Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

My workout today was Fit Tower Advanced Bootcamp 51 minutes, 278 calories, heart rate average 115/ max 167. Next time I will try to figure out how to up the intensity a bit. I did put on ankle weights for some of the leg lifts. Since I felt I haven't done much in the way of cardio this week I did Kelly Coffey Amped Up Cardio workout 2, 30 minutes, 212 calories, heart rate avg. 131/ max 171. Total time was 81 minutes, calories burned 490. steps 4,670.

Belinda, most of the time I hold off going to the doctor. When I finally relent and go, I seem to be on the healing end of things. Although , my son in law waited 3 days in pain with his hand till my daughter ordered him an x-ray and it was broken. He had used it as well and made things worse. Then my husband had a man at work that was complaining about pulling his shoulder boogie boarding. My husband saw him wincing and the way he was holding it and told him to get an xray now. He had torn ligaments that were separating. Not a good thing. So, maybe sometimes waiting is not a good thing. Although you seem to be able to workout some. I hope that is okay. I am like you when it comes to something like that.
Hi gals.. I'm with you on the dr thing. The one time I went on my knee pain I had waited 3 months before going and they couldn't do anything. I just had to let it finish healing on its own.

I did Metashred extreme 3 lower body this morning and followed with Anarchy 10 min calves and glutes. Wow that was a tough little addon with some great moves. Duck walk squats....killer!

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Today I did Tabatacisse, 48 minutes, 339 calories heart rate 131 average/ 159 max. As hard as I work on this one I am always surprised at my calorie burn and heart rate. I then did a premix from the Fit Tower Legs, Glutes, and core workout to get in the glute segment I had not done yet. It was mish mosh #2 Glute Max. I wore 3# ankle weights and used my latex free medium band for the glute squeezes. I am sure to feel this one. Stretching felt good at the end. They do the standing glutes segment twice and they repeat the glute squeeze segment 3 times. I kept thinking I was done and it would go back and have you repeat that segment again. For a bit I wondered if the dvd was stuck LOL Anyway, I feel these workouts work the lower body a lot. Total Body has an upper premix that I am going to do tomorrow along with another upper workout. Bootcamp has a cardio premix and a some lower focus premixes but no upper mix. I like the band upper work in it though. Calories for the Glute max mix was 117 and 38 minutes. I don't no how the workout manager has 282 calories and met 7 for this. I do think these are pretty efficient. On the glute mas, they do not wear ankle weights and they have one person use the band on the glute squeezes. I don't think I would feel it much without some resistance. I am so upset, I saw there was a new ATT update for my Samsung phone. I put not now earlier this morning and it just went ahead and started the process. The last two updates caused me to have to get a new phone. Now I am worried the apps are going to quit working again.

Doreen, duck walk squats sound like they would burn really well. It seems when I go to the doctor I am wasting time and money most of the time. Then if I bring something up during a routine physical they tell me they have to charge for another office visit to look at a potential problem. It is annoying. When I went in for my rotator cuff there was nothing they could do. When I had PF I went in out of frustration and there was nothing other than offering to send me to a surgeon to check it out. I just kept working on it till I got over it.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DD is here for a few day's. Yesterday I walked 3 miles in the morning. Late afternoon DD and I did Cathe Fit Tower BC. I had to keep everything low impact. You really don't need the tower for this workout. DD used my squat rack instead, it worked out fine.

Diane Sue - I been taking it easy for the last few day's...massaging my back. My husband is lifting Brawler up and down when he is home. I still have to help him up when DH is a work. It seem to help to relax. Oh no, on the torn ligaments. That's not good.

I will be back later.
Belinda- Hoping your back is on the mend!

I did All in 18 sweat and sculpt combos and upper body burn this morning. Just wasn't feeling very energetic. Too much to do before we leave for vacation tomorrow!

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Today I started with X10 Step no stretch, 22 minutes, heart rate average 131/ max 170, 151 calories. I then did Fit Tower Advanced Upper focus premix, 36 minutes, 151 calories followed by Kelly Coffey Body Design Upper Strength and cool down 21 minutes, 94 calories and finishing with the Fit Tower Advanced bonus abs, 12 minutes, 34 calories. Total time was 91 minutes, 430 calories, 4,562 steps.
Fit Tower Upper Body
Bench press 2 sets 16 reps 45# the rep count changes a bit on the second set
close grip bench press 2 sets 16 reps 35# rep count changes the second set
chest fly 16 reps 17.5# 2 sets
drop set push ups tower at level 3, 2,1 /12,10,8 reps
triceps dips 2 sets of 16 each set has 8 reps and 8 reps with leg crossed over other leg
triceps kickbacks with band wrapped around fit tower bar straight 1rm 16 reps bent arm 16 reps repeat blue heavy band
bonus band pulls over 100 reps green medium band
barbell biceps curls 35# various counts and holds
1 arm rows 30# 16 reps 2 times
seated lat pull downs with band and tower blue band 2 sets
pull ups set one single count set two 1 and 1/2 count
vertical pull up
Kelly Body Design Quick and gets a lot in for 18 minutes work. Very little rest
1 arm row 3 sets 10 reps 30#
1 arm lat raise 10# 10 reps 3 sets
1 arm boxer pledge 12# 10 reps 3 sets
1 arm dips 3 sets no rest between set 1 and 2 no stopping when switching arms
1 arm bench press 20# 3 set 10 reps

Doreen, I am sure that you will make up for it when you get back. Enjoy your vacation. Hope packing and everything goes smoothly.
Belinda, I am sorry that you did not care for the Fit Tower Workouts. Is it because there is so much band work? I have particular parts I like better than others. As you can see, I am adding more resistance to them. I think I will use the premixes more than the full workouts myself.
oday I did Ice Boot camp Circuit no upper premix , 35 minutes, 182 calories. I followed this with Fit Tower Total Body premix lower body only, 29 minutes, 163 calories. This was tough doing all of the lower body weights two times through. I went heavier as well. I finished with Fit Tower legs, glutes, and core, core stretch mix, 19 minutes, 67 calories. Total time 83 minutes, calories burned 412.
Lower body weights for Fit tower
uneven squats with 3 risers 25# 16 reps right then 16 left
stiff legged deadlift 50# 16 reps
elevated lunges 16 then 15 1nd 1 count
repeat all 3 exercises
single leg push down dips 20# 16 reps the 15 and 1 pulses all right then all left
cross back lunge 20# 15,7,7,3,3,3,3, 8 singles all right then all left
repeat these two moves
Good morning,

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. Needed that. Friday we went washer/dryer shopping. We ended up buying a set at Costco. The hook up everything and haul the old away for free. Costco doesn't give me any problems with returns, if I do have a problem with the washer/dryer. Unlike other stores. I need a washer real soon, been without one for almost 2 weeks. I hope they will give us a date delivery by Monday.

Diane Sue - yeah, it does sound tough. Those workouts are repetitive and doing it twice...OUCH! Good job!

I will be back later.
Valerie, I would be out of towels and things if I had to go without a washer for 2 weeks. Funny thing is you do not see very many Laundromats around anymore. Yes, it was tough repeating those workout moves. I really did think the glute max mix was stuck or something when it kept going back and repeating for 3 sets of the same move. I should have looked at the rundown on the workout manager first. But, I think my glutes got a good workout ;)
Diane Sue - I have a lot of towels. Always keep a lot around, my son uses like 4 a day when he visits. I have 3 full size bathrooms. In the master bathroom, I have towel sets in different colors. We do have a few laundromats in the area. I hate using them when others use bleach, it ruined a lot of my laundry before.I prefer to wait a few more day's. DH and I have enough clothes, towels a.s.o at last us for weeks, lol. Tomorrow DH and i will be in DC, I may bring a load of laundry and do them at my kids apartment Laundromats. Maybe it was the premix, lol! Cathe likes to throw in premixes running through them twice :(
Belinda, I get bored more than I used to doing doubles. I remember when I used to love/hate the Butts and Guts premix that doubled lower body floor work and abs. Also the Legs and glutes that was double a lot of stuff. I did those a lot. Now I avoid it. I would rather put two different workouts together. We do not have the storage space after downsizing for that much stuff. I got rid of all the extra stuff. Enough for a week or a bit more and guests. When we were living in two homes 100 miles apart I purchased extra every time I went to Walmart to extend laundry times. I drug clothes to the house with the washer and dryer and filled in with a laundromat in the smaller city.
Hi everyone,

I walked 3 miles. I will leave for DC, I will check in tomorrow.

Diane Sue - I feel the same as you do. I get bored easily. I been downsizing since last year, lol. I feel like we still have way too much stuff. Need to declutter more. I looked at my dvd's and almost had a heart attack. I have so many, it's not funny. I need to weed through them and decide which ones I want to keep or donate.

Happy 4th of July, everyone. Stay safe!
Today I decided to try Kelly Coffey's You Tube 888 workout. I substituted kettle bell swings for the ball slams after first trying it and since I am upstairs it sounded like loose boards under the carpet :0 . This was 41 minutes, 272 calories, heart rate 127 average/ 151 max. I then did Ice Metabolic Total Body timesaver mish mosh 32 minutes, 182 calories. Total time was 73 minutes, 454 calories. I am tired today and it took awhile to even get started. I tried to lie back down and read but it did not help.
888 went like this, 8 moves, 8 reps, 8times Kelly uses 10# dumbbells and a 10# medicine ball
punches straight, hook, upper, jack, squat thrust
hammer curl strike out right hammer curl strike out left
side lunge with dumbbells drop and pick up side to side
lunge mountain climbers
med ball slam (Kelly uses a 10# ball) I used kettle bell swings, I think you could just use a dumbbell and not hit the floor with anything though
side to side kicks
split lunge jumps

Belinda, I think if I didn't get bored so easily I wouldn't purchase so many workouts. I have some workouts like Revved abs sitting here and I keep thinking maybe I should check them out again. I have not pulled them out in 3 years. I just haven't had much desire to do them.
Diane Sue - I'll bet you have just as many workout dvd's as I have. I have a lot I haven't done in years, those are the ones I will get rid off.
Today I did Fit Tower Advanced Bootcamp, I added 3# ankle weights in some places and used my blue band and loop, sometimes using the loop with the ankle weights, 51 minutes, 237 calories. I am not real sure on the heart rate on this one as I read it as one thing and when I pulled up the app it was something elseo_O I then did Kelly Coffey's Melt Down workout #1, 32 minutes, 173 calories, heart rate 114/ 153. Total time was 83 minutes, calories burned 410. Steps 3398.
Meltdown weights 3 rounds of all exercises approximately 1 minute work no rest till end of each round I think Kelly 12's throughout.
kettle bell swings (Kelly uses 2 dumbbells) 20#,20#,20# 34,36,28 reps
dumbbell seated overhead press (seated with feet off floor like a v sit) pass dumbbell overhead to other hand 12#,12#,12#
seated row/bicep curl 12's; 15's; 15's
bench press/skull crushers 12's: 15's 15's
bench hops set 1 and 3 over the bench set 2 straddle tap toes on bench hops 30; 27;29 reps
barbell clean 35#; 35#; 35# 10 reps
barbell thrusters 35#; 35#; 35# 10 reps
barbell front squats 35#;35#;35# 10 reps
after final set finisher of mountain climbers with hands on the barbell
House cleaning for me today and a quick run to the store. I woke up before 5 so I know it is going to take effort to get things done today.

Belinda, I probably did have as many as you before I got rid of some. I still hang onto a lot though. Nice distance for a walk yesterday.
LOL, that is why I am not looking at sales like Mary's right now. I have to go through my collection and get rid off some. Nice mix of workouts today.
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Good morning,

DH and I came home late last night. We did a lot of walking. We had a lot of fun for the 4th of July. Watched the fireworks from my kids roof top. We saw the fireworks from the National mall and around DC. We also bbq before the fireworks, they have grills, lounge chairs on the roof top. Alesia and I lay out in the sun at the roof top, hardly anyone is up there. They do have 2 or 3 pools outside, we still like the being at the roof top.

Today I did JS BellyFat 3mi Flat Abs Walk Premix = 58 min walk.

Good job, everyone.

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