Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I started with Kelly Coffey Body Design mix of cardio bootcamp(this is non weighted) and weighted kickbox using 3#, 31 minutes, 239 calories, avg. heart rate 136, max 176. I then did Strong and Sweaty PHA training, 45 minutes., 230 calories, heart rate 114/ 147 max . Total time was 76 minutes and calories burned 469. I wonder how long before Cathe gets the new Fit Tower workouts done. I keep thinking I will break open the beginner workout and see if I can make it harder. I haven't even looked at that one. I want to do the boxing you tube raw workout with Kelly Coffey and her brother. I keep waking up and dragging up the stairs tired from my allergies and my motivation kind of sinks. I will get it back.

Belinda, I only have a Z Cut yoga, I think the first one, and a Z Cut six pack abs. I picked them up off of Amazon. I have an older oga dvd I purchased of hers filmed at a spa in Arizona. It is not the same as her Z cut, more relaxed stretching. Yes, there is a lot of variety in Hammer and Chisel. It is not one of those sets that makes you feel like you are doing the same thing over and over again.

Doreen, nice work getting in the Ripd 90 in after all.
Today I did Cardio Slam with the abs, 63 minutes, heart rate 132 average/ 177 max, 459 calories, 4,346 steps. (this was a 6.6 met according to what the workout manager has, much lower than what they give for the workout) I did my workout early today because I wanted to get out and do the banking, getting gas, post office, and stop at Sprouts done before the storm chances hit this afternoon. I have the clothing party to go to tonight. Hopefully any rain is light. I don't think Oklahoma City will get the bad storms, but you never know in Oklahoma.
Hi everyone,

ISO Speed Hammer + Kimberly Spreen Cardio Camp workout (one of my favorite KB workout).

Diane Sue - I think I got all the Z cut dvd's, go figure! Hammer & Chiseled works your LB a lot. Your clothing party sounds like fun. Did you buy anything?

Have a great day.
This morning I did RIPT 90FIT Back and Shoulders. 20 mintues. Then I did All In 18 - Sweat combos and the first circuit of the All in Abs.

Diane Sue- I hope you don't get any tornados.... those are so scary!
Belinda, I think I remember you mentioning that Kimberly Spreen workout before. I don't have that one. I do have two of hers though. I purchased a skirt that is a long soft maxi in a red violet. design. Now I have to find a shirt. I tried it on with an off white colored t shirt but wasn't wanting to spend the extra dollars for a plain t shirt. I also purchased a shirt that was one of their new additions that is black and red. I had never been to a Lularoe party before. I tried on other things. It was hard to choose because most of the skirts and tops were prints in the X small. Even the leggings were prints. They had dresses too. I didn't try any on.

Doreen, there was no tornados where we are at. This time of year is big for severe weather. I know in some other areas there was damage. I have been through a few scary storms. We put shelters in at our last two homes.
Nice job on the workouts again today. How long are those RIPT90 workouts.
Today I started with Barre Amped Bounce arms and abs using 3# dumbbells and my fit tower for the bar. I wanted to do it again since the other time I did it my neck and shoulders hurt for days. I would call it shoulders and some abs myself :) pull up moves and long arm pulses. Ouch. Anyway , that was an extra warm up. !8 minutes, 53 calories, average heart rate 92/ max 139. I then did Strong and Sweaty Giant sets and it took me 11 minutes longer because I stopped between giant set body parts to write down the weight I used. Some day I will get this down so I am prepared. 62 minutes, 265 calories, this would calculate to a met value of 4.7 compared to workout manager 7.5 and 422 calories. heart rate was average 104/ max 131. 2,465 steps this morning. Not much. I have to get busy and want to go find a new shirt to wear with my new skirt I got at the party last night. I have an eye appointment today. The first exam since I had the double process laser surgery years ago. About 9 years. I hope I am still good.
Workout weights
squats 45# barbell 12 reps of 4 and then 8 singles
sliding rear lunges 15's 16 reps
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps (4 and 8 singles)
side slide lunges 15's
deadlifts 30's 12 reps
shoulder overhead press 15's 16 reps
upright row 15's 16 reps
rear delt flys 12's 16 reps
incline front raise 8's 12+ some more in an arc
seated lateral raise 8's 12 reps
wide stance deadlifts 60# barbell 12 reps
cross back slide lunge 20# db 16 reps
diagonal lunge 20's 12 reps
static lunge 25's 12, 7 ,7 reps
warrior lunge with disc body weight
one arm row 30# 16 resp
pull overs 15's 16 reps
chest flys 15's 16 reps
incline press 20's 16 reps
push ups
squats 30's 12 (4 then 8 singles)
deadlifts 60# barbells 12 reps (they used 25# dumbbells here and I didn't want to change the bar weight repeatedly which I ended up doing anyway for plies)
plié squats 45# barbell 12 reps
sweeper lunges body weight
side slide pick ups 15# 16 reps
seated overhead extension 15's 16 reps
close grip bench press 15's 16 reps
lying extensions 15's 16 reps
seated w curls 15's 12 reps
incline hammer curls 15's 12 reps
preacher curls 15's 12 reps
Hey girls,

DH and I did Chisel Agility this morning. Than we went to Home Depot and bought lights and door handles for the basement.

Diane Sue - Kimberly Spreen is on of my favorite instructors. Love all her kickboxing workouts. The skirt you bought sounds beautiful. I am sure you can find a top for the skirt. I think a black shirt/top would look nice. Sounds like a fun party. Good job on your workouts.

Good night everyone.
Belinda, I bet you are excited about getting your lights and door handles. The party was fun. It was like walking into a store full of clothing. Lots of choices. I went to Ross and looked at shirts. I bought a black one and a grey one but neither are quite what I wanted. Maybe later I will go to Khol's . Ross was busy and I did not like most of what was there.
Belinda- no I haven't purchased the dvds yet. I'm checking them out via the free month of streaming they offer.

Diane Sue- most are about 30 min with wu and cool down. They remind me very much of H& C but splits, not total body.

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Hi everyone,

Today I did TB Hammer and walk.

Doreen - that's right, you mention that before. Do you plan on purchasing the dvd's?

Diane Sue - I am very excited about the gym is almost done. The only thing is left are the lights. Almost done! I never been to those clothe parties. They do sound like a lot of fun. Have you tried TJMax? I am sure, you find the perfect top. I usually can't find anything at Ross :(

Good night, everyone.
This morning I did the Terminator I Max Extreme workout, 75 minutes, 627 calories, followed by Ripped with Hiit abs 1, 10 minutes 44 calories. Total time 85 minutes, 671 calories. I got 12, 584 steps so far. There wont be many more. I am going to bed soon. My grandson came over today and mowed and he helped me finish painting my workout room and he hung some of my things back up and anchored my television back to the wall. I am glad it is finally done. I moved some things around and then cleaned the carpet.

Doreen, I would like the splits. Sometimes though I like the total body workouts because if I have to miss days I have worked everything at least once or maybe twice in the week. But, then splits you get more of a workout for each body part. I guess that still depends on how long the workout is though.

Belinda, I am sure you will love working out in your new gym when it is all done. My workout room is so much brighter now that we have it painted. I hadn't thought of TJ Max. There is one of those not too far from here. It is in what used to be an outlet mall but changed to some other stuff like a beauty college. TJ Max is one of the few stores left there. My daughter has picked up some cute things there.

Enjoy your mother's day ladies :)
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Happy Mother's Day!!!

Diane Sue - what color is your basement? Mine is gray :) I love TJ Maxx, my favorite store. Nice job on your workout.
Belinda, I do not have a basement. We just have an upstairs with a bedroom and loft and the downstairs. My workout room is the bedroom (which is not used as a bedroom) . It is a very pale blue, almost white. I like it.
Good morning,

Chisel Endurance and walk is done.

Diane Sue - Oh! For some reason I though you had one. The color of your workout room sounds lovely :)

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Belinda- I have put the DVDs on my "wish list". But I just ordered Metashred extreme for my mother's day present. And then I want to go back through a shortened H& C rotation so it may be awhile before I actually decide to order it.

Diane Sue- All the workouts are around 30 minutes. Which means you could stack a lower body split day with an upper body split day and still be under an hour. Since they are short there isn't a lot of isolation work for bis or tris (I'm ok with that). I also think they would be great to use to create a cardio and weights split series using some other cardio. (The cardio that comes with this program is metabolic and includes tons of burpees so I would swap in kickboxing and step) I've also thought of emailing them to see if they have a recommended rotation that uses both the original RIPT90 and the new RIPT90 FIT programs.
Today I got up and showered just in case I could get my dog Gertie in early. No such luck. We have an appointment for 3:30. She won't eat this morning and keeps moving from her doggie bed to the crate. She did come upstairs later when I decided to workout and rolled around on her back and acted a bit more normal. She seems uncomfortable. I think that she might have a UTI infection.
I didn't want to get too sweaty after showering so I did STS disc 1, I have no idea when I last did that one, 53 minutes, 210 calories, 101 average heart rate/ 160 max. I don't know where that 160 came from. I have been wanting to check out the Fit Tower Slim and Trim beginner workout so added that at the end, 36 minutes, 98 avg. / 129 max heart rate, 90 calories. Calories burned gave me 130 with that heart rate average but I didn't use it when I logged. I used 3# ankle weights and a heavier band for this workout and also changed up some things like the easy way Cathe did the push ups, I did them on my toes in normal fashion. I really did not need more push ups after that STS workout though. Also I did not take the rest breaks during the ab work and altered the moves to increase the intensity a bit. I think that it is an excellent workout for someone who is just starting to build up some strength. Total time was 89 minutes, 300 calories total,

Belinda, I went back and looked wondering if I had worded something indicating that I had a basement. I would like to have a basement or tornado shelter though. I just ordered some new curtains, 11 52 inch panels, for my living room dining room. It will look so much more up to date than copper vertical blinds. Nice work again today. How many more weeks of Hammer and Chisel do you have?

Doreen, I have contemplated the Chisel 1 month rotation. I don't know about the Hammer 1 month one though. It has the Plyometric one every week. I guess I could use some other plyometric workout instead. I am just working through different workouts waiting for the new Fit Tower workouts to finish and come out I don't want to commit to a full rotation yet.
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Diane Sue - did you take Gertie to the vet? I had to take Brawler today. I noticed last week, his paws (back legs the ones he isn't using) were drying out. The last few day's I noticed junks of his paw pads are missing? I was like what is going on? Yesterday I almost took him to the emergency vet I got so freaked out :( They charge a $150 fee on the weekends. We ended up taking him this afternoon to my vet in town. He said it's drying out. Not to worry, it happens when dogs don't use their paws. We also had his nails trimmed. Since Brawler was such a good boy, they didn't charge us for the visit today :) I am in week 6 of H&G. Moving along. Good job on STS and Cathe new Tower workout.

Doreen - how nice! Enjoy Metashred extreme. Totally understand.
Belinda, I took Gertie to the vet. He has her on some antibiotics and suspects that it is probably a UTI. I have to catch a urine sample to take back. She wouldn't pee for us at the vets office. We walked around outside and nothing happened. I told them she had not eaten and hardly drank any water. He said if the sample shows UTI he will want to give her a second week dose of the antibiotic. That will be another 90 dollars over the 138 I spent. I don't know how much the lab will cost. He said they would also check things like PH and stuff just in case they needed to do a food change. I told him it took a long time to find a food that did not upset her stomach and he said there was some pills he could give her. I hope that isn't the case. I don't want to be giving her pills all of the time.
Poor Brawler. Is there something you can do to moisten his feet so they can heal?
You have been at the H&C for awhile then.

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