Yesterday was just too busy and I did not do a workout at all. I got lots of steps and floors on my Fitbit though

28 floors just going up and down with grandchildren. Now if I could just find what they did with the remote to the television in my workout room?? I searched. Once I saw one hide it inside of my step risers. But, I got it from there and now, I just cannot find it. Cleaned and catching up. We had rain and with our dog and their dog along with outside play meant mopping and cleaning floors today. I just did Strong and Sweaty PHA with the abs this morning. I kept the weights at Cathe's or a little higher today. I was tired. and had to go out to do some errands.
Laura, I really was pleased with the way Body Design is set up. I have only done the entire workout once to see how it went together. Generally I use a mix or just a segment to tack onto another workout. When I was had the torn meniscus my knee would give out. It did a bit even after surgery but seems to have mended pretty well. When I had the surgery we had two sets of stairs, the back ones were steep with no landings. I had a lot to get up. At first I figured out how to sit on the bottom step and scoot up the stairs backwards using my hands. The bath and showers were all upstairs.! I tried running up and down those steep stairs a few times and soon realized that that was not a good thing. That was the beginning of knee discomfort and I stopped. Our stairs now is one set that spirals around with several wider steps up at the center. I had a neighbor that was curious ask me once what that round part of our house was that sticks out. It sort of looks like a tower on the outside with a long window. That is good that you can do a little hopping. You may be on to something about the height and the knee giving out. Something not working quite right at that angle. I went to the library with the grandchildren Wednesday, but no time to really look at the dvds. I had a 3 year old to follow around and keep in check while the 9 year old conferred with a librarian on the books that she was looking for. She is an avid reader.
Doreen, I have so many workout gadgets. I love all of them

My husband came upstairs when I was choosing a workout the other day and commented on all of my equipment and that he didn't have a lot downstairs. Really it took years of adding to my stuff for me to have what I have. We have been adding him some weights downstairs though. I offered a stability ball as I have 3 right now. One has no air. We need to get him some heavier weights. We are going to have to look somewhere besides Walmart though. Their dumbbells stop at 40# and he is doing 200 rep curls and the like with them. I don't know what Dicks and Academy has. Maybe he should look on ebay or something. You are always finding such great deals. We, have two roku's in our house. Although they are not upstairs. I bought the second one so my husband could watch Netflix while on the Tread Climber. So he uses the stick and I bought a Roku 3. We have had it for a few months now, but for some reason it seems to overheat and turn off. I am thinking of adding a third one and getting the ROKU 4 that has the fan in it that all the reviews say is noisy. If I did that I would use the 3 upstairs. I have a smart tv upstairs though that has internet and all of the channels we usually use on the Roku. Also my 3D Sony blu-ray player pulls in those channels and internet. Technology get mind boggling to me and I am always having to figure out something new.
Belinda, I have sold nice fitness stuff and it has went quickly. I never find good deals too often. I think the best I ever found was when I had the dip station. We went into a fitness equipment store that was closing up one of their branches. They had some used equipment really cheap that had been in a gym before. It was really cheap. Also very heavy. I used it with a bar across it for pull up etc. . Hanging knee raises which was nice with the padded arm rests and handles. I would have kept it , but I would have had to sacrifice a lot of room. It was big.