<--Light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness

<---hopes Beavs has brushed up on her Lamaze coaching techniques... just in case ;)
<---wonders what movie she's going to see tonight... and what's for dinner?
<--- is back from lugging 24 large cartons of paper waste bags down three long, curving flights of stairs
<--- needs a change of clothes
<--- wonders if anyone has any brilliant ideas for lunch since <--- didn't bring anything and has no idea what to get
<--- is LHAO at Robin's suggestion
<--- wouldn't be at all surprised to find something there:p
<--- has decided on sushi (California Rolls)
<---says "mmmm...California rolls"
<--is not sure what is for dinner
<--is debating seeing "The Valet" or "Hot Fuzz" or just chillin' in Starbucks with a Latte and doing some quality people watching with the pregnant chick
<--- got spicy California Rolls made with brown rice
<--- ate 4
<--- has heard good things about Hot Fuzz
<--- can't imagine having to sit in a movie theatre seat for more than 3 minutes when 9 months pregnant:p
<--- weighed 208 lbs when she was 9 months pregnant:eek:
<--- wasn't a beautiful pregnant woman:p
<---waves HI to everyone!!!
<---is seriously crampy today and feels like a bloated cow, but for some reason is in a really good mood despite bloated, crampy cow feeling <<moooo>>
<---thinks she is in a good mood because she is in the middle of eating a gooey chocolate chip cookie from subway... }(
<---glad that Emily had a fabulous birthday dinner! :)
<---tells Emily she is going to be posting a thread soon that Emily should check out if she likes looking at snakes and lizards
<---loves the idea of a 2 day work week
<---thinks that when Robin runs for President, she needs to make 2-day work weeks one of her main initiatives
<---feels Shannon's pain regarding office inefficiencies
<---says she has a big office inefficiency sitting in the office next to her
<---adds that that particular inefficiency only comes in twice a week for a few hours --- grrrrr......
<---thinks Shannon gave Beavs good advice about resting until Saturday
<---is happy to see Judy here
<---is excited for Amelia and her new workout equipment!
<---loves getting things in the mail! :)
<---sending lots of positive vibes and thoughts Sophie's way
<---hopes her issues are all worked out and that she is having a good day
<---hopes everyone is having a lovely day!!!
<---says her cookie is all gone now, so good mood will most likely nosedive in about 15 minutes....
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---tells Liann to go take a nap to postpone mood nosedive
<---will work 2 day work week into platform for campaign
<---went for a walk at lunch time
<---says it's like a sauna out there
<---may have to take a rest day due to heat
<---also likes getting things in the mail
<---invites you all to mail her stuff
<---will accept books, DVDs, jewelry, checks
<---will not accept children, DHs or in-laws
<---is debating whether or not to accept pets
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---asks Emily if she has heard about this:


<---thinks we should plan a trip when it opens!!!
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---says WOW!
<---had two co-workers have a knock down drag out fight this afternoon
<---had to leave the department
<---has worked in same place for 28 years and never had something like that happen
<---adds that it was two of the newest employees
<---doesn't especially "like" everyone she works with, but can sure get through a day without screaming at them like a banshee
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---wonders if allwildkid is related to allwildgirl?
<---thinks she'll change her user name to allwildperson
<---would then suffer LauraMax's fate and lose all the previous post count and identity
<---thinks she'll stay buffettgirl
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<-- waves from the internship
<-- misses all y'all
<-- has to get back to it
<-- isn't *doing* much, but <-- want to stay focused ;-)
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--- waves to the OAL ;)
<--- says hi!
<--- likes the books she got with her Amazing gift certificates a lot
<--- wonders if her mom will let her keep posting?
<--- has two very hot, panting dogs
<--- waves bye for now!
<--- forgot to say that she likes Liann's snakes and lizards
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--- waves to all from Roma!!
<--- is having the time of her life
<--- went to her mother's hometown today and it was an emotional experience
<--- wildly waves at the allwildkid!!!!!
<--- loves that Miss Sophie is posting here:D :D :D
<--- is sorry for her self absorbed post but does not have time for personals
<--- only bought an hour of internet time and DH needs to use the balance
<--- will be home next week
<--- misses all a youse:* :* :*
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---waves enthusiastically at Sophie!!!
<---thinks it's cool that she's posting here
<---is also very glad that she likes what she bought with her gift certificates!
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---waves to Miss Sophie :D
<---hopes her mom will let her come and post here regularly ;)
<---is glad she got some cool new books from Amazon
<---hopes she gets those doggies cooled off soon!
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---had not yet heard about the HP theme park, but is greatly intrigued
<---is definitely up for a road trip :D
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--- has now put the allwildkid to bed ;-)
<--- couldn't think of an easier way for her to thank all of you as <--- doesn't have everyone's email addresses
<--- thought it would be fun if she posted and hopes nobody minds
<--- was supposed to run tonight but did Step Blast instead and had a blast!
<--- is, for some reason, bloated like week-old road kill in August in Arizona
<--- thinks it's that evil friend, PMS, making her presence known
<--- waves wildly at Michele in La Bella Roma
<--- is up for a Road Trip to the Harry Potter theme park!

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