Hi everyone,
I walked for an hour today and did P57 barre = 30 min.
I forgot to mention, I took Brawler to the vet yesterday, he needed a booster shot, plus I wanted my vet to check out a grow on Brawlers butt. We and the vet been monitoring the grow for awhile. Brawler always gets those fatty tissue. Now it's the size of a grape and right by his butt. He needs surgery next Wednesday to get it removed. My vet wants to sent it to the lab, to make sure it's not cancer. My vet said, more and likely it's not cancer, but to make sure he needs to sent it in. I wasn't gonna but through Brawler to a teeth cleaning anymore, the always gets so freaked out. But my vet, recommended to get his teeth clean since he needs surgery anyway. Wednesday Brawler is getting surgery plus his teeth cleaned. My vet ensured me, if Brawler is having any problems while he is under Anesthesia he would stop. He told me Brawler would be monitor the same way as a human would when they get surgery. I know, he is in good hands. I also ask my vet, if he would do house calls when it's time for Brawler

He said he would come to my house. When we took Brawler to PT last year, I witnessed 2 dogs laying on the floor on the same day. I do not want my dog to go like this. He deserves better. That was heartbreaking to watch those dogs when they opened the doors
Doreen - glad you had fun on vacations. Good job today.
Diane Sue - I think it's a little early to see results. Good job as always.
My washer/dryer is coming this Saturday. I painted my laundry room in bright yellow. Well, yellow really wouldn't look good with the new Black Stainless Steel washer and dryer

My old washer and dryer is white. My husband is painting my laundry room in gray for me. I love the color gray

My laundry room is very small, it's on the second floor by all the bedrooms. I can't wait for my laundry room to be done.
Have a great evening.