is if you put something on Instagram you have no control on what people do with it... someone could even screen record an IG live video and save for later. But I have not actually looked at what the rules are. I'm not selling it - just using it myself which I could also do by saving the post in my instagram account.

This morning my daughter wanted to get up and go for a jog to see the sunrise. So we did that - with lots of walking. Then I did a 30 minute Strength circuit video. Basic stuff - Squat press, Heisman Runs, Renegade Rows, Reverse Lunges, Chest press, deadlifts. 6 rounds of each move for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.
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Hi girls

I went to Costco early this morning. I will get my workout in shortly. Well, my knees are so swollen right now, I can't hardly walk up stairs. I am suppose to do D20 Legs today. No way, I can do lower body. I can't bent my knees not even a little bit :( Having a hard time walking too. Hopefully in a few day's the swelling goes down again. Or I will take a rest day today? Haven't decided yet?

Doreen - I guess that makes sense. I agree with you, you are not selling them. Just using them for your personals use. Great job this morning. How old is your daughter?

Diane - so many instructors especially dance instructors use really good upbeat music. Can't be that expensive if they use good music, IMO. Yeah, the walking distance on the walking workouts are way off. I never go by their milage. I go by my Apple watch. I also like the step count. Nice workout yesterday.

Happy Hump Day, everyone and stay safe!
I am back:

I ended up doing STS D21 Back & Biceps. I didn't use the stability ball. I am having trouble getting up and down of the floor. I used my weight bench in an incline position, worked out great. I also did most exercise sitting in a chair.

See you all tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Pump using the Raw channel and stopping at the end of the kickboxing portion, 32 minutes, heart rate 133/160, 170 calories, 3027 steps. I then did Cathe Lite Cardio Party timesaver 3 hi/lo, 34 minutes, heart rate 119/144, 113 calories, 2,46 steps. I also went to the Fitbit discover and did A popsugar standing abs 10 minutesm 27 calories, heart rate 102/121, 155 steps, and used an 8 and 10# dumbbell, finished with Fit Bit using discover and did Stand Tall yoga 20 minutes, 55 calories, heart rate 87/104. Fit Bit app set it at 55 calories when I pushed log workout upon finishing. I was curious as yesterday I noticed I got more calories through the app for the yoga than my watch, My watch said 27 calories. This yoga had 110 calories listed on the description. Total time was 86 minutes, 365 calories, 5,284 steps.

Doreen, I miss getting up early and hearing the birds and just the silence and nature in the mornings. I wish I could turn my hours back around, but husband sleeping during the day and me staying up late with him is sure altering everything. We were going to go for a ride on the motorcycle, but he decided not to do it since allergens are in the extremely high range and I would be miserable. Although after we went out in the car to drop off offering at church and run through McDonalds for him(they don't have salad right now) I came home and tried to sweep up seed pods and stuff all up our walkway so they don't come in the house. They were falling as I cleaned so I finally gave up. Going to order a new leaf blower/ vacuum today. Interesting on the workings of Instagram. I know there is more than one Instagram, as my daughter keeps track of another the young people use. I don't really want to know what they are doing and thinking they are hiding!! There is a love hate relationship here with media.

Belinda, I didn't know you had an Apple Watch. Do you like it better than Fitbit? They cost so much more that Fitbit, I would want it to excel in stats. I am so sorry that you are having the problems with your knees like that. I saw some dance workouts on the Fit Bit workouts. I think I need to try with my other tablet that does screen mirroring and see how it works. Although internet is somewhat weak with so many people at home using it.

I walked this morning. Glad I left early, it's starting to rain.

Diane - yes, I have a Apple Watch and love it :( My kids bought one for me and DH 2 years ago for xmas. Although we said we don't do gifts on xmas anymore. They all had one and wanted us to have one too. Yes, Apple watches cost more than a fit bit. It's like a computer on your arm. I can do phone calls, email anything you can imagine on the apple watch. I love mine.

Doreen - what did you do today?

I will see you tomorrow. I have a visual Ortho appointment this afternoon.
Today I decided to try more Fitbit workouts. Fit Bit Coach (there are some mingled with others) Cardio Crunch listed as a medium workout as there are easy, medium, and hard categories. This was 16 minutes, heart rate 137/167. 86 calories on my fit bit (letting the app log it for me it gave me 45 calories which I took the watch , 1,115 steps. I should have done one of the warm ups first as the coach did not include one. I then did Fit bit Obe' (wondered if some of these like this and pop sugar on available on youtube?) cardio boxing with Alex labeled hard, 129/161 heart rate, 3,029 steps, 147 calories, 27 minutes. I finished with Coffey Fit Raw Strength Day 2 chest and triceps, 34 minutes, 56 calories, heart rate 89/125. 292 steps. Total time was 77 minutes, 289 calories, 4,433 steps.
I was not so impressed with the coach workout. Maybe the weight ones are better. It has someone talking like a coach, a timer and breaks where the person comes out and demonstrates then the timer beeps and you start following the move till time is up. I guess that is good, just was not so fun that way. I would have been bored to death much longer than that. Weird that it was medium as it had burpees, high knees, tuck jumps etc. and I had to get out my rebounder. I was no way going to take the 45 calories and it claims it at 125 calorie workout. I stuck with my Fitbit. It gives the option at the end of each workout to save it for me. When I let it I have to go back and delete one of the two logs from watch and the video. Steps and time are okay, just not always the calorie burn. The Kickboxing was not a coach workout so a regular kickboxing workout with warm up and cool down. It was pretty good. I think I prefer my favorite instructors more. It had good music. I did not see any step workouts. There are Barre, kickbox, cycling, treadmill, elliptical, running, dance, cardio, and weighted and non weighted strength.
Also I do not think all of these workouts are there on the non premium as I tried on my older tablet that is larger and had to put the fitbit app on it. Premium did not seem to be showing up on it although it did show the versa 2. There was just a few workouts, but the layout was different.

Weights today: chest and triceps worried about shoulders so went lower for a lot of this
incline chest fly 15# 10 reps 2 sets, 12# 10 reps 3 sets last time I used 15's for all
flat bench press 15# 8 reps 5 sets last time I did 17.5
single arm kickback 10# 10 reps 5 sets
seated overhead triceps extension single arm 12# 10 reps 2 sets, 10# 10 reps 3 sets (Kelly drops reps near end)
alternating side crunches 10 reps alternating side to side, 10 reps right, 10 reps left
upper/lower crunches 10 reps 3 sets
Belinda, my husband had a Samsung Galaxy watch that he had have it's own phone number. It had a lot of features and camera in it as well as the phone. He mainly only used it as a watch other than to show it off. He did get another that I don't think has the camera, but I think phone. I kind of like having Alexa in my Fit Bit. I saw you can watch exercise videos on it, but wondered how you were supposed to workout and look at a watch. I suppose with the Coach that might work.
Good morning,

Cathe Live #61 RT Kboixing = 44 min is done. This one was very easy to modify. Had a great workout today.

Diane - I had all the different models from Fitbit. I would highly recommend a Apple watch. So many different futures. I do prefer not watching anything smaller than my PC.

BBL for more personals. Great job everyone.
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Today I did Raw Box and Kettlebell 2, 31 minutes, 127 calories, 112/164 heart rate, 2,273 steps. I then did Lite extended stretch #1, 13 minutes, 9 calories. I also did Fit Bit premium ease upper body tension yoga segment, 16 minutes, 45 calories. Total time 60 minutes, 181 calories, 2,287 steps. I needed to get done so I could go to Sprouts. I dread every time I have to go out to the store like that. Such a hassle and paying attention to markings and distance. One way aisles are a nuisance as I had to backtrack around several times. I liked the upper body tension yoga. It was total body but did quite a bit of stuff for shoulder tension and a couple of newer ways of doing it.

Belinda, that Road Trip Kickboxing workout was fun. I may change watches some day. But, this one is new so I won't now. My daughter and granddaughters all have the Apple Watch so they can do challenges together.
Hi everyone,

This morning I did CL #282 Cardio Core Challenge. This one was really high impact, I keep everything low impact. I didn't get any workout minutes on my Apple watch, maybe it was too low impact, lol. I ended adding STS D20 Legs I couldn't just skip it. I used lighter weights.

Diane - I agree, the RT KB workout is a lot of fun and very easy to modify. Unlike the one I did today :( Great job on your Raw workout. She is offering free ones on FB.

Happy Easter everyone.
So I found a couple more streaming services offering free access. Search for the app in the android or app store:


Yesterday I did a mini band and then tubing workout on Cyberobics. These were nice paced easy workouts that just feel good to go through the movements for.

This morning I did a total body barbell workout on Cyberobics. While it was a good barbell workout and took about 55 mintues I somehow think Cathe's on LIVE are harder and pack more into the same amount of time.
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I did Coffey Fit Raw Box and Tone and loved it. It was 29 minutes, heart rate 134/164, 161 calories, 2,720 steps. I then did Raw 5 day strength day 4 total body, 28 minutes, 78 calories, heart rate 101/141, 680 steps.
Total time was 57 minutes, 248 calories, 3,400 steps.
Weights Total Body- Kelly uses a 35# and a 26# plate. I used dumbbells and kettlebells. Kettlebells give me a bit closer grip like they have with the plates.
This is 3 rounds of 7 exercises doing 10 reps
Modified pullovers 25# kettlebell 10 reps; 20# dumbbbell 10 reps; 25 Kettlebell 10 reps(making up my mind)
biceps curls 25# kettlebell 10 reps all rounds
squat/reverse lunge 25# kettlebell held in front 10 reps all rounds
bench press (kelly 35# plate) 15# dbs 10 reps, 25# db 10 reps last two rounds
weighted dips 30# dumbbell 10 reps, 35# kettlebell 10 reps last two rounds
alternating front lunges rt & lft count as 1 rep 15# dbs 10 reps rnd 1, 35# kettlebell rnd 2, 15# dbs rnd 3
upright rows (Kelly holds the edge of a 35# plate here) I used a 25# kettlebell 10 reps 3 rnds

Doreen, sometimes it is nice just to workout with a different instructor. Cathe does a good job getting a lot in in not too much time.

Belinda, nice work on STS today.

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