Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Hard Strikes with the Heavy bag, 59 minutes, 437 calories, avg. heart rate 132/max 175. I then did the bonus abs 1 from X Train, 11 minutes, 41 calories followed by Kelly Coffey Muscle Up abs bonus, 15 minutes, 68 calories, finishing with Kelly's Body Design yoga and cool down, 16 minutes 61 calories. Total calories burned 595, time 1 hour 42 minutes. I don't know why but this tabata style ab workout of Kellys is always tough. The moves are not that unusual so I guess it is the format.

Belinda, I bet the view from the rooftop was great when watching fireworks.
Hey girls,

I messed up my back again, I am in a lot of pain. Been taking it easy today. Not sure, what I am doing lately?

Diane Sue - it was an amazing view from the rooftop. We plan on doing it next year again. Couldn't beat the view.

I hope I get a walk in tomorrow. Been doing lots of stretching and taking meds for my back. BBL!
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Shape Up combined workouts, 64 minutes, (took longer for writing things down and interruptions) 342 calories, heart rate 114 avg/169 max. Since the only lower body work in this is the cardio segments I did Fit Tower Legs and Glutes only premix skipping the warm up, 28 minutes, 91 calories. I wore 3# ankle weights and used the blue band. Total time 92 minutes, calories burned 433. I was hoping Kelly would get worksheets up on her website. I imagine she has to get a hold of whoever does the website work. I have always liked the tabata rounds in this one. I usually feel close to done by the 6th round but can push through to the 8th. Most of the time I do the weights only premix of this workout which all upper body weight tabatas. There is a lot of jumping in the cardio segments. My legs are always burning through some of the cardio segments
Shape Up 8 ronnds each exercise, 20 on 10 rest Step used with 2 risers
Cardio- skate/ taps 4 rnds skate taps 4 rnds skates
back- 1 arm row double arm back fly alternating left arm and right arm each rond 8 rnds 12#
cardio jump on and off step 8 rounds alternating regular jumps and wide jumps
shoulders- double arm press alternated with rounds of alternating press 8 rnds 8#
cardio-squat lunge squat and up 8 rounds (this is foot off the end of the step then up and behind into lunge) every two rounds she does this without a pause between the squat and lunge
chest-triceps- flys/skullcrusher flys to skullcrushers alternating between single and double rounds 8 rnds 10# dumbbells
mountain climbers 8 rounds starts workout 2
back-double arm row rnd alternate with run row rnd 8 rounds 12 # dumbbells
cardio-straddle step reach squat heel click jump (she doesn't land on the step at all) 8 rnds
shoulders/triceps- lateral raise/kickbacks 8# dumbbells 8 rnds
cardio-power knee runs on step right leg 1 rnd left leg 1 rnd alternating 8 rnds
bench press alternate with bench press and scissor legs 10# dumbbells 8 rn
Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Stepboxing, 70 minutes, 463 calories. I then did Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 13 minutes, 54 calories, and finished off with Suzanne Bowen's Barre Amped relaxation stretch 15 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 98 minutes, 550 calories. I need to finish the hand sewing on a dress I finished off for my granddaughter since she is going to grow out of it before we get back to working on sewing practice. I will have to come up for something else for them. I want to trim my hedges today. I will have to use the sheers as the electric trimmer is at my daughter's house.
Hey everyone,

No workout for me today besides a few short walks. My back is still hurting, I am almost afraid I have a slipped disc. If my back doesn't get any better I will make an appointment with my doc on Monday. Good news, our washer/dryer is shipped. It should be here by the end of next week.

Diane Sue - amazing job with all your workouts the last few day's.

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Belinda, I would be going crazy by now if I had gone that long without a washer and dryer. I hope your back is not something serious.
Diane Sue - thank goodness, We have enough clothes to last me for weeks, lol. It's no difference than going on a long vacation without a washer. The washer should be here soon.
We have went on long vacations and found a way to get our laundry done, whether it was a hotel laundry or sending some things out. I am a bit obsessive about not having smelly laundry sitting around. I still would go crazy even if I had enough stuff. We usually purchase enough towels and washcloths to get by for a couple of weeks. Beyond that we would be digging into the rag towels.
We don't travel light, lol. I paid for an extra suit case. When we go on long vacations, I don't trust people to do my laundry :) I also very allergic to most laundry detergents. When we went to Antiqua Sandals Resort, there are no laundry rooms. They did had laundry services, I don't like them mixing mine with others peoples. When we had the RV, we did laundry only on military bases. They are very clean. Most laundry places cross me out. Plus, a lot of people like using bleach...I ruined a lot of my clothes before. I change clothes a few times a day, they are not smelly:D Most people would wear them more than once. Like I said, we have enough laundry to last me a few weeks. Don't give me wrong, I do love clean laundry. I usually do a load of laundry a day. I had a house in Germany and one here in the US. I have a lot of towels, wash cloth, bed sheets, kitchen towels and cleaning rags and towels/cleaning clothes I change every day. Thank goodness, I did laundry before my washer broke. The washer is almost here.
Belinda, I hadn't thought about them washing the clothes with someone else stuff. Eeew! I had to use the Laundromat for a bit between homes and I hated it. The dryers would get too hot. Peoples nasty stuff would be stuck in the driers. I think many people take their things that they don't want to put in their own washers to the Laundromat. They are getting more and more hard to find. When we had our fifth wheel we usually had it stocked for a couple of weeks and if we did laundry it was when we stopped at relatives house. That rarely happened. When we downsized that is when we started having a lot less stuff.
Diane Sue - Eeew!! Is the right word, lol! I really had bad luck with laundromat in the past, I rather wait. Like you said, some are good and some are bad. Some people use the laundromats just to wash their fishing clothes/gear. The we downsize I have less stuff. I have to call Habitat for Humanity on Tuesday (they closed Sunday/Monday) and see if they want my dryer, dryer still works but the washer is broke.. I am getting stuff ready like the old ceiling lights and doorhandles from my gym. Anything I can find they could use. I am downsizing, getting rid off all the stuff we don't use/or have used in 3 years. My house is over 4000 square feet, lots of room. Nice when my kids and family come, but way to big for 2 people.
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Strength and Stamina both workouts combined ,79 minutes(supposed to be 63 but interruptions and accidently hit the remote once)414 calories, heart rate 114 avg/152 max. I then did a YouTube rebounding workout from Rebound Fit 24 minutes, 163 calories, heart rate 145 avg./177 max . This was a fun one.
Strength and Stamina: supersets 10 rounds done 3 times each with 8 of the rounds doing a 45 second kettlebell swing segment before moving to the next. No rest during rounds, weights at 12 reps each set The combined workout moves from round 1 of workout 1 to round 1 of workout 2 etc.
reverse pec dec 15's 12 reps
front squats 15's 12 reps with the option to hold one dumbbell as a goblet squat I stuck with the two 15's
repeat 2 more time
kettle bell swings 31

lateral raise to ceiling 10's
cardio leg jumps 10's
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell swings 26

supination curls 20's 12 reps
cardio leg split switch 12 reps
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell one handed swing 18 and 18

front curl reverse curl 1st set 12 of both moves then 2nd and 3rd set 6 reps of each move counting each to total 12 10's (need to up this)
revers lunge front lunge walk 10's (need to up this as well) 12 reps
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell one handed swing 18 and 18

single shoulder press 15# 12 reps all right then all left

suitcase dead lift 20's
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell figure 8 22 passes

front and lateral raise 10's 12 reps
cardio leg skaters 12 reps
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell figure 8

overhead triceps extension 20# 12 reps
lateral side lunge with figure 8 20# 12 reps
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell alternating swings

single straight arm to triceps kickbacks 12# 12 reps
cardio leg pop squats holding 12# dumbbell
repeat 2 more times
kettle bell alternating swings

alternating bench press 20# 12 reps
bridges with 20's 12 reps
repeat 2 more times

close bench press into modified pull over 12 reps cts 6 of each move 15's
bridge 15's 12 reps (I ended up doing this 4 times because I hit the remote and had to find my spot)
repeat 3 times
Belinda, it is nice having a more space when the family has to come some distance to visit. That is what we had before. We have been working on the stuff stacked and stored in the garage. Stuff we have not looked at in 4 years. Tossing a lot of things. You get so much stuff you can't find something that is stored and just go buy it all over again when you need it rather than search hard for it. Oh, well, I just don't want to leave tons of stuff for the family to have to go through someday and toss themselves. We did this with our parents. We had two sheds once and one was full of boxes and dressers etc.. that my father in law left. There was dog beds and even some meds that were left in a drawer when we finally went through it all before we sold the house to our son. My Dad had a basement and upstairs. there was multiple crock pots in the basement ??? Seriously a lot to get rid of.
Hi everyone,

STS M2 D13 plus walk is done. DH really likes the format of M2.

Diane Sue - I hear you on getting rid off stuff. That's what I am doing for the last few month. Our garage was a catch me all. Now it's nice and I can see through stuff. The problem I have, my kids left so much stuff here for me to storage. Every year I make them go through their stuff and see if they want to get rid off some. One thing I know for sure, once we move I will not have much left. I am always going through stuff in the house. I will rather donate than sell my stuff, but sometimes I have no way to get the stuff to them. I don't have a large enough car/truck. Whatever comes first :) Your workout today looks amazing. WTG!

I am done today, have a great Monday.
I hear you on getting rid of things. My daughter has done an online garage sale type thing and they select a meeting place to deliver the stuff. Sometimes it is irritating when people don't show up. They have a truck though. I am not prone to selling anything. We see if anyone wants it and sit it on the curb for big trash day. I suppose some stuff could be put on Amazon trade for credit.
I sold a few things on yard sales on FB. No hassle no one is showing up. We have a HOA, we can't just put stuff on the curb. My washer/dryer is coming on Saturday :) I hope the donation place is picking up the dryer this week, if not I will list it on the FB yard sale and Let We bought the washer/dryer through They will haul the old washer and recycle it. I don't want the dryer to end up into the land-fields. I would rather give to someone that needs it, but we don't know anyone. We tried to give away our leather couch for free, couldn't get rid of it. Once I placed it online it sold in minutes. Go figure!:oops:
Today I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge and Core Training, 79 minutes, 501 calories, heart rate 126/151. I wanted cardio and abs so this fit the bill really well. It is a busy week this week. Vacation Bible School at our church and my daughter and I are going to watch a video serieswhile my granddaughter is doing this. Friday my granddaughter has a music program she is doing after having a music camp all week, so every night this week we will be out. They come here after music camp during the day and stay for dinner:) It's fun. I need to try to get in a bit of housework today.

Belinda, we have a HOA too and they have lots of rules. We have once a month bulky trash days and you can set out those large items on the curb on Monday and they are usually picked up within 3 days. That is the allotted amount of time allowable to have it setting out there. Since there has been a lot of people remodeling this year, I have seen all types of things on the curb including toilets and hot water heaters. When we changed out toilets though, my husband broke it up with a hammer and put it in the trash ben as opposed to sitting it on the curb. When we had our last home we had loads of trees and tons of leaves in the fall. I kept noticing neighbors blowing theirs out into the street. I was busy bagging all of these leaves and thinking how rude they were and there leaves would blow back to my yard. One day I figured out why. The city had special trucks that came up the street and literally vacuumed the leaves all up out of the street. I guess they must have made some type of mulch or something out of them.
Good evening,

I walked for 30 min + did some ab work. That's it!

Diane Sue - we have very strict HOA rules. Instead of things ending up in the landfills, I rather give/donate it first. Maybe someone else can use it? If it's broken, we have a once a month were we have to call first for someone to come and pick stuff up bigger ideas. We do have a recycle center not far away, but we have to pay to dump stuff. We bring hazardous waste and tree clippings, I rather pay them to dispose it correctly.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Belinda, usually when we put something out like the that someone takes it. I watched the trash guys go through trash one day and they even took a bedspread. I had put it back in its original plastic case (yes, I save those things) and put it out. Here on big trash day there are some that go around with pick ups and trailers that come and load up things that I suspect they will try to sell or use. When we took down the copper verticle blinds I laid t hem on the curb for big trash and they were gone before the big trash trucks came. I still have more I want to get rid of. I wanted to do a bit more ab work today, but had things I really needed to do before this evening's activities.
Today I put in Kelly's Body Design thinking I would stop when I had had enough and ended up doing the entire dvd, 92 minutes, 543 calories, heart rate 119 average 170 max. Plateau Buster is out in my mail box. I just got the Amazon message. I will do that one Friday. I used 3's for the weighted kickboxing, 5's for the light weight cardio sculpting,, lower body strength 15's and 20's, 5# ankle weights for the chair work , upper body strength 15,20,and 30#.

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