Today I started with Barre Amped Bounce arms and abs using 3# dumbbells and my fit tower for the bar. I wanted to do it again since the other time I did it my neck and shoulders hurt for days. I would call it shoulders and some abs myself

pull up moves and long arm pulses. Ouch. Anyway , that was an extra warm up. !8 minutes, 53 calories, average heart rate 92/ max 139. I then did Strong and Sweaty Giant sets and it took me 11 minutes longer because I stopped between giant set body parts to write down the weight I used. Some day I will get this down so I am prepared. 62 minutes, 265 calories, this would calculate to a met value of 4.7 compared to workout manager 7.5 and 422 calories. heart rate was average 104/ max 131. 2,465 steps this morning. Not much. I have to get busy and want to go find a new shirt to wear with my new skirt I got at the party last night. I have an eye appointment today. The first exam since I had the double process laser surgery years ago. About 9 years. I hope I am still good.
Workout weights
squats 45# barbell 12 reps of 4 and then 8 singles
sliding rear lunges 15's 16 reps
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps (4 and 8 singles)
side slide lunges 15's
deadlifts 30's 12 reps
shoulder overhead press 15's 16 reps
upright row 15's 16 reps
rear delt flys 12's 16 reps
incline front raise 8's 12+ some more in an arc
seated lateral raise 8's 12 reps
wide stance deadlifts 60# barbell 12 reps
cross back slide lunge 20# db 16 reps
diagonal lunge 20's 12 reps
static lunge 25's 12, 7 ,7 reps
warrior lunge with disc body weight
one arm row 30# 16 resp
pull overs 15's 16 reps
chest flys 15's 16 reps
incline press 20's 16 reps
push ups
squats 30's 12 (4 then 8 singles)
deadlifts 60# barbells 12 reps (they used 25# dumbbells here and I didn't want to change the bar weight repeatedly which I ended up doing anyway for plies)
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps
sweeper lunges body weight
side slide pick ups 15# 16 reps
seated overhead extension 15's 16 reps
close grip bench press 15's 16 reps
lying extensions 15's 16 reps
seated w curls 15's 12 reps
incline hammer curls 15's 12 reps
preacher curls 15's 12 reps